Low Mold Foods

Mold illness from toxic levels of mold build-up in the body requires a 2 way treatment plan. You must remove all mold from your environment to prevent constant re-exposure. Mold toxicity is often one of the causes of Morgellons Disease Symptoms.

You can read more about Dr. Jill's experience and the techniques she used to get mold out of her home using the links below:

The next step in treating mold illness is giving your body the support it needs to detoxify naturally. Following a low-mold diet is a powerful way to lend your body a helping hand. 

Why a Low-Mold Diet?

    1. It prevents mycotoxins from multiplying in your body systems by limiting contaminated food and the sources that feed them.
    2. It aids in reversing nutrient deficiencies and imbalances.
    3. It helps bring your immune functions back and minimizes inflammation.  
    4. It limits exposure to processed foods(often filled with gluten) that feed candida and yeast.

Getting Started

To maintain a low mold lifestyle you should avoid foods with additives at all costs. Keep your diet simple and NATURAL. Stay away from processed foods. Whenever possible use fresh, raw ingredients only. Avoid pre-packaged foods with a long expiration date.

Limit consumption of foods with added sugar. Stick to natural sources of sugar. For example, instead of drinking bottled, concentrated fruit juice... try juicing fresh produce yourself.

When it comes to dried fruits and vegetables, it's best to stay clear. These types of foods are high-mold foods. Try fresh chopped fruits & vegetables instead. 

Avoid packaged, pre-cooked, and encased meats that are loaded with unhealthy preservatives to keep them fresh longer. Instead of buying hotdogs or sausage links... try organic, grass-fed meats. It's best to avoid grain-fed meat sources because grains often contain gluten and this feeds mold growth.

Always avoid natural sources of mold known as fungi. These foods increase the amounts of mold in the body. This includes foods like mushrooms. Of course, you'll also need to avoid gluten and wheat as this fuels mold growth.

Avoid the following foods completely:

  • processed foods with additives & unnatural sugars
  • gluten-containing foods like wheat bread and wheat pasta
  • Edible Fungi like mushrooms & truffles
  • Foods near or past the expiration date
  • grain fed or smoked meats

 What types of foods should you eat?

  1. Gluten-Free Grains
  2. Starchy vegetables & legumes
  3. Low-sugar fruits like blueberries, apples, avocados
  4. Homemade Probiotic foods like kefir, kimchi, & yogurt are great(unless you have a histamine intolerance)
  5. Poultry(grass-fed): Chicken, eggs, turkey, quail, pheasant
  6. Fish: Salmon, tuna, anchovy, sardines, flounder, catfish, caviar
  7. Meat(grass-fed): Beef, goat, lamb, buffalo, wild game, rabbit
  8. Raw nuts & seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds, pecans, sesame seeds
  9. Leafy Greens: Romaine, kale, collard greens, spinach, turnip greens, green and red cabbage
  10. Vegetables: pumpkins, squash, eggplants, zucchini, Cucumbers, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers
  11. Herbs: Parsley, cilantro, basil, chives, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, tarragon, etc.
  12. Spices: Pure vanilla, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, pink Himalayan salt, wasabi, horseradish
  13. Healthy Fats: Olive Oil, coconut oil, coconut milk, ghee, organic butter
  14. Dairy: Organic sources without added sugar
  15. Beverages: filtered water only. no tap water! And fresh, organic teas & juices without additives.


Add Detox Binders into your supplement routine:

Detox binders actually “bind” to mycotoxins like mold in your body preventing the toxins from binding to your body structures and organs. The most effective detox binders that I recommend include: 

You can also try GI detoxifying supplements. Just be sure you only consume supplements without any additives. Always double check your sources.

 Take Detox-Enhancing Supplements:

Taking the supplements listed below will aid in a quicker, more efficient detoxification. Plus, these are effective cure ingredients you can add in to your routine to aid in the fight against Morgellons Disease:

Please note: All of the recommended detoxifying supplements above are also listed in your Stage 1-5 handouts as internal remedies. You may take these supplements throughout the entire duration of your recovery or utilize them when suggested during your protocol stages.

<3 As always, be sure to remember:

I understand. I am in this fight with you. I am here to help you. You are not alone. Don't give up. Stay strong. I am proud of you for each & every day. If I can do it, you can too.   

Love, Megan Marie