Stage 1 of Megan's Miracle Recovery Protocol

for Morgellons Disease


Download the Stage 1 Protocol Task List here.

Download the Stage 1 Material List here.

Learn everything there is to know about completing Stage 1 in our free online education course for stage 1 here: Stage 1 Master Course 

Stage 1 Overview

Before getting started

Begin Stage 1 protocol after completing everything on our pre-recovery preparation page and Pre-Protocol Checklist here


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The Time 

It takes approximately 4 weeks to complete stage 1 but will vary per individual based on severity of detox symptoms and personal tolerance levels. 


The Focus 

Practice behind the ears sessions using your electric razor, adjust to regular body shaving sessions & soaping sessions with your apitherapy cleanser. 

Level up with Megan's Miracle Soaps & Cleansers to slowly increase your exposure to the key apitherapy ingredients and bee venom to aid in the prevention of Morgellons developing immunity to the key ingredients and help guarantee your apitherapy routines never decrease in effectiveness or stop working. 

Additionally, leveling up will decrease any detox symptoms associated with your soaping sessions and allow the body to adapt to regular exposure to bee venom. This prepares the body for bee venom injections in stage 2 of recovery. 

Take this time to familiarize yourself with the main connection and area behind the ears. And get the body adjusted to regular exposure to vibrations head to toe. 


The Goal

Adjust to a new routine with daily 5 minute (per ear) behind the ears sessions, weekly body shaving sessions with your electric razor, and adjust to your new apitherapy soaping sessions 3 times a week.

By the end of stage 1, you will have worked your way up from our level 1X cleansers to our level 5X apitherapy cleansers.

You should be able to use Level 5X Megan's Miracle Soaps & Cleansers without experiencing discomfort or burning/stinging during use. Or, any severe detox symptoms during and/or up to 72 hours after using your level 5X cleanser.

Familiarize yourself with the area behind the ears and practice your ear sessions daily.


What to Expect

Ear Sessions

behind the ears sessions should not have much of an effect and you should not see many debris (if any) fall out from behind the ears when you first get started with your sessions. 

After several sessions or a few weeks of daily ear sessions, you may begin to see some debris fall out as your ear sessions begin to break connections deep below the surface.

However, if you do not see any visible debris during Stage 1 of your recovery... this is absolutely okay and is no reason to be concerned. It does not mean that your ear sessions are not effective or that you are not making any progress.

It takes time to break apart the main connections. Your ear sessions are absolutely effective and you will begin to see/feel the difference in the near future (if you don't already).


Body shaving sessions

Body shaving sessions are likely to have minimal effect other than allowing your apitherapy soap to penetrate much deeper into the skin. Additionally, it is helpful for breaking apart connections deep below the surface. 

However, it is unlikely you will have many (if any) visible results or be able to feel it working much, from using your electric razor during stage 1. This is absolutely okay and no reason to be concerned. 

You are still make significant progress as you break connections deep below the surface. 


Oral care sessions

Oral Sessions or brushing your teeth, flossing, and/or using your mouthwash may begin to give you a "fresh" or "clean" feeling and you may notice a bit more debris coming out of your mouth as you progress in stage 1 and your oral care sessions with royal jelly begin to break apart connections in the mouth.

However, some people do not notice much of a difference as they continue to progress in stage 1. This is okay and no reason to be concerned.

Brushing and flossing should begin to pull more debris out of the mouth soon after you get started in stage 2 of protocol if it does not happen at any point in the beginning of your recovery.


Soaping sessions

Most people notice a lot of relief and see/feel their soaping sessions working from the very beginning. However, there are a few people who have not had this kind of experience when they first got started with their soap. 

This is nothing to worry about and is just because everyone is different and will experience things a bit differently. As you level up and increase the strength of your apitherapy soap, you will most likely begin to see/feel it working before the end of stage 1.

Some individuals may begin to feel extremely exhausted or lethargic during soaping sessions after adding bee venom therapy into their routine. Rinsing may begin to make you feel extremely "heavy."

If your soaping sessions begin to cause any severe pain or puts intense pressure on the body, muscles, bones etc. that you can not tolerate, finish rinsing with cool water instead of hot. 

If switching to cool water doesn't help and you feel like you cannot finish rinsing. Or, if you begin to experience extreme dizziness, loss of balance/coordination, confusion or similar symptoms, you should keep the water on a cool setting. You should also sit down immediately and finish rinsing from the floor as necessary. Do not attempt to stand up until these symptoms have subsided and you are completely finished rinsing all of your soap off. 


Keep in mind, you will experience some or all of the detox symptoms associated with your protocol tasks, apitherapy routine, bee venom therapy injections, and from Morgellons leaving the body as you continue to heal and progress in protocol.

Important note: Your symptoms may get worse before they get better as you progress in your personal recovery. 

Your symptoms may range from minor to severe during stage 1. Some days you may feel wonderful and other times, you may experience periods of time where your detox reactions are really intense. 

Everyone is different and your experience will vary from others in many ways. This is no reason to be concerned and is completely normal.

As Morgellons begins to leave the body and your immune system is fully activated and kicks into high drive (from increased exposure to bee venom) you are likely to feel sick. This is due to the fact that your body is attempting to adjust to all of the changes it is experiencing. The body also begins to work hard to fight off all of the foreign invaders both inside and on top of the body.

Additionally, you may notice you need a significant amount of sleep during stage 1 or around this time, when your body needs extra sleep, in order to heal.

All of this is absolutely normal and is a good sign that you are making progress in your healing journey. As you continue through protocol and increase your exposure to the apitherapy ingredients and bee venom, your symptoms will eventually begin to decrease, as time goes on.

Eventually, you will hit a point in your recovery (the exact time this happens varies significantly per each individual) will begin to have more good days than bad days. Until eventually, there are no more bad days and you no longer experience detox symptoms.


You will experience some or all of the detox symptoms associated with recovery of Morgellons.

Important note: Your symptoms may get worse before they get better as you progress in your personal recovery. This is normal and nothing to worry about in terms of healing


Helpful Links for Stage 1

Learn: Megan's Miracle Educational Master Courses

DownloadStage 1 Material List

DownloadStage 1 Daily Checklist 

Quiz: Which Level is Best for You?

Quiz: Risk Factors

Read: Soaping Tips

ReadUnderstanding Behind the Ears Sessions

Shop: Megan's Miracle Stage 1, Starter Bundle Kit

ShopMegan's Miracle Cleansers

ShopMegan's Miracle Moisturizers & Cleansers

ShopMegan's Miracle Supplements & Internal Detox

Shop: Braun Series 9 Pro electric Razor

Shop: Oneblade Electric Razor


Blog PostUnderstanding Behind the Ears Sessions

ReadSoaping Tips

Shop: Megan's Miracle Stage 1, 30 Day Supply Kit

ReadWhat is Apitherapy? 


Stage 1 Protocol Tasks

The Stage 1 daily tasks below are completed for a minimum of 4 weeks before you progress into Stage 2 in your recovery.

Progress to Stage 2 in recovery after you feel comfortable and have adjusted to adding the tasks below to your routine. And, after you are able to use level 5X Megan's Miracle Soaps & products without experiencing burning/stinging during use or any complications up to 72 hours after use.



Task 1

Soaping Session

Megan’s Miracle Soap is used a minimum of 3 times weekly and up to daily for best results.

To use your soap, just follow the instructions found on the backside or bottom of your soap jar or bottle.

For additional tips & tricks to help you get the most out of every sessions see Soaping Tips


To help prevent burning/stinging associated with old sores/lesions/wounds that surface as a result of recovery use Megan's Miracle Castor Cream Rinse before your Soaping Session


Task 2

behind the ears sessions

Begin shaving with your electric razor behind your ears for a minimum of 5 minutes a day, per ear.

We suggest using the Oneblade electric razor and the Braun Series 9 Pro electric razor for best results.

Complete your behind the ears sessions every day throughout stage 1 in protocol.

Alternate between dry shaving and wet shaving sessions in the shower with Megan's Miracle Whipped Soap or Megan’s Miracle Shaving Cream.

If you are able to do more than 5 minutes daily, you should absolutely do so.

Pro Tip: The more time you spend exfoliating and vibrating the area on and around the back of your ears...the faster you will recover. 

You can learn more about How to complete your Behind the Ears Sessions here including what to expect as you complete your sessions, and tips for success.


Task 3

Body Shaving Session

Body shaving sessions consist of using your electric razor (the oneblade or the braun series 9 pro for best results) to shave head to toe (with the exception of the scalp as applicable).

Complete a minimum of 1 full body shaving session per week.

Make sure your body is exposed to the vibrations from your razor and the surface is exfoliated. Including  those hard to reach areas and places you wouldn't normally shave.

Alternate between dry shaving and shaving in the shower with Megan's Miracle Whipped Soap or Megan’s Miracle Shaving Cream.

If you are able to shave more often, you should absolutely do so.  

If desired, you may shave the body in multiple different sessions to avoid fatigue or compensate for not having enough time.

For example, try shaving your right arm on Monday, left arm on Tuesday, legs on Wednesday, and so on & so forth. It is not necessary to shave the body all in one day. The idea is to do your best to make sure you shave everywhere at least 1X each week.


Task 4

Oral Care Session

Spend a minimum of 5 minutes a day on your oral care session. 

Use your electric toothbrush for a minimum of 3 minutes a day to brush the gums & teeth.

Keep your focus on brushing the gum line and the roof of your mouth (in the center there is a large connection holding everything in place). 

Toothpaste: Your favorite toothpaste will work.

Add several drops of pure, raw, royal jelly with your toothpaste a minimum of one time a week. 

Mouthwash: Your favorite mouthwash will work.

Follow up with your favorite mouthwash mixed with a bit of raw, royal jelly a minimum of 1 time a week. Swish mouthwash mix in your mouth for a minimum of 1 minute.

Then, use floss or a floss pick to remove all debris from in-between all of your teeth every day.

If you can spend more than 5 minutes on your oral care routine daily, you should absolutely do so.

Pro Tip: The vibrations from the electric toothbrush are essential in getting Morgellons out of your mouth. The further you progress with your Behind the Ears Sessions, the faster you'll be able to shake the Morgs out of your mouth. 


Stage 1 Supplements


The stage 1 supplements are optional and the supplements below are not necessary in order to make a full recovery or get through our protocol.

The supplements suggested in each stage of protocol are on an as needed or as desired basis. However, utilizing the protocol supplements may be helpful in speeding recovery time, aids in internal detox, and will boost the effectiveness of your apitherapy routines with continued use.

The most effective supplements we recommend for Stage 1 are the honeybee products listed below. It is vital that you use only raw, 100% natural bee products straight from the hive. Do not purchase the ingredients below from a grocery store as they will be significantly less effective and fail to provide all of the potential health benefits.

Honeybee products should only be purchased directly from a bee farm or local supplier who collects the products from bee hives, like the apitherapy ingredients we offer at Megan's Miracle in our Supplement & Internal Detox Collection.

The apitherapy ingredients for supplementation below can be consumed one at a time or taken at the same time. You may take more than the recommended amount as desired. Products from the hive work best when taken a minimum of 3 times a week. Optimal benefits and noticeable effects are achieved after 8 weeks of consumption or longer.


Apitherapy Internal Detox

You may add these honeybee products into your diet however you like. Consume these ingredients straight with a spoon. Or, add them to your favorite hot beverages or blended smoothies for a special treat. Additionally, you could add them on top of your favorite dessert or incorporate it into a meal.


Other Supplements

For Digestive problems & constipation 

Castor oil has strong anti-fungal properties too. Aiding in clearing the digestive lining of debris, blockages, and Morgellons. 

    Castor oil can be found at most local grocery stores.

    Dosage of castor oil should not be increased and you should not take more than the recommended amount. Otherwise, this could result in further stomach upsets and diarrhea.

    Discontinue use of castor oil after Stage 1 is complete.


    For Fatigue and lack of energy

    • Start with 1 TBSP MCT (medium chain triglyceride) Oil or Powder daily and increase as you see fit. 

    MCTs are the best kind of fat to consume and pose no health risks or concerns like other types of fats do. MCTs can not cause weight gain, plaque build up, heart disease, etc. because they are not stored by the body. MCTs simply fuel your body systems with everything it needs to produce more energy, provides necessary nutrients, aids in removal of Morgs from internal body structures and passes right through.

    MCT oil/powder can be found at most local grocery stores. Continue taking MCT as you see fit throughout your recovery.


    To combat brain fog

    • Start with 1 dose of caprylic acid supplement and increase as you see fit. 

    Discontinue caprylic acid once Stage 1 is complete.


      For skin fungus and returning fungal infections

      Start with 1 dose of undecylenic acid supplement and increase as you see fit. 

      Discontinue undecylenic acid once Stage 1 is complete.


      For inflammation and immune-related responses (including detox symptoms)

      Get started taking Allegra 24 hour capsules or tablets daily, until the end of your recovery. Be sure to take Allegra every day at the same time on a regular basis for best results.

      For severe symptom flare ups, take 1 dose of children's Allegra instant dissolve tablets or liquid, in addition to your 24-hour dose of Allegra. 

      Take ibuprofen/Motrin for swelling and pain every 4-6 hours or as needed. 


      To get even more out of Stage 1 in your recovery

      Consider using more of Megan’s Miracle products to increase your exposure to the active apitherapy ingredients. This aids in boosting recovery speed and helps to further eradicate Morgellons from the body.

      ShopApitherapy Soaps & Cleansers

      ShopApitherapy Moisturizers & Conditioners

      Shop: Apitherapy Supplements & Internal Detox

      ShopApitherapy Kits & Bundles 


      To clean out the inside of ears, nose, and lash-line use: 

      Just add a few drops of my honeybee toner to the end of a q-tip and use the end to wipe debris out of/off... rotating the q-tip as needed. And be sure to use a new q-tip in between cleaning the lash line, ears, and nose. 


      For irritated, dry, and/or itchy scalp use Megan's Miracle Conditioning Hair Mask or Rinse-off Conditioner.


      To speed recovery time, consider utilizing Megan's Miracle Environment Protocol and Diet Protocols and adjust to a regular routine now.

      See Megan’s Miracle Diet ProtocolGluten-Free Food ListLow Mold Food List (optional)

      See Megan's Miracle Environment Protocol (optional)


      Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, concerns or if you need help getting started or during Stage 2 of protocol. We are happy to help!