Megan’s Miracle Recovery Protocol

for Morgellons Disease


Megan's Miracle Recovery Protocol for Morgellons Disease is the newest recovery regimen for Morgellons. My protocol is designed to eliminate Morgellons and all related symptoms utilizing Apitherapy inside and outside the body.



Below you will find all of my free protocol information with helpful photos, videos, and information you'll need to defeat Morgellons including: 
  1. Megan's Miracle diet protocol with tips on how to live a low mold lifestyle and how to switch to a gluten free diet.
  2.  Megan's Miracle environment protocol to help you disinfect your environment for Morgs (short for the organisms that cause Morgellons). 
  3. Megan's Miracle Recovery Protocol with step-by-step instructions and full-proof tasks that actually work. Plus, a free printable material list to help you get the tools that work best for everyone and a daily checklist for each stage in protocol. Everything you need to get through Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, and Stage 5 of recovery is available on my website.
  4. Additional how-to articles and instruction pages to help you complete every task like:  Reviews from Clients to help keep you motivated,  Understanding Behind the Ears SessionsPre-Protocol Preparations to help you get the most out of your time and money,  Soaping Tips for your Soaping Sessions Helpful Ingredients that you can use at home, and  Common Questions to give you answers.
Protocol includes everything I did and used to get my life back. It utilizes everything I learned from years of being a Morgellons Life Coach, from recording & compiling data from 100s of other sufferers, to hosting my own research studies with those I coached, and monitoring health timelines. I have taught hundreds of individuals how to remove biofilm, organisms, debris, and more from within and inside the body safely and efficiently using my custom soaps and various techniques. Megan's Miracle Protocol utilizes everything I learned through my own experience with this debilitating illness and finally, defeating it.
You can read more about how I discovered the cure for Morgellons Disease on my blog post About Megan's Miracle
The Story behind Megans Miracle


Megan's Miracle Protocol consists of 5 Stages. You will get started in Stage 1 of protocol and end in Stage 5. Each stage consists of required daily tasks to help you make fast progress. Each Stage in protocol will consist of 1 to 5 supplements for tackling internal issues and lowering detox symptoms. Plus, a material list and a daily checklist to coincide with your requirements for each stage in protocol.
You can get started today with the Pre-Protocol Check list to prepare for protocol. This is a list of preparations that will help you develop some key habits and help you get any/all information and test results relevant to your ability to fully recover.

Megan's Miracle Soaps, Moisturizers, Conditioners, & Internal Remedies largely focus on Apitherapy and it's key ingredients to defeat Morgellons. The Honeybee5 (shown on the right) when combined with a few other important ingredients, is a key component if you want to completely iradicate Morgellons from the body. Each ingredient plays an important roll and they must be combined at the right percentages to get the maximum antioxidant benefit.
Apitherapy is the use of honeybee products to treat various health conditions and problems. It focuses on using bee venom, royal jelly, propolis, honey, and sometimes other ingredients like beebread. This includes the use of topical remedies, subcutaneous injections, consuming these ingredients, and more. You can learn more about it here: About Apitherapy.

If you are allergic or have had issues in the past with immune responses to Apitherapy ingredients or treatments, please contact me so I can help you get through protocol safely, teach you how to use your products, and help you utilize your skin injections through allergy desinetization

What to Expect

By the end of the protocol, if you follow all requirements and see all of your required tasks through, you will no longer experience any symptoms of Morgellons. This includes symptoms such as itching/crawling/biting sensations in/on the body, mental incapacities like brain fog, pain or discomfort, loss of balance/coordination, joint/muscle/bone complications, inflammation/swelling, nail/hair/skin abnormalities, oral problems, digestive issues, vision problems or other related symptoms. This does not include any permanant damage that may have occured as a direct result of complications during your illness. This includes any permenant losses like bone density loss, loss of teeth, skin scarring, tissue necrosis, organ damage, etc.

The time it takes most people to begin to feel and look like their best selves again, is approximately 6 months. However, this can vary greatly per each individual and is not a one size fits all type of expectation. How fast you recover from Morgellons is mostly dependent on how much time you spend on your daily tasks and how well you follow all the steps listed in my protocols. Most importantly, the time it takes you to fully recover will depend on how well/how often you complete your Behind the Ears Sessions and Soaping Sessions.

Important note: 6 months is only an average time span based on the small group of under 100 individuals who have fully recovered utilizing my protocol. This is not meant to give you an exact timeline and is only my best guess based on the information I have so far.

I suggest that you do not follow a timeline and do not set an end date because everyone is different and you don't want to quit too soon. Everyone runs into bumps down the road in their journey to a full recovery. This is to be expected and is not a concern to worry. I am here to help if you need it and chances are I have had a client who has already experienced what you are experiencing, and I have an answer for you. So, don't hesitate to reach out! What matters most is that you do not give up. 

main connection behind the ear of sufferers with morgellons disease

Your Focus

The focus throughout the duration of the protocol is always Behind the Ears

No matter which task your completing or what step you are about to take: Your primary area of concern must be behind each ear. This is where the main connection is and behind the ears is what holds everything in place: inside & out. It is impossible to get rid of Morgellons Disease if this connection remains fully intact. 

To learn more about the main connection Behind the Ears that prevents you from getting rid of Morgellons, get started on your Ear Sessions after reading: Understanding Your Behind the Ears Sessions.

The Requirements 


Megan's Miracle  Protocol requirements include shaving head to toe with an electric razor.

At this time, shaving your head and getting rid of all your hair is not necessarily a requirement. However, it is very likely you will need to get rid of your hair before the end of your protocol, in order to break the final connections Behind the Ears. With the new Apitherapy Injections, this may not be necessary. Further monitoring is needed in order to conclude this. For now, just take it a day at a time and contact me if you need help or can not figure out what to do. I am happy to help you make a decision or figure out what is going on.

The main focus throughout recovery in terms of your Shaving Sessions is your Behind the Ear Sessions. It is not possible to recover without shaving behind your ears for a minimum of 20 minutes a day, at least 3x weekly (again, this is only my best guess. I suggest doing longer and more Behind the Ears Sessions whenever possible).  Behind the Ears Sessions continue throughout the duration of protocol, from day 1 and until you are fully recovered. You can learn everything you need to know here: Understanding Your Behind the Ears Sessions

Skin Injections

In Stage 2, you will need to get started on Apitherapy Subcutaneous Injections. Bee venom solution skin injections are done at home and you will administer each treatment yourself. Even though bee venom skin injections are FDA approved for allergy desensitization and cosmetic purposes, medical doctors can not provide Apitherapy services or help you administer your injections, because it is not in their scope of practice.

Honestly, the skin injections are pretty easy to do and I have not seen anyone run into problems administering the injections themselves. You will be provided with a step-by-step instruction manual, a how to: video, and care cards to help you learn how to do it. The same needles that people with diabetes use to administer their insulin by themselves at home, are used for the Apitherapy skin injections. 

Sub-dermal injections are given in areas with more fatty tissue like the lower abdomen or inner thighs. Most individuals do not experience any pain during or after the treatment at the site of insertion. Only minor discomfort has been reported to me. The pros far outweigh the cons in so many beneficial ways. You can learn more about the benefits of Apitherapy here. To learn more about bee venom and the health benefits it provides see: About Our Bee Venom

Subcutaneous injections are administered into the skin only and not directly into the muscle or blood stream. Apitherapy treatments are 3x weekly and will last for 90 days. If a second cycle of injections is needed, you will take a 2 week break before beginning another 90 day cycle using double strength bee venom solution. You can read more about our Apitherapy Kit here or About Apitherapy here.

Megan's Miracle Apitherapy Kit comes straight from the medical testing facility where each batch of medical grade bee venom is certified tested and purified for optimal quality. The kit comes with only sterile vials and components for optimal safety. Upon request, I can provide you with official documentation from the medical lab of the most recent test results for Our Medical Grade Venom and kits at Megan's Miracle. Our medical grade venom is 100% melitin only and contains no other components or substances in the sterile vial. For a copy of these documents please contact us.

Electronic Massagers & Vibration Devices

You should consider using massage & vibration devices to speed up the process of breaking deeper connections, that are keeping you sick. Including electric massage pillows, hand held massagers etc. throughout your entire recovery.

Tens Sessions

You will use a tens unit device for up to several hours daily, as necessary. It will be used on/behind the ears for best results. It is an important tool that you want to utilize.



Soaping Sessions

An absolute task that you must do if you want to make progress toward defeating Morgellons is frequent showering/bathing with Megan’s Miracle Soaps.
Every soap at Megan's Miracle is made with specific amounts of each active ingredient. And, is available in 5 levels. Level 00X is the weakest or lowest strength available. And, level 5X is the highest potency soap available. You will begin using Level 1X and work your way up to 5X as tolerable. 00X is designed for use in-between your treatment soaps and can be used to help you maintain progress or as a prevention method after recovery is complete.
In the event you need an even stronger soap than 5X for any reason, custom level soaps up to 10X are available in the Custom Order Collection.
Without lots of exposure to the Apitherapy key ingredients, it is very unlikely you'll ever recover. Many individuals have contacted me after attempting my protocol without using any of my soap or products in tears or very upset. After wasting long lengths of time trying to break the connections open without my soap. Their progress is significantly slower and takes a lot more effort. Plus, shaving becomes extremely painful and barely tolerable. 
So, you'll want to make sure you plan accordingly and take steps necessary to make sure you always have some soap on hand. In the event you run out of Megan's Miracle Soap, there are a few ingredients you can use/mix to prevent regression or loss of progress. However, these ingredients are not meant to be used long term and may result in various complications that slow/prevent your progress. The ingredients listed in the article below are meant to be utilized for instant relief or emergency situations only. Whenever possible you should use your treatment soaps with the Apitherapy formulas from Megan's Miracle. 
Read Helpful Ingredients for a list of ingredients you can mix up at home.

Oral Care Sessions

You must use an electric toothbrush for your daily oral care regimen. 5 minutes a day at a minimum is spent brushing your teeth and using vibrations inside the mouth to help break connections in the oral cavity. Plus, a few minutes with a floss pick and using mouth rinse.

Dietary Changes

You may chose to follow Megan’s Miracle Diet Protocol to speed recovery time and avoid eating excess Morgs (short for the organisms that cause Morgellons) in your food. I made a Gluten-Free food list to help you cut out wheat & wheat by-products here. The diet protocols are not a requirement or necessary part of recovery. You can fully recover without it. However, it may take you longer.

Antibiotics & Other Products

To guarantee a smooth journey and a full recovery, I suggest you refrain from taking any/all antibiotics. Antibiotics, especially with long-term use, kill all of the probiotic bacteria found within and on the body. Antibiotics do not just kill harmful bacteria and mold. Antibiotics kill all the good bacteria needed for a healthy, protected skin microbiome and digestive system. This can significantly impact your ability to recover from Morgellons as probiotic bacteria aid in fighting off the organisms. 

Plus, long term use of antibiotics can be detrimental to the body's natural immunity and immune system. You need your immune system to function properly on it's own if you want to fight off Morgellons.

Finally, taking antibiotics when you are not actually infected with the various bacteria, fungi, etc. (e.g when you are not testing positive for an infection with blood serum tests) contributes to Antibiotic Resistance. Antibiotic resistance is a prime example of why various organisms gain immunity to our medical treatments & medications. And, why we can no longer get rid of a lot of health problems (e.g why nothing works on Morgs).

Please don't contribute to the problem. Antibiotics do not help fight off Morgellons Disease and should not be used to treat "secondary infections" caused by Morgellons. A secondary infection is an infection that is caused by the primary infection. Whilst you still have the primary infection (Morgellons Disease), it is not possible to get rid of co-infections or treat them. This is just a fact. 

Antibiotics should only be used if/when you test positive via culture, scraping, or blood serum medical tests. If you do not trust your test results, I suggest you get a second test or even a third from a different medical provider and compare results.

I recommend you refrain from using topical and internal remedies that are not entirely natural whenever you use topical products like soaps, moisturizers and conditioners that are not from Megan's Miracle, whenever possible. Using products with synthetic or chemically based ingredients that effect the Morgs may significantly slow down or even, prevent you from making a full recovery.

Do not consume or take anything with chemicals or synthetically made ingredients, either. This includes anti-parasitics, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, etc. remedies that are not suggested in protocol pages. Doing so can cause minor to severe complications in your recovery, resulting in pain, long-term damage, loss of vision, organ failure, and more.

Honestly, Morgs are immune to all known synthetic medications, treatments, and chemical compounds anyway. Using synthetic treatments like anti-parasitics will only cause Morgellons to get irritated and allow them to further adapt to what your using.  

Below, you can read more about your required tasks on the Stage 1-5 Handouts. You will find links to devices I recommend using in your Material List too.

If You Have Pets

If you have pets like a cat(s) or dog(s), I have a custom-formulated Pet Shampoo and wash to aid their recovery. 

I suggest you get through most of your recovery before attempting to take care of your pets. You will need your energy back to help bathe & take care of them. Plus, once the Morgellons Cocoon is disconnected from your ears, it will be much more difficult for your pets to re-infect you. If you experience severe allergies or worsened symptoms around your pets, I suggest you get a sitter until you can get through the protocol. As constant exposure to infected pets may slow or prevent your full recovery.

Stage 1 --> Stage 2 -->  Stage 3 -->  Stage 4

 If You Need Help

I will be available throughout your recovery if you need help or have questions. I am open to helping monitor your progress if you like too. Most people send me progress updates with photos of their face and results in their sink from their Behind the Ears Sessions every 2-3 weeks or so. Sending me pictures like this allows me to monitor your progress and provide advice if needed. 

If you have questions or concerns, you may contact me by using the Chat with Us messenger at the bottom-right of your screen, through the contact page, or email me at: 

 A Final Note to Consider,

Some of us may require light maintenance after recovery to maintain a Morgellons-free life from here on out. This is especially true if you have much contact with individuals and environments heavily infested with Morgs. Care may include occasional use of the tens unit device, regular exfoliating of the body, occasional use of Megan’s Miracle Soaps & Products, maintaining a high-frequency environment, and other steps unique to each person. More data and time is needed to conclude precise details.

Getting Started 

To get started on Megan's Miracle Protocol, you'll need to get started with Megan's Miracle Soaps & products.

To familiarize yourself with some of the tools I made available for you to use during your recovery, the best thing to get started with is Megan's Miracle Variety Pack. It includes everything you need from Megan's Miracle to get started making progress toward a Morg-Free Life.

 Once you have some of Megan's Miracle Soap on the way, begin reviewing all of the protocol information using the links below. 

Start with the Pre-Protocol Preparations to prepare your body to heal. It's important you take the time to complete these steps if you want to guarantee results down the road. Follow through with necessary appointments and get the test results suggested now. 

 Then, review and get familiar with Megan’s Miracle Diet Protocol. Get your fridge and pantry cleared out of gluten & moldy foods in preparation for your dietary changes. And use the tips in Megan's Miracle Environment protocol to prepare your environment for sucesss.

Finally, begin reviewing Stage 1 protocol and get your printouts ready if needed. Familiarize yourself with all of your daily & weekly tasks for Stage 1. Purchase any/all materials on the Material List that you need. And get started!

If you would like a printed copy of the entire protocol with a reading guide card as shown above, you can purchase print outs from Megans Miracle here: Protocol Printouts

After completing Stage 1, you will move forward into Stage 2 of your recovery. Then, Stage 3, 4, & 5. So on and so forth.

Everything You Need

Everything you can review and need to get through protocol is linked below.

You can return back to this page at anytime and review the following help articles as many times as you need to. You can also use the main menu tab "Protocol" at the top of every page on to re-visit protocol information.

Reviews from Clients

Pre-Protocol Preparations

Megan’s Miracle Diet ProtocolGluten-Free Food ListLow Mold Food List

Megan's Miracle Environment Protocol

Stage 1: Material ListDaily Checklist

Stage 2Material ListDaily Checklist

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Understanding Behind the Ears Sessions

Soaping Tips

Detox Symptoms

Helpful Ingredients

Common Questions

Please take notice here: some links on this page and links relevant to protocol may be unavailable during certain times, as I work on adding changes to improve protocol and pages. If you have difficulty finding information you need or If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me
Megan's Miracle Protocol
By Megan Marie Mick
Megan's Miracle LLC @

<3 As always, be sure to remember:

I understand. I am in this fight with you. I am here to help you. You are not alone. Don't give up. Stay strong. I am proud of you for each & every day. If I can do it, you can too.   

Love, Megan Marie