Practical Guide: Bee Venom Injections for Morgellons Disease

Practical Guide: Bee Venom Injections for Morgellons Disease

"If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live."

- Maurice Maeterlinck 

I think this guy was definitely on to something as today's research shows that bee venom therapy has beneficial effects on a massive list of health conditions and symptoms. Bee venom has been proven effective in the treatment of hundreds of different health conditions and its efficacy is reported to improve every year, thanks to the ever-growing adaptations of our honeybees.

Bee venom has shown promise as an effective treatment for cancer, tumors, neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's Disease, Autoimmune conditions like Arthritis, Dermatitis, Alopecia, Rosacea, etc, allergies, prostate cancer, mold toxicity, heavy metal poisoning, parasites, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and so much more. Bee venom is proven effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria and molds too, such as the type of bacteria that causes Lyme Disease.


What is Bee Venom Therapy? 

Recently, advancements in medical research have identified a potential application of bee venom therapy for individuals suffering from Morgellons Disease, a mysterious disease first described in 1674 by Sir Thomas Browne. Morgellons Disease, colloquially referred to as fiber disease, often manifests as unexplained eruptions and lesions on the skin, accompanied by the sensation of crawling, biting, and stinging—which can be quite distressing and uncomfortable for the affected individuals.

Now, the question that begs an answer is: How does bee venom therapy help in easing the symptoms of Morgellons Disease? Clinical trials and patient testimonials suggest that the anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties of bee venom may offer some relief from the physical discomfort associated with Morgellons Disease, as soon as your third or fourth injection.

It's paramount to note that bee venom therapy should not be viewed as a standalone cure but a component of a broader therapeutic approach that takes into account efficacy and individual reaction to treatment. Those looking to utilize bee venom on/off as a means of lowering the severity of symptoms will need to get started by completing a full bee venom therapy cycle first. Then, moving forward with bee venom injections as needed from there.

In order to completely eradicate Morgellons Disease, we suggest following Megan's Miracle Protocol which includes daily 5 minute behind the ear sessions, using apitherapy bee venom soaps 3 times weekly, shaving/exfoliating the skin on the body 1 time a week, and bee venom injections for 5 months or longer. Additionally, we recommend utilizing apitherapy supplements (products of the beehive like royal jelly, propolis, buckwheat honey, & honey bee pollen) to boost the efficacy of our 8-week bee venom therapy kit, no matter which chronic health conditions you may have. 

Individuals with other chronic health conditions like Autoimmune Conditions, Lyme Disease, and various other skin conditions are likely to also benefit from everything listed above, when it comes to improving the efficacy and speed of healing during BVT. Bee Venom acupuncture with focus being on the ears, may provide an alternative method to behind the ear sessions, that works for those with other chronic conditions.

Learn more about our honeybee venom that we use in all of our products at Megan's Miracle in our online article here.


What to Expect: Bee Venom Therapy

Not sure how to give yourself a subcutaneous injection? Don't worry. We've got you covered. You can download our guide, How To: Subcutaneous Injections for Beginners here. It's super easy and anyone can do it!

At Megan's Miracle, we also offer free online Master Courses designed to teach you how to defeat Morgellons Disease and get the most out of our apitherapy & bee venom therapy products at Megan's Miracle. On our education platform, you'll find Course 3, Advanced Techniques for Defeating Morgellons Disease here. This course is perfect for those who want to learn how to administer their bee venom skin injections safely, from the comfort of home. You'll learn what to expect from your bee venom injections, as well as some added benefits of honeybee apitoxin, not listed in this post.

Bee venom therapy is no ordinary treatment, and patients should be prepared for a unique experience during their first session. The therapy, when administered via purified bee venom injections, can produce a spectrum of sensations. Most commonly, patients may initially feel a sharp sting from the introduction of the needle into the skin.

Pain, swelling, inflammation, redness, and warmth are very common reactions after venom injections are given. Although alarming, it's essentially a sign that the body is responding to the therapy and starting its healing process. About 70% of patients experience immediate swelling and redness at the site of the sting, according to medical research here.

Nearly 80% of patients with Morgellons Disease & other chronic health conditions report feeling a burning sensation during treatment. If you experience intolerable stinging, burning, or pain from your venom injections that you are unable to tolerate, you may need to slow down and skip out on increasing your dose of venom, the following week. Additionally, you should consider decreasing the potency of your venom solution using our Bee Venom Therapy Accessory Kit, from Megan's Miracle.

The pain caused by the honeybee venom can be contributed to: 

  1. chosen injection site
  2. how often you use our apitherapy soap with honeybee venom (or other apitherapy topical applications like our Honeybee Yogurt Moisturizer and Hydrating Skin Toner at Megan's Miracle)
  3.  your personal level of build up (biofilm or dead skin layers) from Morgellons Disease on the skin
  4. how long/how often you have been completing behind the ear sessions or ear therapies
  5. the current levels of toxins and/or other microorganisms in the body
  6. your personal tolerance levels for pain.

Take our quiz: Risk Factors of Recovery here to find out which risk factors you may possess that can result in a slower recovery time, from Morgellons Disease. This quiz will assess your personal level of build up.

Morgellons Disease sufferers are likely to experience an increase in pain associated with their bee venom injections when bee venom therapy is used as a stand alone treatment or, as a single method for combating symptoms. Some people have reported an intolerable pain sensation from injections approximately 4 to 8 week or more, into their bee venom therapy cycle, when they don't use Megan's Miracle apitherapy topical products.

This is another reason we recommend using one of our apitherapy soaps a minimum of 3 times a week during your soaping sessions. Or, you could use one of our honeybee venom moisturizers or conditioners, head to toe, instead.

Additionally, we should tell you that those suffering from Morgellons Disease, who do not follow our recommendations for doing daily, 5-minute, ear sessions and weekly skin shaving/exfoliating sessions are also, very likely to experience a significant increase in pain from their injections, at some point during the first 8 weeks of honeybee apitoxin therapy. This may also be accompanied by a rapid decline in noticeable benefits from the venom, resulting in an increase in some symptoms that were previously resolved from bee venom treatment.

At this time, we do not know how long this decrease in effectiveness will last for individuals who experience this phenomenon. We are unaware of any ear therapies or other methods which can prevent this added pain and decline in effectiveness. The next best alternative to ear sessions could potentially be bee venom ear acupuncture, daily. 

It's imperative to remember that individual experiences vary. What may seem like a mild prickle for some, can be a relatively more intense experience for others. This variance largely stems from individual pain thresholds and the severity of the existing Morgellons Disease-related symptoms.

Undeniably, taking the first step towards bee venom therapy is not an easy decision. Yet, with the right information and support, it is indeed a step worth considering. To prevent or lesson the pain associated with this initial poke, there are a few things you can do.


Reducing Pain from Injections

Using multiple tactics to reduce the pain associated with your subcutaneous injections can help alleviate the fear of administering self-injections. See a list of helpful pain-reducing tactics below:

  • Consider a Local Anesthetic: Using a local anesthetic cream like EMLA can considerably reduce the sensation of the needle puncture. The cream is applied directly on the skin and takes about one hour to thoroughly numb the area. However, it is important to note that over-the-counter anesthetics do not have an effect or help on the pain that the venom causes, once injected. Do consult with your healthcare provider before using any over-the-counter anesthetics.
  • Inject at Room Temperature: Letting the venom solution reach room temperature before injecting can decrease discomfort. Cold substances can cause a burning sensation during injection.

person giving themselves a skin injection that is pinching their skin on the stomach

  • Practice Correct Injection Technique: Make sure to pinch the skin and aim the needle at a 45-degree or 90 degree angle. Inject the apitoxin slowly and release the skin once the injection is complete. Additionally, be sure to insert and pull out the needle quickly, to avoid causing more pain in the skin. The correct technique can make a substantial difference to your comfort levels.
  • Rotate Injection Sites: Rotating the areas you inject can prevent soreness and skin damage. Regular rotation also allows previous sites to heal before they are used again.
  • Apply a cold compress 15 minutes prior to administering your injection: Use an ice pack or ice cubes to numb the injection site.
  • Use the right size syringe needle: Using a needle with the wrong size gage can be extremely uncomfortable and could result in medication being administered into the wrong part of the body. E.g using a needle that is too long could result in the toxin being administered into the muscle instead of the fatty layer of the skin. For bee venom injections, we recommend using 31 gage needles as it is a very small needle (thin) and is perfect for subcutaneous injections.
  • Avoid lean areas: Subcutaneous injections are those delivered in the fatty tissue that lies between the skin and the underlying muscle. Choose a site that has a little extra fat rather than extra-lean parts of the body.

front and back of body diagram showing subcutaneous injection site locations

The best sites for subcutaneous injections are those that provide an ample injection site and are well away from joints, nerves, and large blood vessels. These include:

    • The upper outer area of the arm
    • The front and outer sides of the thighs
    • The abdomen (except around the navel)
    • The upper outer area of the buttocks
    • The upper hip

If your daily injections get tiresome

If your daily injections get difficult or tiresome, think about why you are taking the medication. If it is because you are trying to fight a disease (like Lyme Disease or Morgellons Disease), keeping the goal in mind may help ease any fear or anxiety you may be experiencing.

Remembering the reason can also help you keep any discomfort you feel in perspective. When it comes to bee apitoxin treatments, remind yourself that the injections are not forever.


Ask for Help- newest treatment for morgellons 2023

If you can't inject yourself or are having difficulties with certain injection sites, have someone else administer the shot for you. This can be a partner, spouse, family member, or friend. Certainly, with skin injections, it is sometimes easier for a partner to inject you, say, in the hip or buttock than for you to do it yourself.

Ensure that you or the person who is administering the shot gets appropriate training from your healthcare provider or another healthcare professional, as necessary. Or, have them review our How To Guide for Subcutaneous Injections here. Learning the correct way to inject yourself can make a big difference between a painful and possibly unsafe injection and a safe, pain-free injection.

It is also important to remember that self-injection is not possible for all people. Don’t beat yourself up about it if you try and it turns out you just can't; many people aren’t able to inject themselves. Maybe after having some help from someone else for awhile, you will begin to get more comfortable with the idea and your anxiety levels will decrease. You can always try again, down the road.

Another option is to ask your healthcare provider for help administering your injections. Some medical doctors do not mind helping. However, it is more likely that a naturalpath or Hollistic doctor will be more willing to help, than a medical doctor. 

A helpful tool you can use for support is known as an auto-injector which, is designed specifically to help those who are afraid of needles, administer their injections. The auto injector will administer your medication into the skin with the touch of a button and wraps around the needle, preventing you from being able to see the needle pierce into the skin. This device is also helpful in limiting pain because the needle is quickly injected in and out of the skin. We recommend using the auto-injector here.

Remember, you don't have to brave this journey alone. Seek help from loved ones or friends if you need help administering your injections and embrace the potential of this notable therapy.

If you do not have someone at home or in your life that you can rely on for support- please reach out to us, in the event you need support to go forward with your bee venom therapy and protocol tasks, we are happy to talk with you and provide the support you need. It's why we do what we do, at Megan's Miracle. Contact us here.


Education can Reduce the Fear of Self-Injection for Morgellons Disease

Education serves as a powerful weapon in battling the inherent fear that often surrounds self-injection. By gaining a robust understanding of the safety precautions, techniques, and potential side-effects through comprehensive educational resources, patients can gradually alleviate their anxiety and apprehensions. They will learn that subcutaneous injections, while seemingly daunting, can be conducted safely at home with the right training.

Furthermore, professional guidance and ongoing support can help empower patients, boosting their confidence to administer bee toxin therapy themselves in a relatively painless and non-threatening manner. It's the knowledge that transforms an unknown fearful situation into a familiar, manageable routine, thereby greatly mitigating the fear associated with self-injections.

Megan's Miracle offers a course designed to walk you through everything you need to know about administering safe subcutaneous injections from home, and what to expect from your bee venom injections, in Course 3: The Advanced Techiniques for Deafeating Morgellons Disease, here.


Practice Makes for Perfect Injections for Lyme Disease Treatment

It is often said that practice makes perfect, and self-administration of bee venom injections is no exception to this rule. As with any new skill, there may initially be a degree of discomfort or apprehension, but remember, this is a natural response. In time, as the procedure becomes more familiar, any trepidation will begin to fade. You'll start to notice a developing precision in your technique, a sense of control, and less unease.

Over time, you will discover the unique combination of angles and pressure points that best suit your body's responses. This progression and increased comfort is a testament that, indeed, injections get easier with time, and you are perfecting a vital skill toward your health journey.

As you continue with your bee venom therapy cycle, you will become more and more confident. You'll learn routines and techniques that work best for you and find injection site locations that are easiest for you to administer the venom. Be patient and remember, the first injection is the scariest. After that, most find the process relatively easy and quickly adjust to a routine.


Dealing with Bee Venom Allergies: Precautions and Preparations

Allergic reactions to bee venom are not unheard of, so it's crucial to ensure your safety during this process. Hypersensitivity can manifest in a few ways, with symptoms ranging from severe hives or severe anaphylactic shock. It's advised to take an allergy test prior to the treatment. Serious reactions to bee venom are relatively rare. Many patients breeze through their sessions with minimal - if any - discomfort and no complications following treatment.

Your first bee venom injection is an event that should be approached with an informed mind and relaxed nerves. According to medical studies ran by medical doctors, the mortality rate from bee venom therapy is estimated to be 0.03-0.48 per 10,000 treatments. This means that people who use living bees for their therapy, which involves exposure to non-purified, non-tested, bee venom, in very high doses- the actual risk of death is approximately 1 person out of every 40,000 patients. This is less than the risk of death when flying on a plane or getting in your car to drive to work.

When using purified & tested bee toxin and starting with a low dose, the risk of severe allergic response is significantly lower. This way you always know exactly what you are administering into the body and the doses can be measured and controlled. Following a safe and tested method for dose and frequency of bee venom, is another way you can decrease the chances of experiencing adverse side effects. At Megan's Miracle, we offer injection schedules for your first 4 bee venom therapy cycles, which have been used by individuals with a known allergy to bee venom, during immunotherapy treatments.

This means it has been proven safe for those with a severe allergy to honeybee toxin- However, this is under the care of a professional Allergist or Immunologist. If you do have a known allergy to bee venom, you should first consult your Immunologist for treatment and do not begin bee apitoxin injections from home until your doctor says it is safe.


The Risks of Bee Venom Therapy

One of the only recorded risks of bee venom therapy (with evidence to support the theory) is the risk of allergic reaction. However, out of hundreds of individuals who have used our bee venom therapy kits from Megan's Miracle, nobody has ever reported an allergic reaction or anaphylactic symptoms from their bee venom injections. Upon further research, we found this study that compares the risk of allergic reaction between bee apitoxin and other antibiotics. Turns out, the risk of injecting bee apitoxin is no higher than any other antibiotic or vitamin on the market today. 

According to a retrospective study conducted at the hospital between January 2010 and April 2019, only 0.175% of 8580 patients admitted to the hospital reported type 1 hypersensitivity and 0.047% anaphylactic shock from a bee sting (Lee et al., 2020). The incidence of anaphylactic shock seen during treatment with penicillin, an antibiotic that has been used for a long time in the treatment of many infections, has been reported to be between 0.02-0.04% (Patterson & Stankewicz, 2021).

Bee toxin therapy is currently limited due to the risk of anaphylactic shock and other allergic responses during bee venom treatment. However, as compared to penicillin therapy, the rate of anaphylactic shock reported with bee venom treatment is substantially lower. Essentially, the risk that you will experience a life threatening reaction to your first bee sting (or venom injection) is less than 1 person out of 20,000 patients who use the therapy. 

The risk that you will experience an allergic response like anaphylaxis is significantly higher when you are using live bees for treatment. Living bees are not sanitary and the substance secreted from the venom sack can contain bacterias, allergens like pollen, and various other unsafe components. You never know what you are administering into the body when you are using living honeybees. Plus, this process kills the honeybees or causes significant harm to them, resulting in death (we need our honeybees to survive- please don't kill them!)

This is why we recommend using our purified bee venom that goes through rigorous quality assurance testing at the medical lab, prior to reaching our facility. Our apitoxin at Megan's Miracle goes through purification processes to remove all components that can get into the venom from collection processes, equipment used, and from the insects themselves, that are not beneficial for your health. Additionally, the separation and purification process allows us to offer both Medical Grade Bee Venom (100% melittin only- best for beginners) and Natural Grade Venom (best for experienced users as it contains all of the bee venoms natural, beneficial components including melittin, phospholipase A2, apamin, histamine, etc,).

The reason why so many people seem to believe that bee toxin is likely to cause an allergic reaction may stem from the fact that many individuals are confusing an allergic reaction with the body's natural immune response to bee apitoxin. 

An allergic reaction occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless substance as a threat and launches an aggressive response. In the case of bee venom therapy, some individuals may mistake the body's natural immune response to bee venom, for an allergic reaction.

We recommend following our injection schedules for your venom injections to prevent the risk of experiencing extreme detox reactions and preventing any health complications that can occur from administering too much bee toxin, too quickly. It is important to increase your dose slowly and do not administer more venom/stronger venom solution than what you can tolerate.

Your treatments should not cause significant or unbearable pain or detox symptoms either. If this occurs, do not increase your dose the following week. Let your body adjust first.


Understanding the difference between an allergic reaction and the body's immune response to bee venom.

If you have ever been stung by a bee, than you are probably well aware of the pain, redness, swelling, inflammation, and sometimes an itchy skin rash that follows. This happens to everyone and is not an abnormal response. These symptoms are not a sign of an allergic reaction and pose no harm to your health. 

Normal reactions to bee venom include:

  • redness
  • warmth
  • swelling
  • localized inflammation near & around the sting or injection site
  • discolorations
  • skin rashes (accompanied with or without itching)
  • other detox symptoms

Some individuals may also experience urticaria on the skin without the presence of other worrisome symptoms. This is okay and happens occasionally- but does not result in a serious allergic reaction. Urticaria on the skin from bee apitoxin usually go away within a few minutes.

The pain, redness, rashes, swelling, and inflammation that follows exposure to honeybee toxin is the perfect indication to let you know that the venom is doing it's job. Bee apitoxin works by activating the immune response and waking up all of the immune cells in our body. 

This is how bee toxin works... by activating the immune system and sending a cascade of immune responses that fight off foreign invaders like parasites, bacteria, fungi, and various other microorganisms that do not belong in our body. This is a good thing and is the reason behind why honeybee venom is such a powerful tool in the fight against Morgellons Disease and other chronic health conditions.

Plus, bee venom is 100% natural and is guaranteed to continue to improve, indefinitely. Well, as long as the honeybees don't go extinct...

It is important to note that these types of immune responses that occur after administering your venom injections, will decrease in time, as you continue to expose your body to apitoxin. The pain, swelling, redness, warmth, swelling and sometimes an itchy rash that follows the injection, does not pose any potential harm to you or your health.

In fact, even experienced bee farmers and bee keepers who get stung every day, still occasionally experience a bit of pain and swelling from a bee sting (PS. Bee farmers are known to live approximately 30 years longer, when compared to the rest of the population.

And, they are reported to have significantly better overall health and well-being with the absence of heart conditions, Autoimmune Disease, Allergies, & tumors/cancer, etc,). So, the immune response that follows your bee apitoxin injections, may never go away completely.

Please review the photos below as these are all normal responses you can expect to see, after administering your bee venom injections. This will help you prepare for your bee toxin injections so you know exactly what to expect. 

bee venom injection normal reaction that shows redness, swelling, and inflammation on the skin

bee venom injection normal reaction that shows redness, swelling, and inflammation on the skin

bee venom injection normal reaction that shows redness, swelling, and inflammation on the skin

bee venom injection normal reaction that shows redness, swelling, and inflammation on the skin

bee venom injection normal reaction that shows redness, swelling, urticaria, and inflammation on the skin

bee venom injection normal reaction that shows redness, swelling, urticaria, and inflammation on the skin

A serious, life-threatening response to bee apitoxin is 95% more likely to occur within 30 seconds of exposure to the allergen that causes anaphylactic symptoms. The other 5% of the time, this may occur up to 30 minutes after exposure to the toxin. It will not occur later on and anaphylaxis can not happen hours after the initial exposure to the allergen.

A true allergic response to bee venom causes INSTANT drop in blood pressure, causing severe hypotension. Immediately following the drop in BP (blood pressure), the allergic individual will experience difficulty breathing that causes a significant drop in oxygen levels below 90. The difficulty breathing associated with anaphylaxis can be compared with a severe asthma attack and the lack of oxygen will be accompanied by severe confusion and likely, fainting.

Additionally, a person who has a severe allergy to venom will experience severe swelling and inflammation that is wide spread and covers the entire body. Inflammation and swelling that is localized to one part of the body (e.g when the arm you administered your venom injection into is swollen) is not a sign of a life-threatening allergic response.

True anaphylactic symptoms to bee venom include:

  • sudden drop of blood pressure, resulting in hypotension
  • difficulty breathing and swollen airway, resulting in low oxygen levels
  • fainting immediately following exposure
  • wide spread inflammation that spreads over the entire body including the airway (localized swelling on the area where the venom injection is administered is not a worrisome reaction)
  • hives covering the entire body that spread from areas not located at or near the injection site

It is important to differentiate between true allergic reactions and the body's natural immune response when it comes to bee venom therapy. Understanding this distinction is crucial in order to properly assess the risks and benefits of BVA treatment.

In conclusion, your first bee venom therapy session may seem daunting, but armed with knowledge and awareness, it doesn't have to be worrisome. Understand the potential signs of allergy, approach the treatment with caution by using our level 5X Cleansers or other products first, because this will tell you for certain if you are allergic to bee venom.

We advise first doing a patch test. Wet the skin and lather a small amount of level 5X venom soap or level 5X bee venom moisturizer from Megan's Miracle. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes and then, rinse it off. If no serious signs of allergic reaction occurs, it is okay to move forward with your bee venom injections.

Individuals who experience anaphylactic responses to bee venom- will experience severe symptoms like this from our high level products. These symptoms may include difficulty breathing, severe tightening of the chest, oxygen loss or low oxygen levels, severe and consistent vomiting, immediate decline in blood pressure resulting in hypotension, widespread inflammation that is not localized to one area of the body or hives all over the body, fainting or passing out suddenly (yes, from a dab of soap on a test patch of skin). 


Addressing Apprehensions: Mitigating Fears of Allergic Reactions to Bee Venom

Diving headfirst into new therapeutic experiences can understandably induce anxiety, particularly when it involves a substance renowned for occasionally instigating allergic reactions, such as bee apitoxin. However, with comprehensive knowledge and the right preparatory steps, these fears can be mitigated. The forthcoming section will delineate a pathway to traverse this fear, elaborating on essential precautions, preparations and enlightening insights that can alleviate concerns of potential allergic responses to bee venom therapy.

Prior to embarking on your journey with bee venom therapy, one highly advisable step is to seek professional testing by an allergist. Those concerned about possible false negatives can opt for both a skin test and a blood test, in order to identify the presence of bee antigens. Comparing the results of these tests can provide greater certainty about any potential allergy to bees or bee products.

However, should you find yourself among those with a verified allergy to bees or their products, a prescribed auto injector of epinephrine may come in handy. It's capable of warding off severe allergic symptoms and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

You should ask your Immunologist about pursuing immunotherapy for the treatment of bee venom allergy with a medical professional until you no longer experience life threatening allergic responses to the toxin. Most medical insurance will cover the entire cost of this treatment and its a double win because treating your venom allergy involves the controlled administration of bee venom into your skin, with a gradual increase in the amount of venom administered per injection.

In fact, bee apitoxin immunotherapy often is exactly like the bee venom injection schedule provided by us, at Megan's Miracle, for newbies embarking on their first bee venom therapy cycle. Immunotherapy treatment for bee allergies includes bee venom injections three times a week using the same micro-doses of venom suggested in our schedule.

The dose of venom administered per injection is slowly increased to avoid potential adverse allergic responses and to get the body gradually adjusted to regular exposure of bee apitoxin. The treatment typically lasts 90 days before bee sensitivities begin to decrease and allergies symptoms may continue to decline in severity with continued therapy, for up to 5 years. Most individuals report that they no longer exhibit any signs or symptoms of allergies after 3 to 6 months of injections. The effects are usually permanent and allergy symptoms rarely come back after Immunotherapy. 

How you handle minor allergic responses could make a world of difference for your therapy. If skin hives or lengthy inflammation occur at injection sites, for instance, a regimen of antihistamines, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory medications can be effective and eliminate any further concern for allergy related symptoms.

Further, ongoing precautions include maintaining a stock of over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and anti-histamines in your home, at all times, in case of an allergic reaction. Such measures allow for quick response times in the face of minor allergic reactions, with Benadryl being particularly useful for quelling any severely uncomfortable reactions.

Honestly, we suggest approaching your first venom injection with optimism. Out of hundreds of individuals who have used our bee venom therapy kits, nobody has had a severe reaction or any health complications as a direct result.


What to Expect from Your First Bee Venom Injection

Commencing with the process, bee venom therapy typically starts with bee toxin collected from bees and carefully administered into subcutaneous injection sites (a print out of the injection site locations will come with your purchase). Our venom at Megan's Miracle is derived from bees in a humane manner that does not harm them. The extracted venom is then purified before being introduced to your system via injection.

Moving onto the subsequent phase of understanding the potential immediate after-effects of bee venom therapy: Do not be alarmed if you notice a slight redness or swelling at the injection site. This is a completely normal and expected reaction.

Your first injection may feel akin to a bee sting— a sharp, burning sensation initially, which gradually subsides into a dull ache. In a survey, 85% of patients reported feeling a heat sensation during the therapy. 

Externally, the injection site might experience mild redness or swelling, but in most cases, it subsides within a few hours. Internally, the powerful compounds within the venom, including melittin and apamin, start working. They stimulate your immune system and catalyze the healing process at a cellular level. Though this might sound intimidating, it's the potential ticket to relief that so many Morgellons Disease patients and people with chronic pain conditions, seek.

Upon administering the bee venom, it is quite common for an individual to experience a certain degree of discomfort, largely in the form of pain, burning, or a distinctive stinging sensation. These responses are a part of your body's natural feedback mechanism and often indicates the active substances in the venom working their way through your system.

While these sensations may initially be stronger, especially during your first session, it's crucial to understand that they typically become less intense over time as your body gradually acclimates to the therapy. Remember, it’s rather akin to stepping into a hot bath - the initial plunge may be intense, but with time, your body adjusts to the changing temperature. It’s vital to keep this in mind, especially for those embarking on their first bee apitoxin therapy session.

In these instances, patients have reported flare-ups of their existing skin conditions, contributing to increased discomfort. For instance, Morgellons Disease sufferers, who already grapple with crawling sensations or itchy rashes, might notice a significant intensification in their skin-related symptoms, immediately following their first bee venom therapy session. Additionally, slight fever, muscle aches, or flu-like symptoms may also develop.

As unsettling as these preliminary reactions may be, rest assured that this is a common bodily response as the body adjusts to the therapeutic bee venom. Approximately 30% of patients may experience flu-like symptoms after their first session. Patients are advised to rest and hydrate after the session to help the body process the toxin powder.

screenshot of a text message sent to megan from cynthia that says thank god for bee venom

Subsequently, many individuals report back to us within a week or two of beginning their bee venom injections, expressing tears of joy from the immediate improvement in their overall ability to function. 90% of people report feeling so much better by their 3rd or 4th injection that those who have been suffering more than 20-30 years with Morgellons Disease- have real hope again. It enables them to move forward with Megan's Miracle Protocol- where the improvements really start to shock you. 


Immediate After-Effects of Bee Venom Therapy: What You Need to Know

The science of bee venom has the potential to bring symptomatic relief, a fact that numerous studies and countless patient testimonies can vouch for. Most individuals experience an immediate decrease in all or most of the distressing symptoms associated with their current health condition(s), right from the start. Approximately 80% of patients experience immediate relief after the first session and bee venom treatment, according to this study discussed here

In a survey, 82% of patients reported pain relief after bee venom therapy, according to this systematic review here. This is a very good statistic that could be life changing for many conditions which currently have no treatment or leave patients dealing with chronic inflammation and pain for a lifetime.

Meet Monique who has been suffering from the chronic symptoms of Lyme Disease for many years:

a text message screenshot from monique to megan where monique tells her than bee venom therapy eliminiated all of her chronic lyme symptoms

When first getting started with bee apitoxin therapy some individuals report feeling so much better by the time they reach the 4th week in their bee venom therapy cycle, that they vouch to use honeybee venom injections forever. Showcasing just how much bee toxin has to offer those who have chronic health conditions. 

It's paramount to note that bee venom therapy should not be viewed as a standalone cure but a component of a broader therapeutic approach that takes into account efficacy and individual reaction to treatment. In order to completely eradicate Morgellons Disease, we suggest following Megan's Miracle Protocol which includes daily 5 minute behind the ear sessions, using apitherapy bee venom soaps 3 times weekly, shaving/exfoliating the skin on the body 1 time a week, and bee venom injections for 5 months or longer.

Additionally, we recommend utilizing apitherapy supplements to boost the efficacy of our 8-week bee venom therapy kit, no matter which chronic health conditions you have.

While many patients experience continuous improvement during bee venom therapy, there will undeniably be challenging days interposed with positive advancements. It's not uncommon for individuals to encounter detox symptoms throughout the course of their treatment—manifestations may include fatigue, mild discomfort, headaches, vision changes, joint pain, popping joints, back/neck pain, dysphagia, bouts of brain fog or cognitive decline, itching spells, new or old sores developing on the skin, increase or decrease in saliva production, changes in taste, tooth pain, lock jaw, digestive system noises like gurgling, changes in urinary & bowel habits, temporary exacerbation of existing conditions, and more. It is important to note that some patients may also experience adverse effects from bee venom therapy, such as hyperventilation, increased bleeding risk, and vomiting. However, these adverse effects are relatively rare and should not deter individuals from considering this therapy.

When patients first begin utilizing bee venom, there are a lot of notable effects that are expected in the initial phase of treatment- during the first 8 weeks with toxin injections. The symptoms that most often improve in the initial stage of venom therapy include, fatigue/low energy levels, non-healing sores, lesions, wounds, joint pain & inflammation, chronic pain, cognitive deficits like memory retention, brain fog, symptoms of or related to ADHD, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Depression, Anxiety, & Bipolar Disorder, skin appearance and functions of the integumentary system, digestion and absorption, swelling of extremities, numbness or tingling of the limbs, poor blood circulation, and so much more.

However, Nearly 10% of patients may experience an increase in their current health symptoms after their first injection, before they start to improve. Learn how to prevent and cope with these detox symptoms here.

Of these individuals, the most reported symptom noted to increase in the beginning of treatment is the movement, crawling, and biting sensations on the skin for Morgellons Disease patients. This can be attributed to the massive number of Morgellons Disease organisms leaving the body as the pheromones released by the apitoxin is likely chasing them out of the body.

The detox reactions like an increase in itchy skin during initial treatment phase, is most often noted by people who have been afflicted with Morgellons Disease & related symptoms for 2 years or less. This may be due to the fact that newbies are more sensitive to these types of foreign sensations on the skin than those who have had Morgellons Disease for many years.

Individuals who report an initial increase in symptoms when getting started with bee apitoxin injections, often experience the #2 most reported detox symptom also, related to the HERX reaction. Patients with Morgellons Disease have reported coughing up or hacking of large amounts of fluids with a mucosy, almost sticky texture, that may be white & foamy, clear & bubbly, yellow/green, and/or brownish or blackish in appearance. This may also be accompanied with a bit of difficulty breathing as the lungs are cleared of Morgellons Disease and/or other things that do not belong in the body. An increase in sinus symptoms can be a direct cause of this too- with an increase in post nasal drip and the need to blow your nose frequently. 

These types of detox symptoms pose no reason to worry and will subside in time. Eventually, these symptoms will subside for good at some point during your recovery, when following Megan's Miracle Protocol.

Download the full list of detox symptoms you are likely to experience at one point or another, during your recovery from Morgellons Disease here: Detox Reactions to Expect.

Nearly 90% of patients continue with the honeybee therapy despite initial discomfort and the pain associated with the injections. This is most likely due to the fact that the initial burning caused by the bee venom is more than worth the results and overall improvement in health, seen early on in treatment.

It is critical to comprehend that immediate symptom reduction might not be a universal experience for every individual, though. The discrepancy stems from the complexity of the human body and its unique responses to various stimuli. The analgesic effect of bee venom is contingent upon individual factors like overall health status, sensitivity to melittin, specific nature of the pain, and the body’s current inflammatory state. Thus, while some may experience noticeable, immediate relief, others may see a gradual decrease in their symptoms or may require additional sessions before they begin to realize the pain-diminishing properties of bee apitoxin therapy. All of this is normal, and no reason to worry.

This process of 'ebb and flow' is an integral part of the healing journey from Morgellons Disease and chronic diseases. Although it might seem counterintuitive initially, this is a positive sign indicating that the body is responding and adapting to the therapy, clearing out toxins and rejuvenating itself. So on those hard days, it's vital to remember: There's no need for alarm—it's all part of the road to recovery.

To aid in getting you through these detox reactions during recovery, we made a list for How to Combat Detox Symptoms from Morgellons Disease here for you.


Improving Blood Circulation

Bee venom, esteemed for its potent biological compounds like melittin and apamin, has demonstrated an intriguing ability to stimulate the circulatory system. Melittin, in particular, has been found to increase the dilation of blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow throughout the body. This escalation in circulation is not just limited to the systemic level; it also has a profound impact at the microcirculation level, emphasizing its therapeutic value in disorders where circulation is compromised. Additionally, bee venoms contain mast cell-degranulating peptide (MCD), which further contributes to the enhancement of blood circulation.

For instance, Morgellons Disease (MD) often presents symptoms such as numbness and cold extremities, which can be attributed to compromised peripheral blood flow. With enhanced circulation brought about by bee venom therapy, these symptoms can diminish significantly. Moreover, increased blood flow means better distribution of nutrients and oxygen to various tissues and organs, potentially helping Morgellons Disease patients combat other systemic issues like fatigue and brain fog. The amplified circulation also expedites the removal of waste products from the body, further promoting overall well-being. 

The Skin

Bee venom therapy can prove to be a transformative solution for Morgellons Disease sufferers with skin-related issues. This extraordinary substance possesses potent bioactive components that may bring about remarkable improvements in the skin's appearance and functionality. Particularly, the therapy stimulates the production of cortisone in the body, which is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and healing prowess. Consequently, many patients observe a reduction in skin inflammation, making the skin appear healthier and less irritated. 

Furthermore, bee toxin is well documented to possess antimicrobial properties, assisting in safeguarding the skin against a myriad of pathogens. In addition, it promotes more effective wound healing - a significant issue often encountered by those suffering from Morgellons Disease. As a result of these defensive measures, patients might note a distinct amelioration in the condition of non-healing sores, lesions, and wounds, and an overall improvement in their skin health. 

Perhaps one of the most welcomed effects is the therapy's potential impact on the skin's overall aesthetic. The combination of reduced inflammation and improved wound healing can culminate in a visibly smoother and more revitalized complexion. This, in turn, contributes significantly to the enhanced quality of life and self-esteem experienced by many Morgellons Disease sufferers under bee venom therapy.

Bee Venom and Non-healing Wounds

Many people see the majority of the skin lesions, sores, and wounds clear up completely in less than 14 days after beginning with bee venom injections. This includes open wounds of long-term, non-healing nature that have been on the skin for years. The process is relatively painless and the sores shed off without effort, revealing soft, smooth, radiant skin underneath- without any scarring as a result, 99% of the time. A quality that is often reported from our clients using only our level 5X cleanser too.

a persons leg covered in sores before using bee venom and their leg with little to no sores on it after 14 days of bee venom injections

Bee venom has shown promising results in speedily clearing up non-healing lesions, sores, and wounds. The venom, in fact, contains a potent mix of bioactive proteins, peptides, and enzymes that promote healing at a cellular level. The primary compound, melittin, is reported to stimulate the body's production of cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone. This hormone not only accelerates the healing of these persistent skin difficulties, but significantly reduces any associated pain and discomfort.

Concurrently, the venom also stimulates blood flow to the targeted area, ensuring the delivery of essential nutrients and immune cells to further aid in the healing process. Thus, bee toxin appears to rapidly eradicate non-healing skin complications by triggering innate, potent healing mechanisms within the body.

Energy Levels

Most individuals experience an increase in energy when beginning bee venom therapy (usually before their 3rd or 4th injection). Many report feeling more motivated, more healthy, and feeling almost back to normal right from the beginning. However, although rare, some people do not have this experience and they do not begin to feel better until further down the road, once they move up to our stronger, Natural Grade Bee Venom Therapy Kit

Bee venom is known to boost energy levels due to its rich composition of active compounds, such as peptides, which stimulate the production of certain hormones that help boost energy. When introduced into the body, it triggers an immune response that leads to an increased rate of metabolism. This metabolic spike interprets in the body as heightened energy levels, aiding in overall vitality and well-being. Moreover, bee venom helps contain inflammation, resulting in substantial pain relief for patients, which further contributes to elevated energy levels, as they aren't battling chronic pain and fatigue.

For those that do not feel an immediate increase in energy levels, you may be one of the few who experience an increase in symptoms from your current health conditions, early on in your recovery, like amplified fatigue. This is most likely due to the fact that the body's reaction to the introduction of bee venom demands energy and might result in a heightened sense of tiredness. Your body needs rest to heal and everyone heals at different speeds, at different times.

Relief from Chronic Pain

Following your first bee venom injection, you are likely to notice a significant decrease in pain and inflammation within 20 minutes of administering the apitoxin into the skin. This includes everything from headaches, muscle tension, to joint pain associated with Arthritis. Bee apitoxin is a well known treatment in the world of chronic joint pain and many with arthritis can't live without their venom. 

Anecdotal evidence and preliminary research suggest that in addition to its therapeutic effects, bee venom therapy may include a reduction in pain. This is primarily due to melittin, a compound found in bee venom, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The mechanism of action centers around melittin’s ability to inhibit the activity of certain inflammatory enzymes in the body. Consequently, the venom acts as a natural painkiller by reducing inflammation and blocking pain signals to the brain, providing potential immediate relief.


Long Term Benefits of Bee Venom Therapy

Apart from the notable cognitive benefits, Morgellons Disease patients undergoing bee toxin therapy can expect a significant alleviation in several physical symptoms too. Notable successes have been reported in reducing the chronic skin discomfort that Morgellons Disease patients endure. Bee venom has anti-inflammatory components that can subside skin inflammation, leading to less skin crawling sensations, fewer eruptions, and resultant scarring. 

Regarding skin diseases, a recent study by Kim et al showed that BV reduces Atopic Dermatitis, the most common allergic chronic inflammatory skin disease [49].

Moreover, bee venom therapy has shown marked potential in enhancing oral health, a significant benefit for individuals suffering from Morgellons. Chronic conditions like Morgellons often carry implications for oral health, including potential tooth loss. This treatment, using its antibacterial effects, can combat bacteria typically associated with periodontal disease, preventing tooth decay and gum inflammation. The benefits extend to providing relief for other oral discomforts and preserving overall oral health, stabilizing dentition, and effectively reducing the risk of tooth loss often associated with the long-term effects of Morgellons.

Beyond improving oral health, honeybee toxin therapy has been credited with significant advances in regulating diabetes mellitus and balancing high sugar levels. Its active compounds can stimulate the pancreas to increase insulin production, a cornerstone of metabolic stability for those living with diabetes mellitus. Regular exposure to bee venom has assisted in reversing diabetes mellitus symptoms in certain instances, proving to be a game-changer in the treatment and management of this condition.

Additionally, it has shown effectiveness in reducing inordinately high sugar levels, ensuring a balanced blood glucose index. This lends a measure of prevention against the onset of hypoglycemia symptoms, a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by extremely low blood sugar. Thus, bee venom therapy emerges as a comprehensive solution offering broad-spectrum benefits for complex health conditions.

Other valuable benefits seen with long term treatment with bee apitoxin is improvement or total reversal of heart conditions like heart disease and a decrease in BP in those who have chronic hypertension. Many have told us their doctor reported improvements in the tissues of the heart, brain, and other organs, even where permanent scarring resulting in damage and complications was previously seen. Resulting in total reversal of the health symptoms caused by stroke or myocardial infarction. This can be attributed to bee venoms remarkable ability to regenerate tissue in all locations of the body.

Recent studies have uncovered the potential of honeybee toxin as an innovative way to improve the symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. The unique peptide compounds present in the venom, namely melittin and apamin, are found to possess neuroprotective properties. These compounds have shown to mitigate brain inflammation, improve cognitive functionality, and even stimulate neuronal growth, thus holding promise for slowing down the degenerative processes associated with Parkinson's disease.

In Morgellons disease sufferers, these properties of bee venom can potentially help alleviate neurological symptoms, often reported in advanced disease stages. Therefore, adding bee venom therapy to their treatment regimen could be a game changer in their plight against the baffling Morgellons Disease. 

BV injections also completely alleviate symptoms caused by all known allergens like pollen, dust/dust mites, pet dander, wheat, mold, oats, barley, & more. Plus, it is known for its incredible health features which effectively eradicate all harmful mycotoxins in the body which, can cause mold toxicity and heavy metal poisoning. To aid in the removal of mold from internal body structures and get rid of mold toxicity, we recommend following a low mold diet, for faster, more efficient results.

Lastly, the improvement in sleep patterns and quality of sleep - a less explored but significantly essential benefit - must also be mentioned. Several patients report they sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed as they progress in their bee venom therapy. A restful night's sleep could be the cornerstone, healing collateral ailments associated with chronic cutaneous syndromes like Morgellons.


Exploring Bee Venom Therapy: How it Works

Bee venom therapy, also known as apitherapy, has become a promising treatment option for Morgellons Disease sufferers. The venom, harvested from bees, is delivered through small injections directly into the skin, working to alleviate symptoms associated with Morgellons Disease and related conditions. The therapeutic value of bee venom lies in its rich mixture of active substances, such as melittin, adolapin, and apamin, among others, which have been found to be effective in the treatment of many human diseases.

These substances interact with the patient's body, namely with the immune and nervous systems, leading to reduced inflammation and pain. Melittin, the most prevalent substance, is a potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent which helps in mitigating Morgellons-induced discomfort and skin abnormalities. Adolapin aids in relieving pain and reducing inflammatory responses, while apamin boosts the immune system, promoting overall health and resilience.

Moreover, bee venom stimulates the body's production of cortisol, a natural steroid that can suppress a variety of inflammatory responses related to chronic conditions.

For individuals suffering from Morgellons disease, bee venom therapy offers a groundbreaking solution. The multitude of active compounds present in bee venom, including melittin and apamin, function synergestically to combat the symptoms associated with this disease. The venom primarily attacks the Lyme bacteria often associated with Morgellons Disease, effectively reducing skin lesions and fiber production too.

Bee venom therapy, while it doesn't claim to entirely cure Morgellons, presents a significant step forward in managing the symptoms, improving quality of life, and potentially slowing the progression of the disease. For those staring down the road of chronic Morgellons Disease, bee venom therapy may provide an avenue towards relief and improvement above and beyond other treatments, therapies, medications, etc, available in modern medicine today.

No one has worked as long or as hard to promote the benefits of BVT as Charles Mraz, who is recognized as the dean of the therapeutic use of bee venom in the United States.

Specifically, melittin demonstrates potent antimicrobial effects, disrupting the outer structure of the harmful bacteria, leading to their destruction. Meanwhile, apamin has been found to have a positive impact on neurological issues that Morgellons sufferers often experience. This balancing act performed by the substances found within bee venom can often alleviate the intense itchiness, cognitive dysfunction, and chronic fatigue that are typically associated with MD, with continued use.

Additionally, studies have shown that melittin can induce apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HCC) through the activation of the CAMKII-TAK1-JNK/p38 signaling pathway. This means that bee venom injections have shown promise in getting rid of cancer without the need for additional treatments or therapies- offering a significant increase in potential life expectancy and quality of life for those afflicted with various types of cancer and tumors.

However, In order to completely eradicate all of the symptoms of Morgellons Disease, following Megan's Miracle Protocol and completing all additional protocol tasks are necessary. Bee venom injections alone, are not capable of providing a full recovery back to total normalcy.


Continuing Therapy: A Personal Experience

As far as permanent affects are concerned, Nearly 60% of patients report a reduction in symptoms after undergoing bee venom therapy according to this medical research paper here, with less than 30 days of venom treatment. The longer you continue your bee venom therapy cycles, the longer the effects of the bee venom and your protocol tasks will last. 

Repeated sessions are often necessary, as the effects of bee venom therapy are usually cumulative, according to the doctors who performed these studies here. We advise following the bee venom injection schedules provided by Megan's Miracle, for a minimum of four bee venom therapy cycles, in order to achieve permanent and lasting relief. After that, some individuals feel well enough to move on and discontinue the therapy. Still others, continue with honeybee venom therapy for many more months, in order to achieve even more effective effects. 

At this time, no adverse reactions or backsliding in the progress that is made from utilizing bee venom injections, have been reported by those who discontinue our protocol and/or bee venom skin injections. If any symptoms of your health condition(s) can potentially return, it will be many years later. If this does happen, we suggest completing another bee venom therapy cycle to fix the problem.

Following completion of bee venom therapy, permanent health benefits are reported by those with health conditions like Hypotension, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Neurodegenerative disorders, Morgellons Disease, Lyme Disease, Autoimmune Conditions, Allergies, chronic inflammatory illnesses, and more. Nearly 30% of patients report needing fewer medications after undergoing bee venom therapy- in as little as 2 weeks of using bee venom injections. 

In fact, before beginning honeybee venom therapy, I was deathly allergic to mold with the symptoms of mold toxicity plaguing my body. In addition to the 12 new, severe allergies I had developed at the time of onset of MD- which included an allergy to wheat, barley, oats, all 4 types of pollen, pet dander, mice, mold, dust/dust mites, white oak trees, honeybees, and more.

My reactions to these allergens were so severe that accidentally sniffing something with wheat flour in it, was enough to start suffocating me from swelling in my airway. This also resulted in severe dysphagia and later, my esophagus collapsed too.

I had been admitted to the hospital one night with an IGE level above 5000 from airborne exposure to things I was allergic to. This resulted in a depletion of oxygen levels in my body, causing my feet to turn blue. I often felt like I was a fish trying to breathe out of water. -newest treatment for morgellons 2023

In as little as 90 days, bee venom injections completely reversed all of my allergies and toxicities. In fact, the beneficial effects of bee venom on immune cells that mediate allergic and inflammatory responses have been well-documented (19, 20). I no longer have to deal with toxic levels of mold build up in my body systems. I can go outside in days with high pollen counts in the air- and I experience no irritation in my eyes, no redness, swelling, or inflammation. I am no longer plagued by skin rashes or itching when I pet animals- and, I am looking at getting a new puppy! 

6 months later with only periodic use of bee venom injections once in awhile- I am still allergy, toxicity, and Morgellons free (thanks to my protocol for defeating MD here). I feel better than I did before the onset of Morgellons, in every way. My thinking is more clear- the brain fog no longer an issue. My memory has improved dramatically and I can even remember intrinsic details about most things I experience throughout the day. I only wish my brain had been functioning this well when I first began nursing school, prior to the onset of MD- passing with a 4.0 GPA would have been a breeze. 

I can honestly say that bee venom injections were the best thing that ever happened to me- honeybees and ear therapy saved my life. 

- Megan Marie,,,,,

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give it time and it gets to be routine

Jeffrey Portelance

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