Detox Symptoms

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During recovery you will most likely experience many side effects as a direct result of the healing process, Megan’s Miracle products like your bee venom cleansers, dietary changes, internal remedies like your venom injections, protocol tasks like your behind the ear sessions, and your apitherapy supplements. Most of the symptoms you experience will come and go, throughout the duration of your recovery.

Detox Symptoms

associated with Megan’s Miracle Protocol: Including, detox from bee venom cleansers, soaping sessions, shaving sessions, behind the ear sessions, bee venom injections, etc.

All of the side effects can vary from minor to severe. The symptoms you experience may change over time too. Each individual's experience will vary. This is all a normal part of recovery.

During your recovery you will experience a lot of the same symptoms, sensations, changes, thoughts, and feelings that you did while you were getting infected and throughout the infection. Except, you will experience these things in reverse and for short periods of time. 

In time, all of these symptoms/side effects will all subside for good. And, pose no threat in your ability to recover. You may also experience side effects not listed below, that are unique to you.

This is okay too and there is absolutely no reason for you to worry. Just make sure you use Megan’s Miracle Soap at least 3 times a week- and we can guarantee you will not lose any of your progress or go backwards. 

Below, are some examples of common, localized skin reactions at the venom injection site:

The most common side effects you may notice on/off throughout stage 1,2,3,4 & 5 of recovery are: 

  • Shedding from the body of hair, fibers, silk cocoons, dead skin, living organisms, dead organisms, lint, dust, and various other debris. 
  • Itching spells
  • Crawling/movement sensations on the skin
  • Excess mucus, phlegm, and/or other body fluids in/coming out of body openings
  • Sweating” from pores/holes in skin 
  • Leaking clear & yellowish fluids from skin & body folds
  • Dry mouth 
  • Drooling 
  • Heavy eye lids
  • Drooping/sagging/loose skin
  • Wrinkly/water-logged skin
  • Bubbles in body fluids 
  • “Cracking or popping” joints
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing or taking a deep breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Neck/shoulder/back pain
  • Stomach pain, discomfort and/or cramping 
  • Incontinence or excessive urination 
  • Burning/stinging sensations before, during, or after urination/bowel movements
  • Organ pain/discomfort 
  • Changes in color/texture/amount of urine or stool
  • Vomiting/nausea 
  • Shaking
  • Twitching
  • "Goosebumps” 
  • Hair loss and/or hair growth
  • Numb/tingling limbs 
  • Muscle cramps
  • Joint, muscle, bone pain or discomfort 
  • Vision changes: cloudy vision, double vision, wavy vision
  • Eye pain 
  • Headaches/migraines 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Changes in appetite
  • Musty smell 
  • Dehydration 
  • Unusual smells
  • Color/texture changes of bodily fluids, body waste, and body secretions 
  • New/worsening skin lesions, bumps, rashes, and sores
  • Skin changes & abnormalities: including changes in color, texture, and appearance. 
  • Bruising 
  • Hair changes & abnormalities: including changes in color, texture, and appearance. 
  • Ear aches & pain
  • Hearing changes
  • Popping noises in the ear
  • Changes in sensation of touch
  • Hot/cold flashes 
  • Inflammation/swelling 
  • Difficulty swallowing 
  • Voice changes & abnormalities 
  • Excessive yawning 
  • Loss of eyelashes and/or eyebrows 
  • Fatigue
    • Blackouts
    • Inability to understand space and time 
    • Memory loss (short/long term)
    • Speech changes or difficulty with speech 
    • Inability to put thoughts into words
    • Inability to make decisions 
    • Inability to follow through/complete simple tasks
    • Changes in sleep patterns
    • Insomnia 
    • Congestion
    • Sticky/slimy skin
    • Unable to pick things up without dropping them
    • Runny/Stuffy Nose
    • Loss of balance/coordination 
    • Dizziness 
    • Out of body experience 
    • Confusion 
    • Brain fog 
    • Mood swings
    • Changes in color/texture of nails 
    • Sore/tender areas on/in various parts of the body
    • Personality changes
    • Overwhelming sensation of doom or feeling like your going to die
    • Anxiety 
    • Racing heart
    • Light sensitivity
    • Water stuck inside ears
    • Excessive yawning
    • Extended or bloated abdomen
    • Changes in face & body shape

All of these symptoms are a normal part of the process and pose no threat in your ability to recover.

These symptoms are no reason to worry and generally, subside pretty quickly. Over time, these symptoms will decrease in intensity and happen less often. Your detox symptoms will become less severe as you progress in protocol too.


Tips to lower severity of detox symptoms

Itching head to toe:

  • Complete a Behind the Ears Session
  • Take a shower, rinse well
  • Shave your itchy spots away with your electric razor

Difficulty breathing or stuffy sinuses:

  • Gargle Mouthwash with royal jelly
  • Complete oral care session with royal jelly
  • Shave any "heavy" area on the body that feels like it's weighing you down & could be the cause of your difficulty breathing e.g the chest with your electric razor for several minutes

Severe skin rashes: painful, oozing, non-healing, etc.

  • Use Megan's Miracle Castor Rinse or Megan's Miracle Soaps and rinse well

Download more tips for combatting detox symptoms from herxheimer, bee venom therapy injections, apitherapy & bee venom soaping sessions and Megan’s Miracle Protocol here:

  1. Combatting Detox Reactions
  2. Defeating detox reactions from bee venom treatments

If you have concerns or questions about your detox symptoms, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us anytime or email us at