How to Use: Bath Salts

Megan’s Miracle Foaming Bath Salts are used up to several times daily, as desired. Bath mix is 100% safe for scalp/hair, face, and body and is the perfect choice whenever you need to switch up your routine.

Bath Salts make an ideal mix for a super-effective foot soak & bath too. 

For an even more effective soak, try 2x foaming bath salts and add in some of Megan's Miracle Liquid Bubble Bath(coming soon) too. And don't forget to wash and cleanse your body head to toe with your favorite shampoo & soap from Megan's Miracle.

You can also add any Megan’s Miracle Soap of your choice to the tub with your bath salts as desired. Just be sure you don't soak in the tub for too long or you may end up with severe detox symptoms later.

If you do not regularly soak or take baths, I recommend you begin using Megan’s Miracle Bath Salts 1x monthly to switch up your routine. This will help speed up recovery time.

If you don’t have a bathtub, you can purchase a Chinese soaking tub via Amazon.

How to Use Foaming Bath Salts

bath: Use your wooden scoop(comes with your bath salts) or a Tablespoon to distribute 3-4 full scoops of foaming bath salts into the bathtub. Add the mixture under hot water running from the faucet to help distribute the bath soak and produce tons of foam & bubbles in your water.

Once the tub is about 3/4 full, use your hand to stir and evenly distribute powders into your bath water. Jump in the tub and submerge your body head to toe.

Soak for 20 minutes up to 1 hour for best results.

Foot Soak: Use your wooden scoop or a Tablespoon to disperse 3-4 scoops of bath salts into your foot bath. Add mixture to hot water with your foot bath and jets turned on, to help mix the ingredients into the water. Use your hand to stir and mix the water more as desired.

Soak your feet for 20 minutes up to 1 hour for best results. You may soak your feet with foaming bath salts up to several times daily, as desired.