Stage 4

Megan's Miracle Apitherapy Protocol for Morgellons Disease & related conditions.


Stage 4 Overview

Before getting started

Begin Stage 4 protocol after completing stage 3.

Stage 4 begins once you have leveled up and are able to tolerate Megan's Miracle apitherapy cleansers in level 5X without experiencing any burning/stinging during use. Or, any extreme detox symptoms during and up to 72 hours after use with your apitherapy cleanser. 

Stage 4 begins after you have adjusted to a routine that includes:

  • weekly body shaving sessions or more often
  • 10 minute (per ear) daily behind the ear sessions or longer
  • 5 minute daily oral care sessions with royal jelly added to your oral care routine at least once a week
  • apitherapy soaping sessions a minimum of 3 times a week

If you are experiencing detox symptoms from your new apitherapy regimen or your protocol tasks that cause extreme distress or pain, you should not progress forward into Stage 4 of protocol. Continue using level 5X cleanser and following stage 3 daily tasks until you adjust and your symptoms are minimal.


The Time 

It will take approximately 5 weeks to complete stage 4 of protocol and for you to complete your third bee venom therapy cycle. 

If you experience extreme detox symptoms associated with your protocol tasks, or apitherapy products, or, severe pain or detox reactions from your venom injections that you can not tolerate, it may take you longer to get through stage 4.


The Focus

Continue soaping sessions with your apitherapy cleansers 3 times weekly, body shaving sessions one time a week, and daily oral care sessions as you learned in stage 1 of protocol.

In stage 4, increase the amount of time you spend on your behind the ears sessions so your body can adjust to the vibrations as you break apart more connections.

Continue Bee Venom Skin Injections and your third bee venom therapy cycle. Increase the dose of venom solution per injection, over time, to help the body adapt to regular exposure to bee venom. 


The Goals

By the end of Stage 4, you should be able to:

  • tolerate 0.5 ml (50 units) of Natural Grade bee venom solution (Regular strength) skin injections
  • tolerate 15 minutes (per ear) of vibrations from your behind the ears sessions daily 

    What to Expect

    Ear Sessions

    behind the ears sessions should become more effective and you should see an  increase in the amount of debris that fall out from behind the ears as you progress through stage 4.

    Body shaving sessions

    Body shaving sessions should become more effective and you should begin to notice debris shedding from the skin that you shave. The amount of debris should increase as you progress through stage 4.

    Oral care sessions

    Oral Sessions should become more effective. Brushing and flossing should begin to pull more debris out of the mouth. You may also, notice your mouth beginning to feel much "cleaner" after your oral care sessions. 

    Soaping sessions

    Soaping Sessions should become significantly more effective as your venom soap begins to pull more and more Morgellons off/out of the body.

    Some individuals may begin to feel extremely exhausted or lethargic during soaping sessions after adding bee venom therapy into their routine. Rinsing may begin to make you feel extremely "heavy."

    If your soaping sessions begin to cause any severe pain or puts intense pressure on the body, muscles, bones etc. that you can not tolerate, finish rinsing with cool water instead of hot. 

    If switching to cool water doesn't help and you feel like you cannot finish rinsing. Or, if you begin to experience extreme dizziness, loss of balance/coordination, confusion or similar symptoms, you should keep the water on a cool setting. You should also sit down immediately and finish rinsing from the floor as necessary. Do not attempt to stand up until these symptoms have subsided and you are completely finished rinsing all of your soap off. 


    Keep in mind, you will experience some or all of the detox symptoms associated with your protocol tasks, apitherapy routine, bee venom therapy injections, and from Morgellons leaving the body as you continue to heal and progress in protocol.

    Important note: Your symptoms may get worse before they get better as you progress in your personal recovery. 

    Your symptoms may range from minor to severe during stage 4. Some days you may feel wonderful and other times, you may experience periods of time where your detox reactions are really intense. 

    Everyone is different and your experience will vary from others in many ways. This is no reason to be concerned and is completely normal.

    As Morgellons begins to leave the body and your immune system is fully activated and kicks into high drive (from increased exposure to bee venom) you are likely to feel sick. This is due to the fact that your body is attempting to adjust to all of the changes it is experiencing. The body also begins to work hard to fight off all of the foreign invaders both inside and on top of the body.

    Additionally, you may notice you need a significant amount of sleep during stage 4 or around this time, when your body needs extra sleep, in order to heal.

    All of this is absolutely normal and is a good sign that you are making progress in your healing journey. As you continue through protocol and increase your exposure to the apitherapy ingredients and bee venom, your symptoms will eventually begin to decrease, as time goes on. Eventually, you will hit a point in your recovery (the exact time this happens varies significantly per each individual) will begin to have more good days than bad days. Until eventually, there are no more bad days and you no longer experience detox symptoms.


    Helpful Links for Stage 4

    Learn: Megan's Miracle Educational Master Courses

    Download: Printable Stage 4 Material List

    Download: Printable Stage 4 Task List

    Download: Stage 4 Injection Schedule

    ReadAbout Apitherapy

    Read: About Our Bee Venom

    Shop: Natural Grade Bee Venom Therapy Kit (regular strength)

    Shop: Megan's Miracle Cleansers

    Shop: Megan's Miracle Moisturizers & Conditioners

    Shop: Megan's Miracle Supplements & Internal Detox

    Blog Post: About Bee Venom Therapy

    Blog Post: Bee Venom Therapy for Morgellons Disease

    Blog Post behind the ears sessions


    Stage 4 Protocol Tasks

    Follow through with all of the protocol tasks for stage 4 listed below for a minimum of 5 weeks, before progressing into stage 5 of protocol. 

    Download the Stage 4 Protocol Task List here

    The stage 4 task list can be printed out or saved to your electronic devices as desired.

    Your checklist can be used to help you adjust to your new routine and help you remember all of your daily tasks. You can check off your daily and weekly tasks as you complete each one. And, take notes if there is anything you need to do or get done (like order more soap or charge your razor etc.) 


    Task 1

    Bee Venom Therapy: Skin Injections

    To Continue with your second bee venom therapy cycle, you will need to get started with our Natural Grade Bee Venom Therapy Kit. (Regular Strength)

    You will need to purchase syringes separate from your kit in order to administer your subcutaneous injections. We recommend getting these syringes on amazon.

    Or, you can purchase 31Ga (31 gauge needle), 1 ml/cc syringes from your local pharmacy, at the pharmacy counter. 

    In addition to your syringes, you will also need to purchase some alcohol swabs. The alcohol swabs are used for cleaning the top of your venom solution vial and disinfecting the skin at the injection site, prior to administering each injection. 

    We recommend getting these alcohol swabs from amazon here.


    Download your printable bee venom injection schedule here. This checklist can be printed out or saved to your electronic devices as desired. You may check off each injection as you administer them so you don't have to worry about forgetting anything.

    Injections are administered daily or 7X weekly during Stage 4. The natural grade venom injections work best when administered daily.

    Subcutaneous injections are administered into the skin only and not into the blood stream or the muscle. See the diagram below for a reference of the best  injection sites. 

    Rotate injection sites and switch up the area where you administer your injections. Try not to administer your injections into the same injection site, twice in a row.

    e.g if you administer your first injection into your abdomen, you should administer your second injection into the arms, legs, or lower back. Your third injection can be administered into your abdomen again, if desired.

    Rotating injection sites helps prevent discomfort and pain associated with your injections. 

    Additionally, it is important to rotate the injection site to allow the venom to disperse and spread out throughout various areas of the body. 

    To further prevent discomfort from needle insertion and your injections, you should pinch the skin at the injection site (as shown in the photo below). Pinch the skin just before the needle is inserted into your skin. Continue to pinch the injection site until you have injected all of the venom solution into the skin and removed the needle.

     The amount of venom solution administered into the skin will be increased slowly as you are able to tolerate. A minimum of 1 week of injections per dose level is recommended to guarantee safe and effective injections.

    e.g Inject 0.1 ml (10 units) of bee venom solution into the skin a minimum of three times during week 1, before considering increasing your dose to 0.2 ml (20 units) of bee venom solution per injection.

    Carefully follow the injection schedule provided with your purchase for a safe and effective venom therapy cycle.

    If you lose or need another copy of the users manual or additional instructions, you can return to this page anytime, and use the links provided below.

    Read additional instructions and information about your bee venom therapy cycle here: Bee Venom Therapy Instruction Page.

    Learn more about our bee venom here.

    Your bee venom therapy kit comes with care cards with tips to help you get your measurements correct and make sure you are able to get the most out of your bee venom therapy cycle and your venom kit. (like the one shown below).


    Don't worry. We will walk you through this, step by step.

    Download your printable bee venom injection schedule here.

    Additionally, if you haven't already done so, we suggest getting started in our FREE online Master Courses here.

    Our course lessons will guide you through everything you need to know about protocol and teach you everything there is to know about defeating MD and utilizing apitherapy and bee venom therapy.

    Learn more about everything included in our Master Classes here.


    Task 2

    Behind the Ears Sessions

    Continue daily routine you learned in Stage 1 of the protocol and increase the amount of time spent on your daily behind the ears sessions to 20 minutes (per ear) every day. 

    Always use your electric razor for shaving behind the ears.

    Continue utilizing and switching up your techniques by using both dry and wet shaving sessions when convenient, to complete your task.

    If you are able to do more than the recommended time required for your ear sessions, you should absolutely do so.


    Task 3

    Soaping Session

    Continue using your level 5X apitherapy cleanser of your choice, a minimum of 3 times weekly.

    Continue utilizing everything you learned for a successful session in stage 1 of protocol.

    If you are able to do more than the recommended time required for your soaping sessions, you should absolutely do so.


    Task 4

    Body Shaving Session

    Continue body shaving sessions with your electric razor a minimum of one time weekly, as you learned in stage 1 of protocol.

    Continue utilizing everything you learned in stage 1 for a successful shaving session.

    If you are able to do more than the recommended time required for your body shaving sessions, you should absolutely do so.


    Task 5

    Oral Care Session

    Continue daily oral care as you learned in Stage 1 of protocol.

    Continue adding raw royal jelly into your oral care routine a minimum of one time a week.

    You can add royal jelly to your oral care routine by adding a bit of royal jelly right onto your toothbrush, with or without your favorite toothpaste. Or, just add a small amount of royal jelly into your cup of mouthwash. 


    Stage 4 Supplements


    The stage 3 supplements are optional and the supplements below are not necessary in order to make a full recovery or get through our protocol.

    The supplements suggested in each stage of protocol are on an as needed or as desired basis. However, utilizing the protocol supplements may be helpful in speeding recovery time, aids in internal detox, and will boost the effectiveness of your apitherapy routines with continued use.

    The most effective supplements we recommend for Stage 2 are the honeybee products listed below. It is vital that you use only raw, 100% natural bee products straight from the hive. Do not purchase the ingredients below from a grocery store as they will be significantly less effective and fail to provide all of the potential health benefits.

    Honeybee products should only be purchased directly from a bee farm or local supplier who collects the products from bee hives, like the apitherapy ingredients we offer at Megan's Miracle in our Supplement & Internal Detox Collection.

    The apitherapy ingredients for supplementation below can be consumed one at a time or taken at the same time. You may take more than the recommended amount as desired. Products from the hive work best when taken a minimum of 3 times a week. Optimal benefits and noticeable effects are achieved after 8 weeks of consumption or longer.


    Apitherapy Internal Detox

    1. 1/4 tsp or more of raw royal jelly daily 

    2. 1/4 tsp or more of Raw Buckwheat Honey daily

    3. 3 to 5 tsps Bee Pollen Daily


    You may add these honeybee products into your diet however you like. Consume these ingredients straight with a spoon. Or, add them to your favorite hot beverages or blended smoothies for a special treat. Additionally, you could add them on top of your favorite dessert or incorporate it into a meal.


    Other Supplements

    You may continue taking supplements from Stage 1 and Stage 2 and Stage 3 supplements as desired and incorporate the stage 2 supplements below into your regimen as you wish. 

    To get rid of toxic mold build-up:

    These Detox binders actually "bind" to mycotoxins like mold in your body preventing the toxins from binding to your body structures and organs.


    For a quicker, more efficient detox add:


    For inflammation and immune-related responses (including a lot of the detox symptoms)

    Continiue taking Allegra 24-hour capsules or tablets daily, until the end of your recovery.

    For severe symptom flare-ups, take 1 dose of children's Allegra instant dissolve tablets or liquid, in addition to your 24-hour dose of Allegra. 

    Take ibuprofen/Motrin for swelling and pain every 4-6 hours or as needed. 


    To get even more out of Stage 4 in your recovery

    Consider using more of Megan’s Miracle products to increase your exposure to the active apitherapy ingredients. This aids in boosting recovery speed and helps to further eradicate Morgellons from the body.

    Shop: Apitherapy Soaps & Cleansers

    Shop: Apitherapy Moisturizers & Conditioners

    Shop: Apitherapy Supplements & Internal Detox

    Shop: Apitherapy Kits & Bundles 


    To boost the effectiveness of your Soaping Sessions use:

    Megan’s Miracle Body Conditioner in the shower after your soaping sessions. 


    To eradicate mold

    Follow our diet and environment protocols below throughout the duration of protocol or until all of your symptoms are gone.

    Megan’s Miracle Diet Protocol

    Environment Protocol 




    Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, concerns or if you need help getting started or during Stage 2 of protocol. We are happy to help!