About Apitherapy



Therapies involving the honeybee have been around since antiquity. Early hunter-gatherers depicted the bee in their art as a symbol of medicinal healing. Ancient Egypt, Greece and China—civilizations renowned for advanced medical knowledge—all reported to use bee venom therapy.

Hippocrates, regarded as the “Father of Medicine”, even acknowledged its benefits for arthritis pain and joint ailments. These days, more evidence is emerging to suggest that various products derived from bees can improve circulation, reduce inflammation and strengthen immunity.

1. What is Apitherapy and Apitherapy Treatment?

Apitherapy (from the Latin apis meaning bee) involves the use of  byproducts that are produced by the honeybee and often used for medicinal purposes. Products of the honeybee include bee venom, honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and beeswax. 

 Using Apitherapy for healing is not just about using the venom, but also about using all the products from the hive. Depending on the condition being treated, these products may also be infused with other ingredients to make soaps, moisturizers, conditioners, supplements, subcutaneous injections, and more.

When it comes to Apitherapy effectiveness, it will depend on the condition(s) being treated and the quality of the honeybee products used. The quality and the source of of the bee venom, honey, royal jelly, and propolis are of utmost importance and should not be overlooked. Ingredients must also be properly stored in the right temperature and condition to maintain optimal efficacy. This absolutely will determine the effectiveness of the final product and/or treatments.

2. How much Bee Venom is equal to a bee sting?

Approximately 10,000 bee stings are equivalent to 1 gram of venom powder, according to most studies. It is believed that one bee sting is equal to 0.1 mg dried bee venom. 500 bee stings would equal 50 mg, but other studies claim 7,000 bee stings are required to make 1 gram. 500 bee stings would equal 70 mg. (0.143 mg dried bee venom per sting)

3. Can live bees be used instead of venom injections?

For some, live bees are more accessible, especially if you know a farmer who sells them. However, keeping live honeybees in your home can be quite a difficult task. The lifespan of honeybees kept in the home for personal use is approximately 3 weeks or less... if you know how to care for them properly.

Using live bees does not necessarily mean it will be more cost effective. And, venom straight from the source does not mean it will be more effective. It is important to note that live bees will die after 1 treatment because if their stinger gets stuck in your skin, you cannot easily remove the bee without killing it.

Using live bees can be detrimental to your health because the venom injected into the skin from the honeybee has not been purified and will most likely contain a much higher percentage of allergens and various other impurities like bacteria, pollen, etc.

With Megan's Miracle Bee Venom Therapy Kits, you will get a full dose of a bee sting under controlled circumstances. This allows you to slowly increase the amount of melittin (main active component found in venom) administered into your body. So, you can build up resistance safely, and increase the dosage as high as you need to. 

The Apitherapy Kit is 100% sterile and much safer because it utilizes medical grade venom only that has been purified and lab verified for top quality and maximum benefits. Official documentation provided by the laboratory testing facilities is available upon request for both cosmetic grade and medical grade venom used at Megans Miracle. 

    4. What kinds of conditions can bee venom therapy treat? Where can I find relevant research and studies?

    Bee therapy is known world wide by Apitherapy professionals, health care professionals, holistic doctors, and many others for its exceptional antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and even anti-cancer properties. It is known to speed wound healing and speed skin cell generation too. 

    Click here for a PDF download research study and results of bee venom against antibiotic resistant bacteria and it's biofilm busting capabilities: Bee venom's antibacterial effects

    Apitherapy is proven to be an effective all natural fix for a vast array of skin problems, autoimmune conditions, and many life altering diseases and disorders. See the list of recent studies and the findings from bee venom therapy below:

    Wound Treatment

    Diabetic Wounds

    Biological Effects 

    Skin Cell Regeneration

    immunological approaches to wound healing


    Atopic Dermatitis

    Facial Wrinkles


    Autoimmune Conditions




    Other Disorders



     To be continued... 


    To learn more about bee venom see: About Our Bee Venom at Megans Miracle