Megan's Miracle Environment Protocol

When you first get started on Megan's Miracle Protocol and begin your journey to a full recovery from Morgellons Disease, your environment comes last on the list of importance.

It is best to begin cleaning, disinfecting, decluttering and treating your environment in the later stages or even, near the end of protocol. To avoid wasting time and saving yourself a ton of frustration.

As  I am sure most of you are already aware, it is simply, just impossible to get ahead when it comes to your home and surrounding environment. Most of the time, cleaning leads to nothing more than endless frustration. It is an impossible task that can't ever be completed. Before you are finished cleaning the surface in front of you... it is already covered in debris again when you have Morgellons. 

The idea that your environment is constantly "re-infecting" you is false and honestly, impossible. You can not be re-infected by something you are already infected with. The environment is not the source or the cause of Morgellons Disease and can not prevent you or slow your recovery.

However, this is not to say that long term exposure and living in an infested home with infected individuals will not eventually, infect a person... because this can happen and over time will absolutely lead to infection if you do nothing to prevent it. But again, it takes LONG-TERM EXPOSURE and years for the organisms to infect you enough to cause symptoms like this.

The same applies for your clothing and bedding. It is not anything to be concerned about. And can be easily taken care of and fixed AFTER you have properly treated yourself and your body. 

While you are following Megan's Miracle Protocol, using Megan's Miracle Soap & products, and practicing apitherapy... there is no way the environment could ever pose a threat towards you. So, there is no reason to worry. The organisms will be incapable of producing biofilm that sticks to you or your body within a week of beginning Apitherapy and using your treatment soap.

Focus during protocol needs to be shifted away from the environment until you can get through the beginning stages of your recovery. Just until you are feeling better and able to handle the tasks that need to get done in order to effectively treat your home. 

So, take your time and don't get started on your environment until you are ready to handle it. 

As a reminder, the utmost important part of your recovery and all of your focus must be on YOU and TREATING YOURSELF FIRST. If you ever want to clear your environment of Morgellons... this is the only way it can be done.

This means, you can expect your environment to remain infested with Morgellons until you can first, get them off of your body. 

It's important to note, that you will not experience any visible results immediately, when you begin treating your environment and following the suggestions below. This is normal. And, it does not mean that what you are doing with your environment is not working or helping... It simply, just takes time.

Keep in mind, it is going to be extremely difficult to monitor the changes in your home when you are using Megan's Miracle Soaps, Apitherapy Kit, and Products and still shedding from the body. My best suggestion to you is again, keep your focus where it matters- on you and your health.

The environment is much easier to deal with once you begin to feel better and your symptoms begin to lesson. It will be easier to clean when you have more energy. It will be even easier to figure out where/what is a source of the problem once the Morgs have cleared out from in/around your eyes and your vision is better. Amongst the many reasons the environment should be one of your last concerns and never be your focus throughout your recovery. 


Steps you should take early in recovery

to help maintain the environment and prevent spread of organisms from your body into your environment as you begin to shed and heal.

Pro Tip: Before you begin using Megan's Miracle Soap Level 5X or higher, and/or get started with Megans Miracle Apitherapy Kit make sure you have a top-quality vacuum ready for daily use. 

Because your floors are going to get covered in bugs. The easiest way to clean up all of the shavings and debris (its a lot more than you are thinking it is going to be) is sucking them up. Then, disposing of them in the trash outside of the home.

If affordable, I suggest investing in as robot vacuum that is able to run itself. The better quality the vacuum, the better.  One with a self-empty feature is probably a good idea too. This will help save you a lot of time.

Tips to help you form good habits 

that will stop inviting more organisms into your home. And, lower attraction levels between not just Morgs but other insects too. Its a good idea to begin practicing routines now to form habits that will stick long-term, to help prevent re-infestations in the future.

Follow the simple routines below and work to turn them into life-long habits. Form these habits to promote Life long changes.

The following tips are key aspects for your environment protocol:

  • Clean up your crumbs!

Keep food crumbs out of the home, car and out of your environment by following an after-meal clean up routine. 5 minutes of clean up after your meals can make a huge impact.

Immediately after you finish eating and/or drinking, clean up your mess. Wipe down the surface area where you ate and make sure you dry up any spills or liquids too. Use a vacuum to suck up any debris/crumbs that fell on the floor around the area you eat after wiping the surfaces. 

  • Don't keep high mold foods in your kitchen, fridge, or home!

Dispose of any & all food sources containing mold or foods which are likely to grow mold. Be sure to empty the kitchen, pantry, fridge, and even the freezer of these types of foods. 

Not sure what kinds of foods are considered high mold foods? Review Megan's Miracle Diet Protocol, familiarize yourself with differences of food properties that make it high mold vs low mold. And, check out my Low Mold Food List here for examples of what types of foods are best and safe to keep in your home.

  • Dispose of any & all food sources that contain gluten and/or wheat flour!

Not familiar with what kinds of foods contain gluten? A common misconception is that wheat and gluten are the same thing. This is false and there are many types of foods in-between that do not contain gluten or wheat. To learn more about what kinds of foods you'll need to clean out of your kitchen see Megan's Miracle Diet Protocol and the Gluten Free Foods List.

Treating the Environment

Now that you understand why your environment needs to be your lowest priority  task during protocol, lets discuss a few things that will actually make an impact on your environment and when to get started on them. 

During my personal recovery, what I found most effective was utilizing my Apitherapy environment spray formulated with the Honeybee 5 active ingredients.

To begin repelling the organisms out and away from your environment, you can get started spraying your home and car with Megan's Miracle Honeybee Room  & Linen Spray.

For best results, it is recommended you spray 3x weekly up to 2x daily in your home and car. Honeybee Spray is used in all the cracks, crevices, corners, and edges found within and around your home and vehicle.

The active, natural ingredients in the Honeybee spray help get rid of the organisms that shed off your body that can end up in your environment as you continue to heal too. 

Honeybee Room  & Linen Spray is 100% safe to use on every type of surface found in your home and vehicle. It is safe to spray around children, adults, and pets of all sizes, shapes, and ages. 

Only skin safe ingredients are used to formulate our environment solution incase any of the spray should get on you or your clothing as you use it. 

Just be sure to keep your sprays light and fast. A quick spritz is all that is needed for the spray to be effective. It is too expensive to waste and will not be more effective when you coat every surfaces of the home or layer your environment in the solution. Everything you spray should be dry to the touch within 2 minutes of spraying the area to gaurantee optimal results.

As you spray, keep your focus on dark, secluded areas absent of light. For example, crevices in the home like in-between and behind the stove and the counters, in the cracks. Or, the space between the floor and the bottom of the refridgerator or between the fridge and the wall. Or, inside the bathroom drawers. 

It is in the crevices and in tight spaces where invisible webs and clear colored nests are often located.

The secondary focus when spraying should be all of the corners and edges within your environment. Ledges and the end pieces or corners of the furniture is where you'll find the main connections that anchor and hold cocoons of webbing (often invisible to the naked eye unless it is thick enough to appear white) are located. Another prime example includes the corners of the room where the walls meet, from the floor all the way up to the ceiling. 



Change your food and eating habits

Morgellons organisms are attracted to all garbage, food, and beverages. 

They eat what we eat and use their strong sense of smell to locate food sources for their young. Of course, it is impossible to eliminate food, drinks, and garbage from our daily lives. So, we must focus on what we can do.. not what we can't.

Eliminating mold and gluten from the home makes the most significant difference compared to any/all other food sources, including sugar. As these are the types of foods Morgellons is most attracted to and it contains the most important nutrients they need to survive.

Morgs use their sense of smell to locate foods... so, keeping food leftovers in the home is a huge NO. I suggest making a habit of throwing it away instead of keeping your leftovers. You do not want to have leftovers of any kind in the fridge, pantry, or other parts of the home if you want to eradicate morgs from your environment.

Sealed containers and various other containers that are completely closed do not make a difference. This does not prevent Morgellons from being able to locate the source of the food.

Morgs are highly attracted to spoiled food items. Even microscopical amounts of mold on a piece of food is enough to cause a huge problem. 

Of course, not everyone can afford to throw their left overs away. I understand this and I do not want you to panic. Do your best with what you can. Start by cooking and preparing smaller meals and buying only small portions of food from the grocery store whenever possible.

Pro Tip: Microscopical amounts of mold will begin to grow in your food & environment well before the expiration date on your food items 

So, you'll want to remove any/all food sources that have been in the house for longer than a month or so.. if you are able to afford it and do so. As this invites mold growth into the home. When you have an abundance of morgs in the house, food sources & items(including food that is completely sealed & has never been opened) are sure to be contaminated. 

Be sure to check expiration dates for everything too and immediately dispose of all items past the expiration date, even if it's completely sealed.

The organisms are easily able to penetrate through cracks and crevices of almost any storage container due to their very small size. The larvae(in large numbers) can chew right through thin plastics like zip lock bags, cardboard-like unopened cereal boxes, and thick papers like a bag of sugar.

The holes created by the larvae are generally not large enough to see with the naked eye so it’s best to dispose of anything that’s been sitting in the house for a while. The only exception is unopened, sealed cans and thick plastics like canned corn and a gallon of juice. 

From here on out, it is best to make a habit of buying foods/beverages every few days or so. Do not buy extra or bulk foods that will not be consumed right away.

Morgellons can survive in the fridge, and the freezer, so keep that in mind when disposing of contaminated foods.

They prefer dark secluded areas like inside cabinets & drawers. So, these areas are more likely to be more infested.

How to Get Started on Eliminating Morgellons from your Environment

1. Start by cleaning out the kitchen of any/all possible foods that are past or close to the expiration date. 

2. Dispose of any/all food sources that have been sitting in the house for over 30 days.

This includes any/all food in the fridge, refrigerator, and in sealed containers. The only exception is sealed cans. Morgellons is sure to be inside all other containers that contain food/beverage including sealed plastic containers, unopened cardboard & boxes, sealed zip lock bags, etc. The larvae are very small and can squeeze through tiny cracks and chew microscopical-sized holes through thick containers.

For additional information see the section above.

3. Remove all gluten-containing and high-mold food sources from the kitchen. 

For more information about what foods are high-mold sources or what foods contain gluten, see Megan's Miracle Diet Protocol, Gluten Free Food List, Low Mold Food List

4. Clean out the kitchen thoroughly, making sure to remove all potential sources for mold growth and food crumbs. 

Including, inside the drawers, pantry shelves, the floor, inside the refrigerator/freezer, underneath the oven, behind the oven, in the microwave, and more. 

Pro Tip: One of the main sources housing and attracting Morgellons is behind and under the oven, under the fridge, and the evaporation pan of the refrigerator. 

Here is an example of what the fridge may look like when you have Morgellons pests in your home below:

If desired, you can hire a cleaning company that offers custom cleaning services to do all of this for you. I suggest getting a deep clean in the kitchen area a minimum of 1x at the beginning of your recovery and again, at the end of your recovery in Stage 5.

In some cases, if affordable, it may be best to just purchase a new refrigerator entirely. Just be sure to wait until the end of your recovery once attraction levels are low before buying a new one. This way your new fridge isn't immediately re-infested with tons of Morgs.

5. Do not keep trash containing any foods or beverages in the kitchen or home.

Dispose of all leftovers immediately following meals and every time you eat. Be sure to take the trash outside too. This helps prevent organisms outside the home from coming in. 

Pro Tip: Another source of Morgellons that infects the home comes from your front porch or door. This is where they build their cocoon webs(which are usually iridescent/clear in color and on rare occasions may appear as white webbing)

6. Spray & wipe surfaces after you eat and always rinse your dishes immediately after use.

After you are finished with the dishes, I suggest running the garbage disposal for about 30 seconds under hot running water to help get rid of any food down there too. This way you are not feeding the organisms every time you eat. 

7. Keep your kitchen clean from here on out.

Keep the inside and outside of drawers, cabinets, tables, chairs, appliances, walls, and the floor clean & free of food crumbs and spills. 

8. Check for any potential mold growth(that is not found in food sources) and eradicate it immediately. 

Morgellons thrive in moldy environments and even microscopical amounts of mold can create a huge problem. So make sure you check and test every area in the home. If you are not sure if certain areas contain mold or not... it is best to use a test kit to swab the area, just in case. 

Be sure and check for leaks and areas where moisture may be present in your environment. Mold growth is most likely to occur in your bathroom(s). Check underneath your sink(s) for any small leaks. And do not forget about the laundry room.

Depending on your situation, you may need mold removal services. The easiest way to get started testing your home for mold is with a mold testing kit(link coming soon). You can also find some cheap kits at your local home depot in most areas.

To learn more about how to remove mold from your environment and how to avoid future problems check out this page on living a mold-free lifestyle here

The following articles are also helpful in mediating mold from your environment: 

9. Lower the moisture levels in your home to help prevent mold growth in the future. 

The easiest way to do this is by using dehumidifiers. Keep a dehumidifier in the bathroom(s), laundry room(s), and kitchen at a minimum. Be sure to empty and clean out the dehumidifiers frequently.

And, be sure to check for potential leaks and problems with your water system, pipes, drains, water heater, toilets, etc. In addition to eradicating any clogged pipes or drains in your home. As this will create high levels of moisture and mold buildup. 


About Protocol


Pre-Protocol Preparations

Megan’s Miracle Diet Protocol: Gluten-Free Food List, Low Mold Food List

Stage 1: Material List, Daily Checklist, Environment Protocol

Stage 2: Material List, Daily Checklist, Environment Protocol

Stage 3: Material List, Daily Checklist, Environment Protocol

Stage 4: Material List, Daily Checklist, Environment Protocol

Stage 5: Material List, Daily Checklist, Environment Protocol

Understanding Behind the Ears Sessions

Soaping Tips

Detox Symptoms


<3 As always, be sure to remember:

I understand. I am in this fight with you. I am here to help you. You are not alone. Don't give up. Stay strong. I am proud of you for each & every day. If I can do it, you can too.   

Love, Megan Marie