Bee Venom Common Questions

1. Is your bee venom powder ethically sourced?

Absolutely! Without honeybees... our treatment for Morgellons Disease would no longer be possible. Protecting our bees is vital.

Our suppliers are carefully selected and specialize in Cruelty-Free Bee Venom. The bees are never killed and their venom bags are never collected or removed from the bees. The devices used are very safe for the honeybees. After collection, the beehive population always remains intact, and the colony's lifespan is never affected.

2. What is the shelf life of your honeybee venom powder?

Our cosmetic grade venom powder and our medical grade venom (comes with our Apitherapy Kit) can be stored for several weeks at room temperature, but it should be stored cold and dark if possible. Always keep the venom powder stored in a container with the lid securely sealing the vial/jar.

In the freezer, venom can maintain optimal quality for several years. Venom powder is best stored for:

  • 3 weeks at 25 - 30°C.
  • 3 months: 4º C
  • 5 years: -20º C 

Bee venom maintains optimal quality when in powder form and if possible, should be kept separate from liquids until ready to be used. This is why our Bee Venom Therapy Kit comes with the saline and venom powder in separate containers instead of a pre-mixed solution.

4. What's the difference between medical grade and cosmetic grade venom?

Medical grade venom powder is more labor-intensive to produce and takes longer, which is reflected in the price. Medical-grade is less potent as it is composed of 100% melittin only. Our Medical Grade Bee Venom and Medical Grade Bee Venom Therapy Kit is best for beginners just getting started with venom therapies. 

You'll find cosmetic grade venom available for purchase as an additive for your soaps, moisturizers, & conditioners here: Venom Powder for topical use

And our Natural Grade Bee Venom Therapy Kit which contains a more powerful venom as it contains all of the beneficial components naturally found in honeybee venom including melittin, apamin, phospholipase A2, histamine, etc. It is best for intermediate and experienced users. 

4. How much Bee Venom is equal to a bee sting?

Approximately 10,000 bee stings are equivalent to 1 gram of venom powder (regular, cosmetic grade) of top quality, according to most studies. So, that means one bee sting is equal to approximately 0.1 mg of dried bee venom if we had to provide our most accurate estimate.

5. What Is the Lethal Dose of Bee Venom for Humans?

The lethal dose, often abbreviated as LD50, is a measure of how much of a particular substance is needed to kill half the test population. All substances have an LD50, including water. 

In the case of bee venom, the lethal dose for humans is between 2.8 and 3.5 mg of venom per kg of body weight. Researchers discovered that the average human weighs roughly 62 kg or 136 pounds. 

This means that the lethal dose for the average 136-pound human is roughly 173.6 to 217 mg of bee venom. 

6. How Many Bee Stings Would Kill a Human?

According to the Merck Manual, the average person that does not test positive for the bee antigen via blood serum allergy test, can withstand quite a few stings: 22 stings per kilogram of body weight. Using the average 62 kg human, that means an adult could withstand well over 1,300 stings. Children are smaller and may not tolerate a sting as well. 


About Our Bee Venom Apitherapy Injection Kit

1. What is the shelf life for the bee venom solution after mixing it? 

Once the venom powder is combined with liquid, it lasts approximately 60 days if stored at 2° to 4° C in a sealed sterile vile before the quality begins to diminish. This is why our Apitherapy Injection Kit comes with the venom powder and saline solution separate.

3. Where can I find further instruction and information on how to use the Apitherapy injection kit?

You can download the following .PDF guide for step by step written instructions here or watch the video: how-to mix your venom solution here.

Additional information about our bee venom at Megan's Miracle and About Apitherapy can be found on the: About Our Bee Venom page

3. Can live bees be used instead of venom injections?

For some, live bees are more accessible, especially if you know a farmer who sells them. However, keeping live honeybees in your home can be quite a difficult task. The lifespan of honeybees kept in the home for personal use is approximately 3 weeks or less... if you know how to care for them properly.

Using live bees does not necessarily mean it will be more cost effective. And, venom straight from the source does not mean it will be more effective. It is important to note that live bees will die after 1 treatment because if their stinger gets stuck in your skin, you cannot easily remove the bee without killing it.

Using live bees can be detrimental to your health because the venom injected into the skin from the honeybee has not been purified and will most likely contain a much higher percentage of allergens and various other impurities like bacteria, pollen, etc.

With Megan's Miracle Bee Venom Therapy Kits (available for purchase August 20, 2023) you will get a small dose of a bee sting under controlled circumstances. This allows you to slowly increase the amount of melittin (main active component found in venom) administered into your body. So, you can build up resistance safely, and increase the dosage as high as you need to. 

Our Bee Venom Therapy Kits are sterile and much safer because it utilizes medical grade venom only that has been purified and lab verified for top quality and maximum benefits. Official documentation provided by the laboratory testing facilities is available upon request for both cosmetic grade and medical grade venom used at Megans Miracle. 


To learn more about Apitherapy see: About Apitherapy here