Morgellons Disease Symptoms of the 13 Body Systems

Morgellons Disease Symptoms of the 13 Body Systems

Welcome to our blog! Have you ever come across the term Morgellons disease? This mysterious condition has left doctors, researchers, and the affected scratching their heads in confusion, desperately seeking answers.

Morgellons Disease symptoms may be characterized by a peculiar combination of skin sores, crawling sensations, and strange fibers protruding from the skin. But that's not all - The MD patient often reports a wide array of other symptoms that impact different systems within the body. While others report seeing no visible sores, or fibers in the skin for long periods of time.

In this comprehensive blog post, we'll take a deep dive into the intriguing world of Morgellons symptoms and how they manifest across all thirteen body systems. From the integumentary system to the reproductive system, we'll cover every aspect to help you gain a better understanding of this perplexing condition.

So get yourself a comforting cup of tea or coffee as we embark on this informative journey together. Get ready to untangle the mystery behind Morgellons Disease!

As the patient, understanding how Morgellons Disease can affect each body system is crucial for effectively managing symptoms and implementing targeted treatment approaches tailored to individual needs.

If you suspect that you may have Morgellons Disease, our best advice to you is to consider starting with a holistic approach, known as Apitherapy.

Why is this the best option, you may wonder? Well, unfortunately, many medical doctors do not acknowledge Morgellons as a true physical illness with manifestations that effect the body systems. Instead, they may view it as a mental illness or simply lack the knowledge on how to treat you.

As a result of these doctors turning their heads, those suffering from Morgellons Disease are often left to fend for themselves, struggling to find the support they need. This can take a toll on one's mental health, exacerbating the challenges faced.

That's precisely why we created Megan's Miracle - to offer you a safe place to turn to when you need help with your physical symptoms, to provide the support you deserve, and to be a trustworthy source you can rely on. 

At Megan's Miracle, we offer FREE online courses to teach you everything you need to get started with Apitherapy and bee venom skin injections from home. 

In our shop, we also, offer a vast array of custom Apitherapy cleansers, moisturizers, bee venom skin injections, supplements, and more, proven to work best in the fight against Morgellons Disease. 

Without further ado, let's unravel the Enigma and Explore the Multifaceted Effects of Morgellons Disease on the body.


What Causes Morgellons Disease Symptoms?

Morgellons Disease, an enigmatic condition, manifests with a wide array of symptoms. While the exact cause and nature of this disease remain elusive, familiarizing ourselves with its diverse manifestations can provide valuable insights.

One of the primary symptoms experienced by individuals with Morgellons Disease is the presence of skin lesions, sores, or wounds that seem to have difficulty healing. Accompanying these lesions is often an extreme itching sensation and a feeling of something crawling beneath the skin. The affected areas may also exhibit redness, inflammation, and scarring.



In addition to these skin abnormalities, many people with Morgellons Disease report the peculiar presence of unusual fibers protruding from their skin. These fibers, which come in black, white, or multicolored variations, are described as thread-like or crystalline in appearance. Despite their mysterious origin, these fibers serve as a defining characteristic of this condition.

Furthermore, individuals with Morgellons Disease commonly experience a range of neurological issues. These include brain fog, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and mood disturbances. Chronic fatigue syndrome and muscle weakness are also frequently reported.

Gastrointestinal issues are another common set of symptoms among Morgellons Disease sufferers. These can manifest as excruciating abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation (or a combination of both), bloating, nausea, and food intolerances.

Respiratory problems, such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, are frequently observed alongside the multitude of other manifestations of M.D.

Additionally, digestive system disorders, including heartburn, gas, constipation, and painful bowel movements, are also prevalent. 

Urinary system complications, such as frequent urination, burning sensations while urinating, and blood in the urine, are commonly experienced.

Muscular system weaknesses, fatigue, muscle pain, and joint pain within the skeletal system are all part of the extensive list of symptoms associated with Morgellons Disease.

In addition, circulatory system issues, like cold hands or feet, numbness, and a feeling of tightness across the chest, are also reported.

Morgellons Disease can lead to endocrine imbalances, resulting in hormonal disruptions. Reproductive challenges, including infertility and hormonal irregularities, are also observed.

Next, let's consider the Skeletal System. Morgellons has been associated with arthralgia, stiffness, and swelling. These symptoms not only affect mobility but also significantly impact the quality of life for those dealing with them.

Morgellons health complications and traits are primarily caused by inflammation in the organs and organ systems. This intriguing condition presents a range of troubling symptoms that impact multiple body systems.

Let's delve into how this inflammation manifests in each system.


Morgellons Disease Symptoms are Caused by Widespread Inflammation and Pressure Exerted on the Organs and Organ Systems

All of our body systems are greatly impacted by the intense pressure that Morgellons exerts, both internally and externally. This condition compresses the entire body from head to toe, adding extra weight and squeezing vital parts of our anatomy that are crucial for daily activities. As the disease progresses, the pressure on our limbs, organs, and organ systems only worsens.

(We'll delve deeper into the cause of this added weight and pressure in a future blog post, as it requires a significant amount of background knowledge to explain fully. If you're interested in understanding the complete cause of this condition, you can start your educational journey with Megan's Miracle online Master Courses right now. By completing courses one through five, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of every aspect involved).

How are all the body systems affected by Morgellons Disease?

Now, let's focus on the cause of the symptoms associated with Morgellons and explore what happens when the body consistently carries around additional weight, causing various parts of our anatomy to be continuously compressed.

The most devastating consequence of this added pressure is widespread inflammation that fluctuates within our body systems, cavities, and organs. This inflammation varies in severity and shifts from one location to another over time. Unfortunately, these areas of severe inflammation often go unnoticed by both healthcare professionals and those suffering from the condition.

The compression exerted on the body slowly but progressively damages our transportation systems, which cannot be detected over short periods of time. Additionally, it compresses vital pathways for bodily fluids to flow to and from our organs, such as urinary tract tubes, veins, arteries, and more. As a result, bodily fluids may become backed up or reside in incorrect locations.

This displacement of bodily fluids can lead to intense pain and serious complications within various organ systems.

For instance, synovial fluid, normally positioned between the joints to lubricate and cushion them, protects against bone-on-bone friction when we move our wrists or other joints.

Displacement of synovial fluid means that with each movement, the joints rub together, causing increased wear and tare. As a consequence, irreversible joint damage may occur.

(To be honest, this only scratches the surface of what widespread inflammation and added pressure from Morgellons Disease can do. However, we'll explore this in further detail another time. For now, all you need to understand is that this is the source and underlying cause of the unexplained health issues you're experiencing).

It's worth noting that the severity and combination of MD symptoms can vary greatly among individuals, and this is completely normal and not a cause for concern. The manifestations of MD will evolve over time, with their severity likely to fluctuate as well. It is unlikely that one person will experience all MD symptoms simultaneously.

Furthermore, everyone is unique and will be affected differently by specific symptoms. Your experience, observations, and reported severity levels may differ from others who are also dealing with Morgellons or any other medical condition.

It's important to remember that no two individuals will have identical symptoms or experiences, regardless of their health problems.

If you've found yourself on this page because you've been searching your symptoms or trying to determine if you have MD, guess what? You absolutely have Morgellons. This is not the kind of thing you run into by mistake when searching symptoms of an unknown condition online.

One more thing to mention: If you have MD, it's crucial to focus on treating Morgellons itself. While secondary infections or traits of other health conditions may develop as a result of Morgellons, it is impossible to eradicate these secondary illnesses without first addressing the primary condition in your body.

So, keep your focus where it counts and where it matters: on treating Morgellons Disease.


Get Started Eradicating MD Today

Understanding how Morgellons Disease affects each body system, allows for better management of symptoms and targeted treatment approaches tailored to individual needs.

If you suspect you have Morgellons Disease, our best advice for you, is to get started with a holistic approach, known as Apitherapy.

At Megan's Miracle, we offer FREE online courses to teach you everything you need to get started with Apitherapy and Bee Venom Skin injections from home. 

In our shop, we also, offer a vast array of custom Apitherapy cleansers, moisturizers, bee venom skin injections, supplements, and more, proven to work best in the fight against MD. 


Symptoms of Morgellons: The Integumentary System

The integumentary system, which encompasses the skin, hair, and nails, plays a significant role in Morgellons Disease and is greatly affected by it.

One of the prominent symptoms experienced within this system is the presence of fibers or filaments embedded in the skin. These fibers can have different colors and a distinct texture that sets them apart from normal hair or clothing fibers.

In addition to these peculiar fibers, individuals with Morgellons may also endure intense itching and crawling sensations on their skin.

Lesions are another prevalent issue associated with Morgellons Disease in the integumentary system. These lesions often appear as open sores or ulcers that struggle to heal properly. They may exhibit unusual characteristics, such as slow healing time or recurring in different areas of the body.

The inflammation of the skin caused by Morgellons Disease is so severe that it hampers its normal functioning, with detrimental consequences for the entire body. We should not underestimate the importance of the skin, as it serves as the body's largest organ and acts as the first line of defense against external threats like bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances.

When the skin's barrier is compromised, it can lead to further health complications.

When the skin is unable to perform its vital functions, the body becomes more susceptible to infections and other illnesses. Moreover, the body loses its ability to regulate temperature and maintain homeostasis

As a result, individuals may experience excessive sweating, chills, and fluctuations in body temperature. The inability to maintain homeostasis causes additional discomfort and disrupts daily activities. Many people also report unexplained and excessive body sweating. 

Furthermore, other symptoms that come and go throughout the course of the illness include sporadic bruising, discoloration, and changes in skin texture without any apparent cause of injury. Additionally, premature onset of wrinkles and fine lines may be observed.

Moreover, hair and nail changes are commonly noticed by individuals with Morgellons. Hair loss or thinning is frequently reported, along with nail abnormalities like brittleness or discoloration.

In summary, Morgellons Disease affects the integumentary system in various ways, making it one of the most distressing and challenging systems to manage.


Complications of Morgellons: The Nervous System

Morgellons Disease can lead to dangerous and potentially life-threatening inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

The nervous system plays a vital role in our body, controlling our thoughts, movements, and sensations, while transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body.

When the nervous system faces severe inflammation, it can result in brain fog, confusion, and memory loss. These symptoms greatly impact daily functioning, making it challenging to complete tasks or remember important information.

Perhaps one of the most perplexing abnormalities seen in the brain and spinal cord, is the presence of severe inflammation in-between the cerebellum of the brain and the spine. Which, usually results in a lump near the base of the neck, on the spine.

This lump can cause severe problems with both the spine and the cerebellum of the brain. Leading to severe complications with balance and coordination. In some cases, it can even result in benign or cancerous tumors of the spinal cord and the cerebellum.

Individuals may also experience difficulty concentrating, remembering things, and even mood swings.

Another health concern associated with the nervous system is neuropathy—damage to the nerves that can result in numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the extremities.

This can cause extreme pain and debilitation, making simple tasks like walking or holding objects difficult. It significantly affects mobility and quality of life.

In addition to these symptoms, Morgellons Disease can also trigger neurological problems like tremors, seizures, and involuntary muscle movements. These symptoms can be frightening.

The nervous system is responsible for controlling autonomic functions such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion. When the nerves are damaged, these functions can be disrupted, resulting in irregular heartbeats, breathing difficulties, and digestive issues.

Constant swelling and inflammation compromising the nervous system can lead to sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep. This, in turn, causes fatigue, irritability, and trouble concentrating during the day.

Moreover, the nervous system also regulates the body's stress response, and individuals with Morgellons may experience heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression.

These factors significantly impact mental health and overall well-being.

It's important to note that these symptoms are not exclusive to the nervous system alone, as Morgellons Disease simultaneously affects multiple body systems.


Manifestations of Morgellons: The Respiratory System

The respiratory system comprises various vital organs working harmoniously to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. It includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs.

Each component plays a crucial role in this intricate process, ensuring a continuous supply of fresh oxygen to the body and efficiently eliminating waste gases.

Morgellons disease affects the nose, nasal passageways, and sinuses in a particularly distressing manner. At the time of onset, the infection primarily targets the nose and its surrounding areas, causing significant irritation and discomfort that persists throughout the entire duration of the illness.

The lining of the nostrils thickens abnormally and becomes covered in dense, hard crusts, often obstructing the nasal passageways. This blockage hampers the individual's ability to breathe freely, contributing to a constant feeling of congestion and nasal obstruction.

Moreover, the inflammation associated with Morgellons disease somehow triggers intermittent episodes of post-nasal drip, further exacerbating the discomfort experienced by individuals affected by this condition.

Fibers and debris accumulate within the nasal cavity, adhering to the lining of the nose and intensifying the sensation of foreign material or persistent "booger-like" presence. This sensation becomes a constant source of frustration, leading many individuals to struggle with resisting the urge to pick their nose in public repeatedly.

In severe cases, some Morgellons sufferers have experienced significant bone loss in the nasal area, resulting in complete detachment of the septum from the face. This loss of structural support in the nose can give rise to numerous complications, adding to the already burdensome challenges faced by those afflicted with Morgellons disease.

MD sufferers often experience a wide array of respiratory symptoms, ranging from acute to chronic in nature. As the illness progresses, the severity of these symptoms tends to fluctuate, making it challenging for patients to predict their breathing abnormalities.

One common symptom reported amongst Morgellons sufferers is difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. This could manifest as a sensation of tightness in the chest or a feeling of being unable to take in enough air. The underlying inflammation of the respiratory organs, such as the trachea and bronchi, can lead to constriction and narrowing of the airways, making breathing a strenuous task.

Coughing is another prevalent respiratory symptom experienced by those with Morgellons disease. This persistent cough can be dry and unproductive, or it may produce mucus. The inflammatory response within the respiratory system can irritate the lining of the airways, triggering bouts of coughing as the body attempts to expel unwanted substances or clear congestion.

Some people also deal with consistent throat clearing with the constant sensation of irritants in the center of the throat. The cause of this irritation is often reported to feel like a large ball or tumor in the center of the esophagus.

This abnormality often persists for a minimum of one year after onset and then, subsides for a short period of time. However, this irritation often comes and goes at random for the rest of the time individuals are afflicted with MD.

In some cases, individuals with Morgellons disease may develop respiratory infections due to compromised immune function. The inflamed respiratory organs become more susceptible to invading bacteria or viruses, leading to conditions such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

These infections further exacerbate the already compromised respiratory system, intensifying the symptoms experienced by Morgellons patients.

The respiratory system, consisting of various interconnected organs, plays an indispensable role in maintaining the body's oxygen supply and eliminating waste gases. In individuals with Morgellons disease, inflammation of these respiratory organs can significantly impact their overall well-being.

Many patients with MD have found that taking antihistamines long term, every 24 hours on a daily basis, has significantly lowered the symptoms they experience with the respiratory system. The best antihistamine to take is Allegra 24 hour capsules. Which, you can get from most local pharmacies or on amazon. 

It is important to note that antihistamines must be taken every 24 hours for two to four weeks before most people notice a significant difference in the severity of their respiratory symptoms. 

During certain times when respiratory symptoms are exacerbated and way worse than usual, many have reported relief from taking more antihistamines, in addition to their usual 24 hour capsule.

The best second antihistamine to add to your routine, on an as needed basis, is Children's Allegra 6 hour dissolvable tablets or liquid formula. This can also be found at most local pharmacies or online via Amazon.

Understanding the manifestations of Morgellons within the respiratory system sheds light on the challenges faced by those living with this enigmatic condition. By acknowledging and addressing these respiratory symptoms, we can strive to improve the quality of life for individuals affected by Morgellons disease.


Manifestations of Morgellons: The Sensory System

The sensory system is a subset of the nervous system and includes the sensory organs, including the eyes, nose, tongue, ears, and the skin. 

The inflammation that M.D causes in this system effects Morgellons patients' 5 senses. The 5 senses includes sight, taste, hearing, smell, and touch. 

One of the most detrimental losses that some individuals face with MD is total vision loss in one or both eyes. This is accompanied by long term, extreme pressure and pain in the eyes, and can result in the eyes swelling shut, in addition to vision loss. Some people have reported having eyelids that were glued or sewed together, sometimes for months at a time. Individuals who have experienced this, luckily do get their vision back, several years later, most of the time. 

People who have had total vision loss from MD often go blink one night, in their sleep. And the eye pain and other symptoms tend to get much worse around 9 pm at night.

Before the onset of vision loss, Morgellons patients often develop a ton of other eye complications as a direct result of the swelling. Eye inflammation causes Blurry vision, floaters, eye pain, red eyes, and sensitivity to light. 

The vision changes are often severe and affect activities of daily living. 

Another severe symptom that can occur as a secondary complication of Morgellons Disease is total hearing loss. Hearing loss with this condition often comes and goes. The onset of impaired hearing often occurs during or after showering. Patients usually complain of having water stuck in their ears.

Swollen ears when left untreated often result in ear pain, itching and irritation, redness, pressure or fullness inside the eye, scaly skin in & around the ear, drainage from the ear, sore throat, trouble sleeping, crying more than usual, fussiness, and trouble hearing or responding.

People with M.D often experience taste sensitivities, changes, and sometimes, loss of taste too.

Overall, the sensory system is dramatically impacted with this condition and the only means of preventing it, is by getting rid of the manifestation of MD all together.


Symptoms of Morgellons: The Digestive and Excretory Systems

The digestive system plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being, making it essential to understand how Morgellons Disease can impact this system. Symptoms of the disease can manifest within the digestive system, leading to various complications.

Complications arise from inflammation within the digestive tract, resulting in a swollen stomach and intestines. This inflammation significantly affects the digestion process, causing discomfort, bloating, and pain. It can also trigger episodes of diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of both.

Additionally, individuals may experience nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, making it challenging to maintain a healthy diet and obtain proper nutrition. Some may even encounter stomach ulcers or acid reflux, leading to upper abdominal pain and discomfort, making certain foods or even water consumption problematic.

Inflammation within the digestive system can disrupt the absorption of essential nutrients, leading to deficiencies in vital vitamins and minerals. Such deficiencies can have detrimental effects on overall health and weaken the immune system.


Furthermore, individuals with Morgellons may also notice fluctuations in weight due to the impact on their digestive system.

Abdominal pain is a common symptom of Morgellons Disease affecting the digestive system. This discomfort can range from mild to severe, causing cramping and hindering proper food intake and digestion.

Imbalances within the gastrointestinal tract may result in frequent loose stools or difficulties in passing stool. These disruptions in bowel movements can intensify abdominal pain and discomfort further.

Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool may also occur, indicating potential inflammation or irritation within the digestive tract.

Other symptoms related to the digestive system can include difficulty swallowing or the sensation of food getting stuck, excessive gas or bloating, changes in bowel habits or frequency, nausea or vomiting after eating, loss of appetite or feeling full quickly, and cravings for specific foods, particularly those high in sugar or carbohydrates.

In summary, Morgellons Disease can have various impacts on the digestive system, causing discomfort and disrupting daily life. Understanding these effects can aid in managing symptoms and improving overall well-being.


Distressing Traits Of Morgellons Disease: The Urinary System

The urinary system plays a crucial role in eliminating waste products from our bodies. When affected by Morgellons Disease, this system can also exhibit symptoms.

One common issue that individuals may experience is frequent urination or an increased urgency to urinate. It can be alarming when accompanied by blood in the urine, especially if there is pain or a burning sensation during urination.

Some people with Morgellons Disease report experiencing symptoms similar to those seen in bladder infections. The key difference is that these symptoms persist for several months or even longer without any relief.

Another manifestation that may arise within the urinary system is bladder dysfunction. This can manifest as difficulties in completely emptying the bladder or experiencing involuntary leakage of urine (urinary incontinence). Such issues can significantly impact quality of life.

In certain cases, individuals with Morgellons Disease may develop kidney problems. Symptoms like flank pain, leg swelling, and changes in urine output could indicate involvement of the kidneys.

While not exclusive to the urinary system, some individuals with Morgellons Disease may also experience skin lesions and sores in the genital area. These lesions can cause discomfort and further complicate daily activities.


Symptoms of Morgellons: The Skeletal System

The skeletal system plays a critical role in providing support, protection, and structure to our bodies.

One health problem related to the skeletal system that is caused by the pressure exerted on the body from MD, is bone loss. The extra weight and compression that is constantly exerted on the skeletal system from Morgellons, causes the bones to break down over time. This leads to erosion and progressive bone density loss over time. 

Women are more likely to experience more bone density loss from MD than men. However, both men and women have reported frequent, multiple fractures and broken bones that occur without cause or previous injury. This is seen more often in individuals whom have had Morgellons for more than 20 years.

Additionally, chronic inflammation can stimulate the release of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream. When blood levels of calcium fall too low, the body triggers a mechanism in which the bones release calcium to compensate.

This process, known as bone resorption, can lead to weakened bones, making individuals more susceptible to fractures or osteoporosis. Furthermore, the disruption in calcium regulation in Morgellons disease can also affect other aspects of skeletal health, such as bone density and overall bone strength.

In severe cases, individuals may experience easy fractures or breaks in their bones. This can be particularly concerning for the elderly or those with pre-existing bone conditions.

Alongside bone loss, Morgellons Disease can also cause pain in the joints and stiffness. Inflammation in the joints restricts mobility and makes daily activities challenging.

Furthermore, inflammation within the body's transport systems and collection ducts can displace synovial fluid away from the joints. Leading to the breakdown and corrosion of .the joints over time, leading to the onset of other health conditions like Arthritis, down the road.

Arthralgia is a common symptom associated with the skeletal system in individuals with Morgellons Disease. It brings discomfort or inflammation to the joints, hindering free movement.

This can impact everyday activities like walking or picking up objects.

In addition to Arthralgia, some individuals may develop bone abnormalities. These abnormalities can include changes in bone density or shape, leading to conditions such as Osteoporosis or other complications.

Another trait that can affect the skeletal system is muscle weakness. Weakness in the muscles surrounding the bones makes it challenging for individuals with Morgellons Disease to maintain proper posture and perform physical activities without discomfort or fatigue. 

Bad posture, over time, can cause spinal dysfunction and joint degeneration. and  can significantly impact the skeletal system. So, individuals with MD should put forth an effort to maintain proper posture whenever possible. 

To further aid in protecting the skeletal system and the bones from damage, people with MD should exercise often and stretch even more frequently. We suggest spending a minimum of 15 minutes a day, stretching or doing yoga.

It's important to note that while these symptoms are associated with Morgellons Disease and its impact on the skeletal system, they can vary from person to person.


Manifestations of Morgellons: The Muscular System

The muscular system plays a crucial role in our body's movement, stability, and posture. When it comes to Morgellons Disease, the symptoms that affect the muscular system can be quite distressing for those who experience this condition.

One of the most common symptoms affecting the muscular system in Morgellons Disease is muscle pain. This pain can be widespread and may impact different parts of the body, including the arms, legs, back, and neck.

Inflammation in the muscles leads to stiffness, which can make it difficult for individuals to move freely and carry out daily activities. This stiffness can also cause muscle spasms or cramps, resulting in discomfort and pain.

Another manifestation that may impact the muscular system is muscle weakness. This weakness can pose challenges for individuals in performing physical tasks and can also affect their balance and coordination. It may even result in difficulties maintaining proper posture.

It's important to note that these symptoms can vary from person to person and may not affect everyone with Morgellons Disease equally. However, understanding these potential effects can help individuals manage their condition.


Health Complications of M.D: The Circulatory System

Health complications of the circulatory system can vary from person to person, often involving issues with blood flow and circulation.

Inflammation of the circulatory system can lead to constriction of veins and arteries, making it challenging for blood to flow freely. This can result in symptoms such as cold hands and feet, numbness or tingling sensations, and skin discoloration.

One of the most common complaints sufferers of MD have regarding the circulatory system involves an intense, intolerable pain accompanied by numbness and sometimes, tingling in the forearms, wrists, and/or hands. This pain sensation usually occurs early in the morning and late at night and persists for several months and in other cases, for many years. 

This painful complication has also been reported to spread to the lower legs, ankles, and feet too. For some, this even led to extremities turning blue or black in color for days or even, weeks at a time, from the lack of blood flow. 

Lack of circulation can cause tissue death and necrosis if left untreated and individuals will risk amputation of the limb where necrotic tissue is present. However, this is only one of the complications associated with this severe lack of blood flow patients with MD experience.

In some cases, individuals may also get muscle cramps or pain due to poor circulation. The muscles don't receive enough oxygen and nutrients from the blood, leading to discomfort and weakness.

Another complication associated with the circulatory system in Morgellons Disease is blood vessel damage. Inflammation can cause the development of spider veins or varicose veins.

Many people with Morgellons have had many varicose veins appear all over the body throughout their entire life, both before and after the onset of MD. These can be easily removed if desired through minimally invasive procedures.

In severe cases, poor circulation can lead to blood clots that may travel to vital organs like the heart or brain. This can cause symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty speaking or moving, requiring immediate medical attention.

Additionally, individuals with Morgellons Disease may experience heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, or high blood pressure due to the impact on their circulatory system.

Monitoring blood pressure and heart health regularly is essential for managing the condition.

Some individuals may also experience chronic fatigue, which can be attributed to reduced blood flow throughout the body.

Changes in skin, such as discoloration or slow-healing lesions, can occur due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients reaching the skin too.

It's important for individuals with Morgellons Disease to be aware of these potential symptoms and seek medical guidance to address any complications that may arise. By monitoring their symptoms and receiving appropriate treatment, individuals can manage their condition effectively. 

We suggest you get a routine check up with your primary care doctor more often than usual, to have all the routine tests completed. To avoid any excess complications associated with the circulatory system and so you can catch any problems right away.

By catching new or worsening circulatory problems right away, like a heart arrythmia or plaque build up in the arteries, you can avoid permanent damage to the components and organs of the circulatory system. Because there are many medications available to fix these types of health problems, before it becomes a problem. As long as you catch it early enough.

Another thing you can do to defeat the problems that arise from inflammation in the circulatory system is, get started with bee venom therapy. In addition to bee venom therapy, apitherapy is also a very effective way to significantly lower inflammation in all of the body's systems. You can get started in our apitherapy protocol for MD by visiting Megan's Miracle at

Bee venom therapy is the controlled administration of very small amounts of purified honeybee venom through subcutaneous injections.
Bee venom is proven effective against blood clots, plaque build up, inflammation in the circulatory system, and so much more.


You can learn more about our program and our products, and how you can get started on your journey to regain back control of your health, in our online education Master Courses here: Megan's Miracle Master Classes for Defeating Morgellons Disease. Our online courses are completely free and all you need is your email to sign up.

Health Problems of Morgellons: The Reproductive System

Morgellons Disease can also affect the reproductive system, although the symptoms in this area may vary from person to person.

Some individuals with Morgellons may experience changes in their menstrual cycles such as irregular periods or heavy bleeding. Others may notice pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Long-term inflammation in the reproductive system can lead to ovarian cysts or fibroids, causing symptoms like pelvic pain, bloating, and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Additionally, inflammation can interfere with ovulation, which may contribute to fertility issues.

In men, Morgellons Disease can cause inflammation in the testicles, resulting in pain and discomfort. It can also lead to an enlarged prostate gland commonly observed in men over the age of 35. Symptoms include frequent urination, difficulty urinating, and pain during ejaculation, which worsen over time.

Rarely, Morgellons Disease can affect the development of reproductive organs in children and adolescents, leading to delayed puberty or abnormal growth patterns.

Aside from the physical symptoms, it's important to acknowledge the psychological effects on the reproductive system as well. Many individuals with Morgellons report feeling anxious or depressed about their condition, which can impact their libido and overall sexual well-being.

Many sufferers report being concerned or afraid to participate in sexual intercourse or even acts of intimacy, like hugging or holding hands, for more than 5 years after the onset of MD.

Lastly, it is essential to note that while Morgellons Disease can affect the reproductive system, it is not considered a sexually transmitted infection.


Negative impacts of Morgellons: The Endocrine System

The endocrine system, responsible for regulating various bodily functions through hormone release, is also affected in Morgellons Disease. This can lead to a variety of symptoms that may affect individuals' overall well-being.

One common symptom related to the endocrine system is hormonal imbalances. This can result in irregular menstrual cycles, changes in libido, mood swings, and even depression. It's essential to keep an eye on these changes and seek appropriate support.

Hormonal imbalances can also contribute to weight fluctuations, making it challenging for individuals to maintain a healthy body weight. It's important to focus on self-care and maintaining a balanced lifestyle during this time.

In some cases, Morgellons Disease can lead to the development of thyroid disorders. This can cause symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, and sensitivity to cold or heat due to an underactive or overactive thyroid gland. Medical guidance can help manage these symptoms effectively.

Additionally, the adrenal glands may be impacted, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and changes in blood pressure. Adrenal fatigue occurs when these glands become overworked due to stress, a common trigger for activating or worsening the symptoms of MD. Taking steps to manage stress levels is crucial for overall well-being.

Morgellons Disease can also impact the pancreas, affecting insulin production and leading to symptoms of diabetes. Increased thirst, frequent urination, and blurred vision are some warning signs to watch out for. Regular check-ups and monitoring are essential in managing these symptoms.

Overall, the endocrine system plays a vital role in maintaining our body's balance, and any disruptions caused by Morgellons Disease can have a significant impact on our overall health. Remember to seek medical assistance and prioritize self-care to support your well-being.


Distressing Features of MD: The Immune System

The symptoms associated with the immune system in Morgellons Disease are closely linked to inflammation and compromised skin protection.

The immune system plays a crucial role in defending the body against bacteria, viruses, and parasites. In cases of Morgellons Disease, the immune system can become compromised, leading to a higher risk of infections and other health complications.

Among the most prevalent symptoms of immune system involvement in Morgellons Disease are skin infections, such as staph or fungal infections, along with chronic skin inflammation. These manifestations can cause redness, swelling, and itching, exacerbating the symptoms further.

In its continuous effort to restore homeostasis, the immune system can become overactive, triggering an autoimmune response. This, in turn, can result in Arthralgia, muscle aches, and fatigue.

Additionally, stress and inflammation caused by Morgellons Disease can also lead to an overactive immune system. Consequently, the production of histamine may be induced, triggering allergic reactions and intensifying skin-related symptoms.

Morgellons Disease can also impact T-cells, a type of white blood cell responsible for fighting off infections. As a result, the immune response may weaken, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses.

It is worth noting that many individuals with Morgellons Disease have also been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition either before or after its onset.

Chronic inflammation and immune system dysfunction in Morgellons Disease are believed to be capable of triggering or worsening existing autoimmune conditions as well.

Furthermore, the psychological impact of Morgellons Disease can also affect the immune system. Stress, anxiety, and depression can all strain the immune system, making it harder for the body to combat infections and maintain overall health.

In some cases, individuals with Morgellons Disease may experience frequent allergies and sensitivities to various substances, including chemicals, medications, and foods. This hypersensitivity is a result of the immune system being in a constant state of hyperactivity.

The persistent and severe inflammation experienced by the body and its systems forces the immune system to work excessively, making it challenging to fend off infections and other illnesses. Consequently, the immune system weakens, rendering the individual more vulnerable to various health issues.

Overall, the symptoms associated with immune system involvement in Morgellons Disease can significantly impact an individual's quality of life.


Health Complications of Morgellons Disease: The Lymphatic System

Dealing with complications related to the lymphatic system can be quite challenging. The symptoms often arise from increased pressure on the lymph nodes and the extra workload placed on this vital system.

The lymphatic system serves as an essential waste remover, helping to eliminate toxins, excess fluid, and waste from the body. It also plays a crucial role in supporting our immune system by defending against infections and diseases.

When inflammation occurs within the lymphatic system, it can lead to swollen lymph nodes that are sensitive and painful to the touch. This discomfort can extend to the surrounding areas such as the neck, armpits, and groin, causing additional swelling and discomfort.

If left untreated, persistent inflammation in the lymphatic system can progress to a condition known as lymphedema. Lymphedema occurs when the lymph nodes and vessels become damaged, resulting in fluid buildup and swelling in the affected area. This condition can cause not only discomfort but also limited mobility and an increased susceptibility to infections.

Individuals with Morgellons Disease may also experience swollen lymph nodes in these areas due to the body's continuous immune response.

In the case of Morgellons Disease specifically, the lymphatic system can become congested and overwhelmed, leading to a wide range of symptoms. These symptoms may include chronic fatigue, muscle aches, and swelling in the limbs. The congestion can also contribute to lymphedema, where fluid accumulates in the tissues, causing discomfort and swelling.

Unfortunately, this can worsen existing skin symptoms and impede the body's natural healing process.

It's worth noting that the lymphatic system also plays a role in digestion. When it malfunctions, it can manifest symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and food sensitivities, further impacting an individual's overall health and well-being.

To summarize, the symptoms associated with the involvement of the lymphatic system in Morgellons Disease can significantly affect an individual's daily life and contribute to their overall health complications.



Morgellons Disease is a complex condition that can have a profound impact on various systems in the body, leading to a wide range of symptoms. The most significant complication of this condition is the chronic inflammation it induces, exerting pressure on organs and organ systems.

The skin, nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, lymphatic system, skeletal muscular system, circulatory system, and respiratory system can all be affected by Morgellons Disease. This can result in a variety of symptoms that significantly affect an individual's quality of life.

Furthermore, the pressure and inflammation experienced throughout the body can give rise to several health complications such as chronic fatigue, joint pain, and digestive issues.

These complications may also trigger the development of other health conditions like heart failure, bone loss or arthritis, tumors/cancer, autoimmune diseases like Celiac's disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and more.

Although there is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding Morgellons Disease, it remains vital to address its symptoms in order to provide relief for those who are affected.


Megan's Miracle for Morgellons Disease

If people who suffer from Morgellon's do not learn about all the complications that can result from their condition, they cannot take the proper steps necessary to maintain their health in it's current state, let alone, get better.

This is why our team at Megans Miracle are committed to helping individuals with MD regain control of their health, educate them on what they need to know, and provide a safe place to sufferers that they can trust and where we can provide support.

Megan's Miracle Protocol was built just for you and is designed to meet all of your personal needs. Our protocol focuses on addressing the root cause behind the symptoms of MD, which is widespread inflammation.

Our approach to overcoming Morgellons Disease centers around Apitherapy, a proven holistic alternative to modern medicine that utilizes 100% natural treatments, derived from honeybee products.

The best part about using only 100% natural actives to formulate remedies, treatments, & medicines is this prevents Morgellons from adapting to what your using, both short term and long term. By utilizing natural remedies, concerns about immunity can be alleviated.

To learn more about how Apitherapy works and its benefits, consider enrolling in online Master Courses here.
In our courses, you will discover a step-by-step proven method that leads to significant progress and ultimate eradication of Morgellons.
And, don't worry, We will guide you through protocol, every step of the way. You are not alone.


To kickstart your path towards regaining control of your health and wellness, we have provided some helpful tips below:

1. Support your immune health: A strong immune system plays a crucial role in managing any disease or condition. Focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables while minimizing processed foods and excessive sugar intake. Additionally, consider incorporating immune-boosting supplements such as vitamin C or probiotics. 

For more free tips on reducing symptoms and overcoming Morgellons, be sure to check out our FREE diet protocols on our website,, including our FREE Low Mold Diet and our FREE Gluten Free Diet designed to support a fast recovery and combat Morgellons symptoms.


2. Reduce inflammation: Chronic inflammation often accompanies various chronic illnesses, including Morgellons Disease. Explore lifestyle changes that can help reduce inflammation, such as regular exercise (with your doctor's approval), stress management techniques like meditation or yoga, and prioritizing sufficient sleep.


3. Seek support from patient groups: Joining support groups dedicated to individuals facing similar conditions can provide invaluable emotional support and a platform for sharing experiences. Look for online forums or local group meetings where you can connect with others who can relate to your challenges. This way, you won't feel alone on your journey towards regaining full health.


We highly recommend embarking on your wellness journey to eliminate Morgellons (if you haven't already done so) by completing our FREE online Master Courses, specially designed by Megans Miracle.

Our courses will equip you with the knowledge and solutions necessary to defeat your adversary and regain control of your health.



What about you? 

Have you experienced most of the symptoms mentioned above? Is there anything you think needs to be added to this post that others may also relate to?

Let me know in the comment section below. 




Audio Player 1: Section Introduction to MD Symptoms through Section: Respiratory System 


Audio Player 2: Section: Digestive & Excretory Systems through Section: Endocrine System 

Audio Player 3: Section: Immune System through Section: Conclusion

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Nice to know there’s at least something out there just trying to this disease I just ran across within the last 6 months that I might have morgellons after living with it for 9 years

Ricky Bland

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