Why seeing an Allergist Matters

Seeing your Allergist and getting a recent IGE level test and getting tested for recent development of allergies is important because

  1. Constant exposure to allergens can prevent the body from recovering & healing.
  2. When the body’s immune response is constantly activated, it can make your Morgellons symptoms significantly worse, including detox reactions as you begin to heal. 
  3. Allergies and/or a high IGE level causes symptoms such as: severe breathing abnormalities and difficulties, extreme swelling and/or inflammation, fluid build up, vision changes like blurred vision, double vision, or inability to see at night, memory loss and black outs, confusion, stomach discomfort or pain, digestive problems & discomfort and more.
  4. A positive test result often is an indication of which allergens in your environment are wreaking havoc and causing heightened sensations in/on the body.
  5. Megan's Miracle Soaps and products use Apitherapy ingredients which includes honeybee by products of some possible allergens.
It is not uncommon to have a heightened IGE level when you have Morgellons. Your IGE levels can tell you if the bodies immune system has/is over reacting to environment stressors like allergens in the air or in your food. 
I developed a ton of new allergies in response to Morgellons Disease (approximately 12 new allergies) like wheat, mold, pet dander, all 4 types of pollen, mice, and more.
I was so concerned about getting rid of the parasites that neither I or my doctors thought about or noticed the problems that developed with my immune system. With continued exposure to all these allergens, my IGE level kept rising in response. It wasn't long before my IGE level was above 5000! High enough to kill me. However, this was only the beginning of the problems I had developed from the negligence.
To lower my IGE levels I had to significantly lower my exposure to all of these allergens by removing them from my environment and making drastic changes to my diet. You'll find the diet I used to lower my exposure to wheat here: Gluten Free Diet. Learn how I cleared my environment of all of this here in my environment protocol
It was my allergy to mold that caused me to develop a serious condition known as Mold Toxicity. Toxic mold syndrome can quickly become life threatening. So, in order to focus on defeating Morgellons, I had to first get rid of the Mold Toxicity.
You'll find the diet I used to get rid of toxic Mold Syndrome here: Megan's Miracle Low Mold Diet
Interesting Fact: It is not possible to develop Mold Toxicity or Toxic Mold Syndrome unless you are allergic to mold.
The key allergen(s) you must be tested for is honey bees and bee by products such as bee venom (bee stings), royal jelly, propolis, pollens, and honey as shown below:

Megan's Miracle Soaps, Moisturizers, Conditioners, & Internal Remedies largely focus on Apitherapy and it's key ingredients to defeat this disease.

Apitherapy is the use of honeybee products to treat various health conditions and problems. It focuses on using bee venom, royal jelly, propolis, honey, and sometimes other ingredients like beebread. This includes the use of topical remedies, subcutaneous injections, consuming these ingredients, and more. You can learn more about it here: About Apitherapy
Important Note: If you are allergic to honeybees or any of the bee by products above, this does not cause complications or prevent you from getting through protocol. If you are allergic or have had issues in the past with immune responses to Apitherapy ingredients or treatments, please contact me so that I can discuss how to begin desensitization therapy for your allergies with you.