Helpful Ingredients

What ingredients are helpful other than Megan's Miracle products? 

Ingredients that work in the fight against Morgellons Disease and CONTINUE to work for the long haul, have a few things in common. The best ingredients can be placed in specific categories in terms of what they do. Some types of CIs(cure ingredients) that are effective include Chelators, Anti-fungal or Mold Prevention, Anti-Dust, Anti-Caking, Softeners, Vitamins, Minerals, Salts, Deep Moisturizers & Humectants, and more. 

It’s best to aim for ingredients and devices that produce a high frequency. And, to maintain a high-frequency body and home. The higher the vibration, the better.  Some helpful high-frequency devices that help in the fight against Morgellons include most tens unit devices, vibration machines, and electric massagers.

The ingredients you choose should always be all-natural versus synthetic, whenever possible. Morgellons are immune to most chemically made ingredients and results may be the opposite of what you want. Synthetic, man-made ingredients stop working or will never be enough to get you far enough.

Choose your delivery systems wisely. When it comes to Morgellons everything works best when it's encapsulated inside a liposome or is available in nanoparticle sizes. This includes topical & internal treatments. A liposome delivery system to carry the active ingredients will double the potency and allow for safe transportation of your treatments to the target cell.

Real tinctures made with high-proof alcohol are always better than water or glycerin extracts.

Pro Tip: The best MD treatments do not cause any burning, stinging, or painful rashes during or after use. If it causes pain: use the ingredient at a lower percentage in your mixture. Add a second cure ingredient to make your project stronger instead.

Topical treatments are always the most important and should be your focus. The main connection(s) that hold everything in place are all external. You can learn more about the main foundation of the Morgellons Cocoon here: Understanding Behind the Ear Sessions

Below is a list of ingredients proven to work best in the fight against Morgellons Disease when used internally and externally. Most ingredients on the lists below can be easily found at local grocery stores and are ideal for use at home to help you recover.

Helpful Ingredients

Probiotics & Prebiotics

  • #1 probiotic bacteria is Lactobacillus acidophilus

The Best Prebiotics include:

  • Agave
  • Banana
  • Dandelion Greens
  • Raw Garlic
  • Raw Onion
  • Raw Asparagus
  • Soybeans 
  • Artichokes
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Chicory Root
  • Burdock


remove metal ions from water

  • Citric Acid/Citrus: Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange
  • Tea: Black, green, Chai 
  • Tetrasodium EDTA (chemical)
  • Turmeric
  • Fulvic Acid
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Vitamin B12
  • Chlorophyll
  • Zinc
  • Amino Acids
  • Bananas or Banana Powder


for water, skin, hair, and/or clothing are all effective.

  • Ammonium Chloride (chemical)
  • Oats
  • Polyquats (Conditioners)
  • Buckwheat
  • Calcium Sulfate

Hydrators & Moisturizers

  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Lactic acid: best sources come from natural fruits and 100% real and full fat milk products
  • Glycerin or propandiol
  • Sodium Lactate

Fatty Acids & Proteins

Conjugated Linoleic Acid:

    includes oils like cherry kernel oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, and more. Linoleic fatty acids are considered more moisturizing than others.

    Oleic Acid:

    includes oils like Hemp Seed Oil, Fish Oil, Castor Oil, and more. And, Omega 3, 6, & 9 fatty acids.

    Lauric Acid: 

      includes oils like coconut oil

      Palmitic Acid

        includes oils like Palm 

        Caprylic Acid 

          includes MCT oil

          Milk fat & Milk Proteins:

            Includes dairy products like goat milk & heavy cream. 


              Includes Hydrolyzed proteins and amino acids derived from wheat, fruits, dairy, starches, and vegetables. Hydrolyzed proteins are like super moisturizers for the skin. 

              Another powerful protein includes whey protein.


              prevent mold & bacterial growth 

              • Probiotic bacteria: #1 is lactobacillus 
              Pro Tip: Probiotics are great for fungal & yeast infections. For yeast infections, use a lactobacillus capsule as an insert 1x nightly, before bed for 3 days or longer as desired.
              • Sodium Citrate 
              • Potassium Sorbate 
              • Fermented foods/beverages like yogurt, kimchi, etc. 



              • Calcium Chloride


              Some of the best CIs often fall into all of the categories above. And, can be combined with other potent CIs for an even more powerful effect.  

              Some other things you may notice are: 

              1. CIs often treat eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, Alzheimers disease, rosacea, arthritis, severe allergies, and various other autoimmune conditions and symptoms. 
              2. CIs often aid in removing or preventing mold, bacteria, rust, grime, and build-up on various surfaces & environments. 
              3. CIs are often anti-caking or anti-stick

              Some More Cure Ingredients you can incorporate into your daily routine at home:


              • Cinnamon
              • Clove
              • Nutmeg
              • Chamomile
              • Chai
              • Milk Thistle

              Essential Oils

              • Peppermint
              • Cinnamon
              • Lavender
              • Orange
              • Citrus
              • Tea Tree Oil

              Vitamins, Minerals, Salts

              • Iodized Salt
              • Sea Salt
              • Epsom Salt
              • Magnesium
              • Vitamin A, B, C, D, E
              • Almonds
              • Boric Acid
              • Baking Soda
              • CBD (Cannabis)
              • White Oak 
              • Bilberry
              • Black Cherry
              • Black Walnut
              • Guava
              • Immunoglobulins
              • Hydrogen Peroxide
              • Peanuts
              • Strawberries
              • Skullcap
              • Sulfur
              • Sea Moss
              • Seaweed