Your Story with Morgellons Disease

Your Story with Morgellons Disease


This spot is reserved for our next guest blog post writer. 

Our next guest blogger's personal story with Morgellons goes here. 

Our guest post writer(s) will get $100 in reward points added to their customer account, for the article.

Blog posts must include:

  1. a minimum of 1500 words, per article.
  2. a minimum of 10 subheadings- e.g 10 sections with a bold word title
  3. a minimum of 10 quality images and alt text (short description of whats in the photo for the visually impaired)
  4. a minimum of 10 relevant outsourced links e.g link to a product page, a medical study, a forum, or another blog post. Link to any post from our blog or pages on or other website as desired.


You can write more than one blog post if desired. All posts must be about topics that MD sufferers & our clients are interested in. Some topic examples include:

Keyword: Morgellons Disease Treatment

  • Write a post about your experience with a Morgellons protocols and other treatments you've tried: did it work or not? What can others expect? etc. 
  • Write a post about our protocol and/or products.

Keyword: Coping Techniques for Morgellons

  • Strategies you found effective for dealing with your symptoms and living with MD. 

Keyword: Symptoms of Morgellons Disease

  • Symptoms you found most bothersome or life changing 
  • How you managed to deal with or fix certain symptoms

If you are not sure if your topic(s) are acceptable for our blog, please reach out to us here on our website, using the messenger below. Or, email us at

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Hi Andrea!
I would absolutely LOVE for you to write a post about your story living with this. Feel free to write it up anytime and get some pictures emailed to me. And, I’ll review it, edit it (if needed), and share it with you prior to posting online.

You can email your draft to me at anytime.

Megan Marie

Megan @Megan's Miracle

I would be interested in writing my crazy a** story…if you would have told me 7 yrs ago that I would be living this far out story I wouldn’t have believed it!!!

Andrea Snikeris

Hi April! Of course you can do this! There is no limit to the amount of blog posts I can put up so I’d absolutely love to share your story. Once you are finished with your post just email me your final copy at

Megan Mick

I’m interested in writing my morgellons journey!!!

April Freeman

I’m interested

April Freeman

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