Preparations for Megan's Miracle Protocol

Before getting started 

The pre-protocol tasks are designed to help you prepare the mind and body for Megan's Miracle Protocol.

Audio Recordings for this article are available at the bottom of this page. Start listening by pressing the play button on the audio recordings below.

 You can view the Pre Protocol Task List here.

Take the risk factor assessment quiz to find out what kinds of risk factors may slow your recovery time and what you can do to combat this. 

Sign our pre-protocol allergy consent form prior to getting started on Megan's Miracle Protocol to guarantee you can purchase everything you need to get from our shop, to complete your recovery.


Preparations for Recovery

The pre-protocol tasks are designed to help you prepare the mind and body for Megan's Miracle Protocol.. The tasks suggested below are designed to give you a comprehensive list to help you make sure your health is brought back to homeostasis prior to getting going in your recovery. Making sure all of the body's main components are functioning as they should, helps guarantee that your body will be able to fight off MD and decreases the severity of detox symptoms. 

Even if you do not currently experience any symptoms of allergies or any autoimmune conditions, we strongly suggest you make an appointment with an allergist anyway. Because new and worsening allergies can develop at any point in time, for any reason. So, even if you have been tested in the past (more than 6 months ago) you should get tested again. 

Knowing which allergens your body has a strong response to, will tell us which allergens are posing some of your symptoms associated with MD. This information is also extremely helpful down the road in the event you experience any complications or problems making progress in protocol. Your personal allergens will provide us with the key ingredients necessary to unlock your continued success and indefinite progress.

Additionally, in order to get started in protocol you will need to get started reversing your allergies. So, you'll need to know which allergens activate your immune response in your body in order to move forward. This is a key aspect and one of the reasons our protocol has such an incredible success rate.

It is also important to note that if your skin and blood tests all return normal results and you do not have any allergies or autoimmune conditions, this is okay. You will still be able to eradicate MD and get through protocol. Do not worry.

A bone density test result will provide you with information you will need as you get closer to the end of your journey in your recovery. If you have significant bone loss from long term affliction with MD, then you will need to know this. 

If you have significant bone loss, when the Morgellons cocoon begins unraveling from the body, you will need to take things slow and take extra precautions as necessary, to prevent any problems or complications from occurring. It's best to just get this test done now so you are prepared ahead of time.


Getting Started

To get started with your protocol preparations, you will need to make an appointment with your doctor to get a regular check up and blood work done, hormone tests, get checked for extra inflammation in the body, and get your bone density test results.

Next, you will need to make an appointment with your Allergist (with a referal from your doctor as necessary, to get your visit covered by your health insurance). You will need to get a couple different skin and blood tests done to check for various types of allergic and autoimmune responses. 

After you get all of your test results back, you will work with your doctor and/or allergist as necessary to get rid of any secondary infections or other health problems you are currently experiencing. And, you will begin treating any/all allergies you have to all the allergens that your body responds to.

You can download the pre-protocol task list here.

In the upcoming lessons, we will educate you on how to get started reversing your allergies safely, from the comfort of home. With the exception of allergies to bee venom as this must be monitored by a health care professional in the beginning of recovery to make sure you do not experience any life threatening complications, including anaphylaxis.

Once you have taken all the necessary steps to bring your body back to homeostasis if necessary, and you have your allergy test results, you will be ready to move forward into stage 1 of protocol.


Task 1: Get a regular check up

Schedule a regular check up with your doctor and make sure to include all of the most common blood tests commonly completed during a routine health check. Additionally, you'll want to ask your doctor for the hormone tests, the inflammatory marker test,  and a bone density test, as shown below. If you like, ask your doctor for any additional tests that you feel are important, or may be helpful to help the body fight off MD.

During a regular check up with blood work, your doctor will take samples of your bodily fluids and test it for multiple types of health problems, complications, and foreign invaders. The blood pressure, oxygen levels, heart rate, current weight, and more will be assessed and reviewed by your doctor during your visit too.

It's important to get all of the tests below completed because this will tell your doctor if you have any other health complications or conditions that need to be treated. Your body needs all the help it can get to eradicate MD completely and you want to help in every way that you can, to guarantee your success during protocol.

If you have had any or all of the tests listed below completed within the last 6 months, than you can just use those results to move forward.

Hormone Tests

A hormone blood test measures hormone levels in the blood. Hormone testing can be used to evaluate hormonal imbalances that may be causing or worsening some of your symptoms. Correcting any/all hormonal imbalances is vital, when it comes to your ability to make a full recovery from MD. This is especially true for men over the age of 50 and postmenopausal women. 

We suggest getting the following hormone test done during your check up with your doctor.


Hormone Assay Test

A hormone assays test is performed to give an indication of metabolic processes and conditions or 'hormone imbalance’. Many hormones can be measured (assayed) in the blood, including male and female sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) and hormones secreted by other glands such as the parathyroid and adrenal glands.

Hormonal Assay test is performed on a sample of blood to measure the level of Serum Cortisol, TSH, FT3, FT4, LH, FSH, Prolactin, Estradiol and Testosterone in blood. It is performed to confirm Hormonal Abnormalities and also during treatment and after treatment of Hormonal Abnormalities.


Hormone check blood test panel

The hormone check blood test panel checks the amount of Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Serum, Follicle-stimulating hormone, Lutenizing hormone, and Thyroxine.

Getting both of these hormone tests will eliminate any anxiety associated with inaccurate results because the hormone levels should be the same on each of your tests.


Why Hormone Imbalances Matter

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. Produced in the endocrine glands, these powerful chemicals travel around your bloodstream, telling tissues and organs what to do. They help control many of your body’s major processes, including metabolism and reproduction.

When you have a hormonal imbalance, you have too much or too little of a certain hormone. Even tiny changes can have serious effects throughout your whole body. Think of hormones like a cake recipe. Too much or too little of any one ingredient affects the final product.

So imagine how that cake were to turn out if we used one egg instead of two, or 3 cups of sugar instead of one.Or even, 2 cups of milk instead of a 1/2 cup. Chances are, it wouldn't even turn out to be a cake during the baking process. It is more likely to turn into a lumpy pile of gooey mess. 

After a few wrong measurements like this, there is just no fixing that cake anymore. You can't repair it or fix it. You'll have to accurately measure out all of the ingredients again and mix up the right amount of each one, if you want to bake a cake that functions like a cake.

That's pretty much what happens to our bodies if you have too much or too little of a few of the vital hormones necessary to carry out bodily functions. The only way to fix this mess is by getting the amount of each hormones in the body back to the correct amounts of each one.

Interesting Fact: It's a very common phenomenon for symptoms of Morgellons to get significantly better or even disappear completely, during pregnancy. 

To get the body functioning correctly we must first make sure all hormone levels are within normal range so our body is able to effectively fight off foreign invaders and prevent further complications. By getting all of your hormones to optimal levels, this will help maintain correct communications between all of the body's organs and organ systems. 


Inflammatory Markers

Additionally, we suggest getting an inflammatory markers blood test  to test for inflammation that may be present in any of the body's systems. The three main inflammatory markers you'll want to be tested for are reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and plasma viscosity (PV.)

These types of inflammatory markers are activated and will be extremely high in the presence of of any bacterial infections, fungal infections,  autoimmune diseases, and various other types of health conditions. 


Bone Density Test

This test will tell you if you have experienced any bone loss as a direct result of long term affliction with MD and with aging. It is a good idea to make sure you do not have frail or weak bones which can lead to severe health complications and/or bone problems like osteoporosis in the future.

Frail bones can sometimes cause complications when it comes to your ability to get through protocol because as everything unravels, it is likely you will experience most if not all of the detox symptoms here on/of throughout your healing journey.

Your test results will help you understand how important it is that you take recovery a bit slower than usual. Or, if your bone density is great, than you know you can head down the fast track during your recovery. 

If you do not have any bone density loss, than great. Now you know that it's okay for you to proceed as fast as you like once everything starts unraveling and your progress kicks into high drive during protocol.

If you do have bone density loss from Morgellons or from aging, it is important to note that as you progress forward in your recovery, you can expect things to get a bit intense. You may experience minor to severe bone and joint weakness during the mid and/or later stages of your recovery. Consider taking steps as necessary to prevent any falls or complications from loss of balance in the shower and, around the house now.

As you continue your apitherapy and bee venom therapies and, after your symptoms of MD are gone, it is very likely that your bone density will begin to improve. In time, most people experience a significant increase in bone density levels from exposure to the bee venom and other apitherapy ingredients (we'll discuss more about how bee venom and the apitherapy ingredients do this in other lessons and your upcoming courses). So don't worry if your test results are showing bone loss. By the end of protocol, you can begin fixing this.


Your Test Results

If you are able to contribute, we would love it if you could send us your skin and blood allergy test results. We use all the test results submitted by our clients to aid in further discoveries to help our future clients defeat MD and answer vital questions about this condition. In addition to collecting evidence that may be necessary to educate other clients on important aspects they'll need to understand to get their health back. It is important to note, that any information we use from your test results or information that is shown to anyone else, for any reason, will never show your personal name or information in connection with your test results. 

To submit any/all test results to us, please email copies to us via email at:

If you have any abnormal test results or if your doctor finds that you have any bacterial, fungal, or other types of infections, make sure you follow through with any/all treatments and medications as necessary, to bring the body back to optimal health. If your test results show any abnormalities you will need to work with your doctor to fix any problems you are currently experiencing.

Additionally, it is vital that all of your hormone levels (especially testosterone levels) are within normal range if you want to succeed during protocol. This is especially true for post menopausal women and men over the age of 55.  Hormone levels that are either below or higher than normal, can cause slow or elapsed progress during your recovery.

Get Started Fixing Hormone Imbalances

Be sure to follow through with any necessary treatments or medications to get your hormone levels within normal range. Hormone levels above or below normal can prevent you from making progress in recovery because it prevents the body systems and organs from working properly. So, it is important you get your hormones to optimal levels for your body before you get going in protocol.

Here are a few effective ways you can get started optimizing your hormone levels and keep them balanced in the future:

1. Get started on birth control pills (for women only)

I get mine delivered to my door every month through the NURX website. You can get your prescription with/without insurance very easily on their website for less than $15. A doctor will message you and ask for a picture ID and insurance card (if applicable). 

2. Hormone creams 

can make a significant impact on your hormone levels. You will need to use creams that can lower or increase the type of hormone(s) that are imbalanced in your body.

You can ask your doctor for a prescription for hormone creams or buy creams online. Natural alternatives that increase/decrease certain hormones can work really well too. 

If your hormones are significantly out of sync, consider...

3. Hormone Replacement Therapy

Your doctor can tell you more about how to move forward with these types of treatments.

4.  Dietary Changes

Following  Megan's Miracle Diet Protocol.  can help naturally level out any imbalances you are currently experiencing. Most importantly, we suggest getting started with regular intake of apitherapy supplements to help level out and maintain optimal hormone levels now. 

Get started with our daily apitherapy supplements here.

Products from the hive, when consumed regularly help return hormone levels back to normal and aid in the maintenance of keeping hormone levels within optimal levels.

Take the steps necessary to make dietary changes that support a diet free of your personal allergens, a gluten free diet, and low mold lifestyle as necessary. The body works as a system and you need to keep each body system functioning at optimal levels to make sure all your hormone levels can sync and communicate effectively.


Task 2: See an Allergist

Morgellons Disease often activates immune responses to various allergens like mold, dust, pet dander, pollens, gluten, mice, lactose and more, after onset. Often times, these new allergies go unnoticed and are never properly treated because people just assume its symptoms of Morgellons.

In addition to this, it is important that you are aware that new allergies can develop at any point in time, for any reason. So, even if you tested negative for allergies in the past, it is still important you take the time to get another one done now. To make sure you are not allergic to any of our Apitherapy ingredients or bee venom. 

Also, your skin allergy test can tell us which allergens are capable of activating the immune response in your body. This will help provide us with a better understanding of which components are necessary for you to fall back on, in the event you experience any issues making progress during protocol. 

You'll need to know which (if any) of the most common allergens is capable of activating the immune system because the immune system needs to be activated consistently, for a long period of time in order for the body to completely eradicate MD. This is one of the ways our protocol works.

You can learn more about why it's vital you get tested for new/worsening allergies here: Why Seeing An Allergist Matters


Get the following tests done at your appointment:

1. IGE Blood Serum Test. 

Normal test results range from 0 to 124. 

Abnormal test results and a higher number indicates that your body is reacting to an allergen(s) and is attempting to fight off allergens or is causing an allergic response.

Take any/all necessary steps to treat elevated IGE levels and prevent exposure to the allergens causing any of your current symptoms, making you sick, as necessary. You will need to make sure your levels return back down to normal if you want to get through protocol and defeat Morgellons.

Be sure to save and keep your allergy test results in a safe place, that you readily have access to and will remember. This way, you can refer back to your test results during protocol if/when it is needed. Plus, you will need a copy of your test results later on in order to get started with reversing your allergies.

Learn more about Morgellons and allergies here


2. Allergy Skin Test.

Be sure to ask your Allergist to include all of the most common allergens and the following products of the hive: honeybee, bee venom, royal jelly, propolis, honey, and all 4 types of pollens. Additionally, you may ask for other allergens you think may come up positive.

Be sure to save and keep your allergy test results in a safe place, that you readily have access to and will remember. This way, you can refer back to your test results during protocol if/when it is needed. Plus, you will need a copy of your test results later on in order to get started with reversing your allergies.


3. Allergen Blood Serum Test. 

Be sure to ask your Allergist to include all of the most common allergens and the following products of the hive: honeybee, bee venom, royal jelly, propolis, honey, and all 4 types of pollens. Additionally, you may ask for other allergens you think may come up positive.

Be sure to save and keep your allergy test results in a safe place, that you readily have access to and will remember. This way, you can refer back to your test results during protocol if/when it is needed. Plus, you will need a copy of your test results later on in order to get started with reversing your allergies.

Getting your IGE levels tested and getting both skin and blood allergy test results helps to eliminate any anxiety associated with inaccurate test results because all of the test results should match.


4. Blood tests for the most common Autoimmune disorders

Ask your Allergist to test you for any auto immune disease and disorders like Celiac's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), etc. as deemed necessary. Additionally, make sure you mention any/all autoimmune conditions that anyone in your family has been diagnosed with. And, get tested for these conditions too.

Autoimmune diseases can cause many complications and make it more difficult to get through protocol and fully defeat Morgellons, if you are not aware that you have it. If you test positive for an auto immune condition like cystic acne now or in the past, it is important that you contact us and let us know this information prior to getting started in protocol. Or, make sure you let Megan or your health coach know, in the event you need to reach out to us for help making progress at any point during your recovery.


Your Test Results 

If you are able to contribute, we would love it if you could send us your skin and blood allergy test results to us at Megan's Miracle. We use all the test results submitted by our clients to aid in further discoveries to help our future clients defeat MD. In addition to collecting evidence that may be necessary to educate other clients on important aspects. It is important to note, that any information we use from your test results or information that is shown to anyone else, for any reason, will never show your personal name or information in connections with your test results. 

To submit any/all test results to us, please email copies to us via email at:

Consuming a diet free of your personal allergies (until you have completed allergy reversal as necessary during protocol) will help prevent severe and worsening detox reactions during protocol. Once you are through stage 5 and feeling completely normal or almost completely Morgellons free, you can begin slowly incorporating any foods you are allergic to, back into your diet. 

If you are allergic to mold or you have tested positive for mold toxicity, you'll want to get started with a low mold diet asap. You can read more about how to follow a low mold diet on our website here: Low Mold Foods

If you are allergic to gluten or related components like wheat, barley, oats, or other related foods, we suggest getting started on our gluten free diet protocol here: Gluten Free Foods

Just make sure you are still following through with your bee venom injections once you get started eating foods you are allergic to again. We suggest continuing bee venom therapy for a minimum of 6 months after completing protocol and eradicating MD, in order to make sure none of your food or airborne allergies return. This is also true for any autoimmune diseases or autoimmune reactions.

For airborne allergies like any type of pollen, dust, mites, ect. we recommend getting quality air purifiers to cover air circulation that covers your entire home, if affordable. Be sure to change the filter regularly and if possible, have someone who is not allergic to any airborne allergens change the filter.



If you test positive for any allergies or you currently experience symptoms related to or similar to an allergic response, we suggest getting started with Allegra 24 hour capsules or tablets. Or, Claritin 24 hour tabs is also great if you can't take Allegra. 

You should continue taking Allegra throughout stage 1 of Megan's Miracle Protocol to help lower your symptoms and any detox reactions you experience from your apitherapy cleanser, new routines, or from Morgellons.

Alternatively, you can keep some Benadryl in the house in case any severe allergic reactions occurs and to help lower the severity of your detox symptoms if necessary.

Antihistamines helps to slow any/all immune responses that occur as a direct result of the body overreacting to Morgellons disease. This will help decrease the severity of your detox symptoms and reactions, in the event it is necessary.

Keeping antihistamines around the house is a good idea in the event you experience any extreme reactions to your apitherapy cleanser and/or bee venom injections at any point during protocol. Taking antihistamines will prevent any immune responses you may experience from exposure to products of the hive.

Some associated symptoms that subside with these over-the- counter medications are swelling, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, wheezing, joint pain/stiffness, headache, stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, brain fog, coordination/balance problems, confusion, inflammation, and more. 

You should keep some antihistamines around throughout the duration of protocol just incase you experience an allergic reaction to any of the products/therapies you get started with. These types of medications prevent anaphylaxis and other serious complications that can occur as a direct result of an allergic response or allergies to the products you use and take.

You can purchase Allegra 24 hour tablets or capsules and Children's antihistamines at your local grocery stores, pharmacies, most convenience stores, or online via amazon here: Allegra 24 hour.

Additionally, if you experience any extreme symptoms or allergic responses at any point in time that does not completely subside from Allegra, you can take an additional dose of Children's Allegra every 6 hours. Purchase Children's Allegra here: Children's Liquid Antihistamine


That about wraps it up for our pre-protocol preparations. Once your signed form is submitted, we'll move forward and get started teaching you how to get going in stage 1 of protocol next.

To learn more about the risk factors associated with your ability to recover from Morgellons Disease, take our risk factor assessment quiz here. We will educate you on what you can do to help prevent any problems that may slow down your progress during protocol as you submit your responses in the quiz.

Before getting started in protocol, please sign and submit our allergy consent form for us to confirm that you are not allergic to any of our key apitherapy ingredients or the bee venom in our products.


Take the risk factor assessment quiz to find out what kinds of risk factors may slow your recovery time and what you can do to combat this. 

Sign our pre-protocol allergy consent form prior to getting started on Megan's Miracle Protocol to guarantee you can purchase everything you need to get from our shop, to complete your recovery.