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About Our Bee Venom

Absolutely! Without honeybees... our treatment for Morgellons Disease would no longer be possible. Protecting our bees is vital.

Our suppliers are carefully selected and specialize in Cruelty-Free Bee Venom. The bees are never killed and their venom bags are never collected or removed from the bees. The devices used are very safe for the honeybees. After collection, the beehive population always remains intact, and the colony's lifespan is never affected.

Learn more about the collection process for our bee venom in the video below:

Our cosmetic grade venom powder and our medical grade venom powder can be stored for several months at room temperature, but should always be kept in a cool, dark place. 

In the freezer, venom can maintain optimal quality for several years. Venom powder is best stored for:

  • Under 3 months: 25 - 30°C (room temperature)
  • 3 months+: 4º C (cool temperature)
  • 1 to 5 years: -20º C (freezing)

Bee venom maintains optimal quality when in powder form and if possible, should be kept separate from liquids until ready to be used. Bee venom when mixed in a sterile solution does not grow bacteria or mold over time. However, once mixed in an aquaous solution, bee venom may begin to lose some of it's potency after 90 days. 

This is why our Bee Venom Therapy Kit comes with the saline and venom powder in separate containers instead of a pre-mixed solution.


Medical grade venom powder is more labor-intensive to produce and takes longer, which is reflected in the price. Medical-grade is less potent as it is composed of 100% melittin only. Our Medical Grade Bee Venom and Medical Grade Bee Venom Therapy Kit is best for beginners just getting started with venom therapies. 

You'll find cosmetic grade venom available for purchase as an additive for your soaps, moisturizers, & conditioners here: Venom Powder for topical use

And our Natural Grade Bee Venom Therapy Kit which contains a more powerful venom as it contains all of the beneficial components naturally found in honeybee venom including melittin, apamin, phospholipase A2, histamine, etc. It is best for intermediate and experienced users. 

Approximately 10,000 bee stings are equivalent to 1 gram of venom powder (regular, cosmetic grade) of top quality, according to most studies. So, that means one bee sting is equal to approximately 0.1 microgram of dried bee venom if we had to provide our most accurate estimate.

The lethal dose, often abbreviated as LD50, is a measure of how much of a particular substance is needed to kill half the test population. All substances have an LD50, including water. 

In the case of bee venom, the lethal dose for humans is between 2.8 and 3.5 mg of venom per kg of body weight. Researchers discovered that the average human weighs roughly 62 kg or 136 pounds. 

This means that the lethal dose for the average 136-pound human is roughly 173.6 to 217 mg of bee venom. 

In terms of our bee venom injection kits, you would need to inject approximately twenty, 10 ml vials of our 1X venom solution in 1 sitting, to cause potential harm to yourself. 

Our 10 ml bee venom therapy kits come with 10 micrograms of bee venom powder. And, 10 ml of sterile saline solution. This means that for ever 0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution in your vial contains 0.1 micrograms of bee venom powder. 

0.1 micrograms of venom powder= 2 full bee stings

0.1 ml of venom solution contains 0.1 micrograms of venom powder. This means that for every 0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution that is injected is equivelant to 2 bee stings. 

Therefore, our regular strength, 10 ml bee venom therapy kits contain 200 bee stings worth of venom solution in each injection vial. 

See the equations below for a quick reference for how many bee stings is in our bee venom injections:

Regular Strength KIts

10 ml venom solution= 200 bee stings 

30 ml venom solution= 600 bee stings

0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution=2 bee stings

Double Strength Kits

10 ml venom solution= 400 bee stings

30 ml venom solution= 1200 bee stings

0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution= 4 bee stings.

Triple Strength Kits

10 ml venom solution= 600 bee stings

30 ml venom solution= 1800 bee stings

0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution= 6 bee stings


Absolutely! You'll find results from the most recent tests of our natural grade bee venom below. 

HPLC Analysis Certification

Hemolysis Analysis Certification


The complete component list of natural grade venom is shown in the graphic below. 

Bee Venom Injections

Yes you can get started with bee venom injections even if you have not been tested for bee venom allergies. Just be sure to follow the stage 2 injection schedule (for beginners) that comes with your bee venom therapy kit and monitor your reactions as necessarry. 

We recommend you spend some time learning about the types of reactions you can expect to experience and the types of skin responses you are likely to see.

We recommend reading the following blog posts before getting started with bee venom therapy and our bee venom therapy kits: 

  1. Understanding Histamine
  2. A Practicle Guide: Bee Venom Injections
  3. Bee Venom Allergies: Debunking the Myths
  4. Detox Symptoms & Herxheimer response from Venom
  5. An introduction to Bee Venom Therapy

Although 95% of our clients see results and notice a decrease in their symptoms as soon as their very first injection, this isn’t always the case. 

For some people, noticeable effects can take time. Bee venom therapy is accumulative: meaning, the more ways you expose your body to products of the beehive, the longer you practice these therapies, and the more often you use it, the better and the longer lasting the effects.

There are a few reasons your bee venom treatments may not be working as well as you expected. Below is a list of the most common reasons bee venom therapy may not be producing great results for you.

1. Liver damage (undetectable or with positive test results) 

To test for liver damage, try eating 1 whole, lightly roasted beet. If your stool turns pink in color, this is a definitive sign that you may have extensive liver damage. 

However, don’t panic! Bee venom can boost your liver recovery pretty quick. To get things moving, we recommend incorporating “Filonov dry fasting” into your bee venom therapy routine until you are able to see great results from your venom treatments, without fasting. 

Fasting is a great way to boost histamine levels naturally and can significantly boost the efficacy of bee venom therapy.

2. You are taking antihistamines frequently

and/or in high doses. 
Antihistamines can significantly impair the venoms ability to reset the immune system and decrease inflammation over time. 

We recommend weening off antihistamines before continuing your venom injections.  Additionally, double check your current medications to make sure they do not inhibit histamine levels in the body.

However, if you are taking antihistamines at the recommended dose, only a couple times a month or less, this is not the reason why your venom injections aren’t producing any results. 

What medications lower histamine levels?
H-1 Antihistamines
  • Diphenhydramine.
  • Cetirizine.
  • Chlorpheniramine.
  • Cyclizine.
  • Dimenhydrinate (incorporates diphenhydramine and a stimulant compound)
  • Doxylamine.
  • Hydroxyzine.
  • Meclizine.

Learn why histamine in bee venom plays such a vital roll in your success with your venom treatments in our blog post here: 

3. You are taking steroids frequently

(prescription or otherwise). 

Steroids can inhibit your venom treatments less or ineffective if you are taking them frequently.

However, if you are taking steroids at the recommended dose, only a couple times a month or less, this is not the reason why your venom injections aren’t producing any results. 

4. You are taking anti-inflammatory medication frequently

If you are taking anti-inflammatory medication before/after every injection, this can hinder the effects of your venom treatments as the inflammatory response to the venom is a necessary step in the healing process.

Over-the-counter and prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can affect how the body metabolizes histamine. This can prevent the histamine content in the venom from playing an important role in resetting your histamine receptors. Learn more about how histamine in bee venom works in our blog post here.
Examples of NSAIDs include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, indomethacin (Indocin), and diclofenac (Voltaren). Anti-inflammatory medications (prescription or over the counter) should only be taken when absolutely necessary. 

5. You don’t understand how bee venom works

& you are mistaking your detox reactions/herxheimer response as your illness getting worse. 

We recommend reviewing the following articles to help you understand what a normal response to venom looks/feels like and what you can expect as you begin to heal: 

6. You have high testosterone levels. 

High levels of testosterone can lessen or inhibit the healing effects of bee venom. 

We recommend getting your hormone levels checked as soon as possible with your regular doctor. Additionally, you can also purchase hormone tests online and go to an outpatient lab as a walk in. 

Sometimes estrogen/progesterone creams that you can purchase online and/or natural supplements can fix the problem. 

Otherwise, you’ll need to work with your doctor to get your hormone back to optimal functioning levels. 

One natural approach to balancing out your hormone levels, is taking apitherapy supplements daily. We suggest taking one or all of the following beehive products throughout the duration of your bee venom therapy cycle: Royal Jelly, Buckwheat Honey, Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, and/or Apitherapy Capsules. Follow dose reccomendations for best results.

7. You have low estrogen levels. 

Low estrogen levels can lessen or inhibit the healing effects of bee venom. 

We recommend getting your hormone levels checked as soon as possible with your regular doctor. Additionally, you can also purchase hormone tests online and go to an outpatient lab as a walk in. 

Sometimes estrogen/progesterone creams that you can purchase online and/or natural supplements can fix the problem. 

Otherwise, you’ll need to work with your doctor to get your hormone back to optimal functioning levels. 

One natural approach to balancing out your hormone levels, is taking apitherapy supplements daily. We suggest taking one or all of the following beehive products throughout the duration of your bee venom therapy cycle: Royal Jelly, Buckwheat Honey, Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, and/or Apitherapy Capsules. Follow dose reccomendations for best results.

8. You aren't using your apitherapy soap with bee venom at least 3 times a week, head to toe.

Regardless of which health condition you are dealing with or looking to improve, the power of your apitherapy soap shouldn't be over looked. 

It's important to remember that the body's largest organ is the skin. The skin is also the immune system's first line of defense. If your integumentary system isn't functioning at optimal levels, the rest of the body's organs including the immune system are guaranteed to suffer. 

Soap, unlike other types of topical products like a leave on moisturizer, lowers the surface tension on the skin upon contact, allowing for important apitherapy actives, including the bee venom to quickly penetrate deep into the dermal layers of the integumentary system.

Bee venom & other bee hive ingredients require low surface tension in order to penetrate and disperse throughtout the tissues easier. Low surface tension provides the hyaluronidase in bee venom with an optimal environment for easy spreadability.

After rinse off, bee venom soap continues to work up to 72 hours after rinse off. The active ingredients in our apitherapy cleansers, trick the immune system into thinking that the skin is being lightly stung, repeatedly. This keeps the immune system constantly activated, strengthening the body's defenses, long after rinse off. Learn more about how bee venom cleansers work in our blog post here.

Bee venom therapy & Apitherapy are accumulative: meaning, the more ways you expose your body to products of the beehive, the longer you practice these therapies, and the more often you use it, the better and the longer lasting the effects.

10. You are not regularly exfoliating the body and/or practicing regular removal of body hairs. 

We suggest using an electric razor with your apitherapy soap biweekly or more often during your bee venom therapy cycles for best results. Regular body hair removal and exfoliation helps speed skin cell regeneration, boosting collagen and elastin production, so the skin can remain healthy and keep an optimal microbiome necessary for your venom injections to disperse throughout the skin and tissues.  

11. You are not practicing regular ear therapies 

like behind the ear sessions or using an electric scrub brush with your apitherapy soap, on the backside of the ears a few times a week or more. Ear therapies are essential for opening the gateway to better fluid transportation and preventing fluid build up in the skin and tissues.

12. The bee venom is not able to properly disperse throughout the skin & tissues.

Regular lymphatic drainage and massage therapies are key to helping with this issue. Additionally, be sure to practice regular stretching routines before & after your venom injections.

13. You have low histamine levels naturally 

Folic acid (with vitamin B12) can help to raise the histamine level. Additionally, we suggested incorporating foods with a high histamine content into your diet. 

Fasting is also beneficial for naturally increasing your histamine levels.

14. Copper Deficiency

Copper deficiency is a known cause of histamine intolerance too because this decreases DAO activity (the breakdown of histamine in the body). If your body isn't efficiently breaking down histamine, this can result in excessive build up leading to severe detox reactions to bee venom treatments. It is vital to increase DAO activity so the venom can work and reset the immune system.

Some degenerative disorders and autoimmune diseases can cause copper deficiency in the tissues also.

We reccomend increasing the amount of copper rich foods in your diet and supplementing as necessary. A liquid form of copper sublingual supplements seem to work best for most of our clients. Just be careful not to succeed the recommend daily intake for copper.

15. Vitamin C deficiency

16. A Decrease in DAO activity

Diamine oxidase (DAO) activity is the activity of an enzyme that metabolizes histamine. DAO activity can be measured with a DAO Activity Test, which can help identify factors that may trigger chronic diseases.

DAO activity can be affected by internal and external factors, including: 
  • Food

Histamine is present in many foods, but people with normal DAO activity break it down quickly. Foods that may enhance DAO function include fresh meat and fish, eggs, most fresh vegetables and fruits, oils like coconut and olive oil, and grains like rice, quinoa, corn, teff, and millet. 

  • Copper deficiency (see #14 above for more information)
  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Medications
Many medications can temporarily block or prevent the production of Diamine Oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that can contribute to histamine intolerance (HIT): 
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, and naproxen can affect how the body metabolizes histamine. 
  • Antidepressants
    Some antidepressants, like amitriptyline, can temporarily block DAO functions. 
  • Blood pressure medications
    Some blood pressure medications, like dihyrdalazine and verapamil, can inhibit DAO activity. 
  • Other medications
    Other medications that can block DAO activity include: 
    • Acetylcysteine, a phlegm reducer 
    • Cimetidine 
    • Clavulanic acid 
    • Isoniazid 
    • Metoclopramide, an antiemetic 
    • Propafenone, an antiarrhythmic 
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Such as ibuprofen and naproxen, these drugs are often used to treat pain and inflammation, but can also cause GI side effects 
    • Acetylsalicylic acid: Also known as aspirin, this drug is available over the counter 
    • Chloroquine: This drug has shown to inhibit DAO activity by more than 90% 
    • Clavulanic acid: This drug has also shown to inhibit DAO activity by more than 90% 
    • Cimetidine: This drug has shown to inhibit DAO activity by about 50% 
    • Verapamil: This drug has also shown to inhibit DAO activity by about 50% 
    Other drugs that may inhibit DAO activity include: 
    morphine, acetylcysteine, isoniazid, amitriptyline, antidepressants, antiarrhythmics, antihistamines, mucolytics, and radio-contrast agents.
    It's important to note that this is not an extensive or complete list of all the medications that can inhibit DAO activity. We recommend researching any medications or supplements you are currently taking and it's effects on DAO activity and histamine levels. Especially if you think you may be experiencing a severe reaction or histamine intolerance symptoms following your bee venom treatments. 
  • Other factors
DAO activity can also be affected by the physiological status of the organism, alcohol, other biogenic amines, and polymorphisms of the AOC1 gene. 


If after correcting all of the above, you are still experiencing little to no effect from your venom injections, please contact us so we can help you trouble shoot. As there may be other health conditions or imbalances, medications, and/or factors that may be hindering the bee venom less effective, that we are unaware of at this present time. 

This article covers:

  • When to get started with ear injections
  • How to administer your ear injections 
  • What to expect during and after your ear injections

 Download a printable version of this information here


For Morgellons*

When to get started with ear injections 

You have been doing behind the ear sessions or using your electric scrub brush with level 5 cleanser for a minimum of 90 to 120 days 

  • You have been using Megan’s Miracle level 5X soap and/or other topical products for a minimum of 90 to 120 days, head to toe. 
  • You have been administering bee venom skin injections for a minimum of 90 to 120 days. 
  • You have adjusted to daily bee venom injections. 
  • You can tolerate 10 units of bee venom solution per 10 pounds of body weight, for daily injections. E.g if you weigh 120 pounds, you should be able to tolerate 120 units of bee venom for daily injections.
  • You have adjusted to natural grade bee venom for daily injections, and do not experience intolerable burning/stinging sensations or pain from your therapy. 
  • You have been using an electric razor to shave and exfoliate  your skin head to toe, for a minimum of 90 to 120 days (once a week or more often). 


For other conditions

When to get started with ear injections 

  1. You have been using Megan’s miracle level 5x cleansers a minimum of one time weekly, head to toe for at least 30 days or longer. (The longer, the better- as this will make your injections significantly more tolerable) 
  2. You have adjusted to regular exposure with our natural grade bee venom at Megan’s miracle. 
  3. You can tolerate 10 units of bee venom solution per 10 pounds of body weight, for daily injections. E.g if you weigh 120 pounds, you should be able to tolerate 120 units of bee venom for daily injections.
  4. You have started using level 5x apitherapy cleansers from Megan’s miracle with an electric scrub brush behind the ears, for 5-10 minutes a week. 


  1. Natural Grade bee venom solution from Megan’s Miracle
  2. Auto-injector pen or 31G syringe needles
  3. Anti-inflammatory e.g Ibuprofen for pain as needed 
  4. Ice pack to help numb the injection site as needed
  5. Alcohol swabs to clean the top of your injection vial and the skin prior to each injection


How to administer your ear injection

  1. Use an ice pack on the injection site, behind the ear, a few minutes before administering your ear injection, to numb the area. 
  2. Use an alcohol swab to wipe the top of the injection vial and fill two new, unused syringe needles with venom solution. 
  3. Locate the main connection shown in the photo below e.g the liquid transportation tube (more visible with MD patients) 
  4. Wipe the injection location with an alcohol swab.
  5. Inject 0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution into the injection site behind the ear. 
  6. Inject 0.1 ml (10 units) of solution into the other ear, in the same location, on the same day, if tolerable.

If necessary, you may do your ear injections up to several hours apart. If applicable, wait a day or so before administering venom into your other ear until both ears can be done on the same day.


Injection Site Locations

Below are photos of ideal injection site locations that you can use as an example. The tip of the arrow indicates where the needle should be inserted into the skin. And, the angle or direction the arrow is pointing, represents the direction of the syringe and needle, when inserting the needle into the skin. 

The main tube behind the ear in this photo above is neon pink in color, compared to the rest of the skin, on the back of the ear. You may need to ask for help finding this or, take a photo of the back of your ear and examine the photo to see if you can locate it. 

It is important to note that your ear tube may not be as visible until after you have administered 1-3 bee venom injections behind the ear. If you are unable to inject into it, or you miss… do not panic! It happens. Your ear injections will still be helpful.. Try again in a few days. 

If you are unable to locate the tube shown in the photo above, this is okay. Move forward with your ear injection and do your best to administer the bee venom into an example area below. 


What to Expect During your Ear Injections

  • Your ear injection may burn just as bad as it normally does in other locations on the body so keep this in mind before administering your treatment.

If desired, dilute your venom solution so it is not as potent- using the materials in your Accessory Kit from Megan’s Miracle.

  • If you administer your injection into the right location, your ear is going to swell up immediately. The swelling may not subside for 24 to 48 hours after administering your first several ear injections. Eventually, the ears will no longer swell following your venom treatments. 
  • To speed up the progress and get rid of the inflammation faster, shower with your level 5X apitherapy soap from Megan’s Miracle and wash your ear thoroughly, often. And, use an electric shower brush for 5 to 10 minutes behind each ear. Adding more warm water and soap to your brush as needed to prevent any pain from the friction on the skin. 
  • After the swelling of the ear and the area behind the ear subsides, the skin is going to peel and shed up to several days, following your venom treatments. This is a good indication that the venom is working and activating the immune system. 
  • In time, the pain and other detox reactions that occur following your ear and/or injections in other locations will diminish: the immune system and your body need to adjust- be patient. 


What’s Next?

  • Continue your ear injections 3 times a week, per ear, as tolerable. Increase dose administered per injection by 0.1 ml (10 units) of solution weekly or as tolerable.
  • Increase dose up to 0.5 ml (50 units) of venom solution, per ear, daily. 

Once you are able to tolerate 0.5 ml (50 units) of venom solution per ear, daily, do not increase your dose from here. 

If you can only tolerate 0.1 ml for several weeks or are unable to increase the dose administered per injection right away, this is okay. Do not worry! Continue your injections with as much venom solution as you can tolerate and increase your dose when you're ready. 

Continue administering your subcutaneous injections in other locations as you normally would. Do not skip your other venom injection treatments on the days you administer your ear injections. It does not matter when you administer your other venom injections. You may do your injections in other locations before or after your ear injections when you desire. 

Learn how to decrease the pain associated with your venom injections here.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist you with anything you need. 

Visit for more information on bee venom therapy, more apitherapy products, and informational articles. 

For online education courses to defeat Morgellons disease visit

For a quick list of detox symptoms and what you can expect from your venom injections visit

Our cosmetic grade venom powder and our medical grade venom powder can be stored for several weeks at room temperature, but it should be stored cold and dark if possible. Always keep the venom powder stored in a container with the lid securely sealing the vial/jar.

In the freezer, venom can maintain optimal quality for several years. Venom powder is best stored for:

  • 3 weeks at 25 - 30°C.
  • 3 months: 4º C
  • 5 years: -20º C 

Bee venom maintains optimal quality when in powder form and if possible, should be kept separate from liquids until ready to be used. This is why our Bee Venom Therapy Kit comes with the saline and venom powder in separate containers instead of a pre-mixed solution.


Our 10 ml bee venom therapy kits come with 10 micrograms of bee venom powder. And, 10 ml of sterile saline solution. This means that for ever 0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution in your vial contains 0.1 micrograms of bee venom powder. 

0.1 micrograms of venom powder= 2 full bee stings

0.1 ml of venom solution contains 0.1 micrograms of venom powder. This means that for every 0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution that is injected is equivelant to 2 bee stings. 

Therefore, our regular strength, 10 ml bee venom therapy kits contain 200 bee stings worth of venom solution in each injection vial. 

See the equations below for a quick reference for how many bee stings is in our bee venom injections:

Regular Strength KIts

10 ml venom solution= 200 bee stings 

30 ml venom solution= 600 bee stings

0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution=2 bee stings

Double Strength Kits

10 ml venom solution= 400 bee stings

30 ml venom solution= 1200 bee stings

0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution= 4 bee stings.

Triple Strength Kits

10 ml venom solution= 600 bee stings

30 ml venom solution= 1800 bee stings

0.1 ml (10 units) of venom solution= 6 bee stings


According to the Merck Manual, the average person that does not test positive for the bee antigen via blood serum allergy test, can withstand quite a few stings: 22 stings per kilogram of body weight. Using the average 62 kg human, that means an adult could withstand well over 1,300 stings. Children are smaller and may not tolerate a sting as well. 

Bee venom does not go bad because it does not grow mold or bacteria over time when stored in a sterile vial. However, the venom solution can lose some of it's effects when the venom components begin to degrade in the liquid.

Once our bee venom powder is combined with a liquid, it lasts approximately 60 to 90 days when kept at room temperature, before the quality begins to diminish.

We recommend storing your venom solution in the fridge if you do not plan to use it up within 60 days of adding saline to the dried powder. This helps preserve the quality of the venom for up to 6 months after the mixing date. After 6 months, the venom components may begin to break down and the venom solution may start to lose some of it's beneficial affects arfter 6 months or longer.

This is why our Bee Venom Therapy Kits do not come premixed. But instead, come with the venom powder and sterile saline in separate containers. 

We recommend storing the venom powder in it's dry powder form, until you are ready to use it. Keep it out of direct sunlight & heat to guarantee no venom components are destroyed over time. 

You can download the written instructions for how to mix your bee venom solution with your bee venom therapy kit here: step by step written instructions.

Below is a how to video to help you prepare your bee venom solution for injections.

For some, live bees are more accessible, especially if you know a farmer who sells them. However, keeping live honeybees in your home can be quite a difficult task. The lifespan of honeybees kept in the home for personal use is approximately 3 weeks or less... if you know how to care for them properly.

Using live bees does not necessarily mean it will be more cost effective. And, venom straight from the source does not mean it will be more effective or work better. In fact, many people fail to take into consideration is that the most impactful decision is which bees produce the venom. Because every bee produces a different type of venom depending on the location of the hive & sub type of honeybee. 

Our bee venom was carefully selected after we tested many different venoms from beehives all over the world- until we found the bee that produced venom with optimal levels of each component, to maximize health benefits.

It is important to note that live bees will die after you use them for 1 treatment because  their stinger gets stuck in your skin following the sting which cannot be easily removed without killing the bee.

Using live bees can be detrimental to your health because the venom injected into the skin from the honeybee has not been purified and will most likely contain a much higher percentage of allergens and various other impurities like bacteria, pollen, etc.

With Megan's Miracle Bee Venom Therapy Kits you will get a small dose of a bee sting under controlled circumstances. This allows you to slowly increase the amount of "stings" per treatment without risk of administering too much. This way, you can build up resistance safely, and increasing your dose is as simple as filling your syringe with more venom solution and administering it in a single injection. With purified & tested bee venom, you'll know exactly what to expect and treatment effects & detox reactions can be easily measured & controlled. 

Immune responses and allergic reactions are a lot less likely to occur when using purified venom that does not contain any additional irritants or allergens that are normally found inside the insects naturally.

Plus, no honeybees are harmed or killed in the collection or processing of our honeybee venom at Megan's Miracle. 

Official documentation provided by the laboratory testing facilities is available upon request for both cosmetic grade and medical grade venom used at Megans Miracle.



During recovery you will most likely experience many side effects as a direct result of the healing process, Megan’s Miracle products like your bee venom cleansers, dietary changes, internal remedies like your venom injections, protocol tasks like your behind the ear sessions, and your apitherapy supplements. Most of the symptoms you experience will come and go, throughout the duration of your recovery.

All of the side effects can vary from minor too severe. The symptoms you experience may change over time too. Each individuals experience will vary. This is all a normal part of recovery.

During your recovery you will experience a lot of the same symptoms, sensations, changes, thoughts, and feelings that you did while you were getting infected and throughout the infection. Except, you will experience these things in reverse and for short periods of time. 

In time, all of these symptoms/side effects will all subside for good. And, pose no threat in your ability to recover. You may also experience side effects not listed below, that are unique to you.

This is okay too and is absolutely no reason for you to worry. Just make sure you use Megan’s Miracle Soap every day- and we can guarantee you will not loose any of your progress or go backwards. 

The most common side effects you may notice on/off throughout stage 1,2,3,4 & 5 of recovery are: 

  • Shedding from the body of hair, fibers, silk cocoons, dead skin, living organisms, dead organisms, lint, dust, and various other debris. 
  • Itching spells
  • Crawling/movement sensations on the skin
  • Excess mucus, phlegm, and/or other body fluids in/coming out of body openings
  • Sweating” from pores/holes in skin 
  • Leaking clear & yellowish fluids from skin & body folds
  • Dry mouth 
  • Drooling 
  • Heavy eye lids
  • Drooping/sagging/loose skin
  • Wrinkly/water-logged skin
  • Bubbles in body fluids 
  • “Cracking or popping” joints
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing or taking a deep breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Neck/shoulder/back pain
  • Stomach pain, discomfort and/or cramping 
  • Incontinence or excessive urination 
  • Burning/stinging sensations before, during, or after urination/bowel movements
  • Organ pain/discomfort 
  • Changes in color/texture/amount of urine or stool
  • Vomiting/nausea 
  • Shaking
  • Twitching
  • "Goosebumps” 
  • Hair loss and/or hair growth
  • Numb/tingling limbs 
  • Muscle cramps
  • Joint, muscle, bone pain or discomfort 
  • Vision changes: cloudy vision, double vision, wavy vision
  • Eye pain 
  • Headaches/migraines 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Changes in appetite
  • Musty smell 
  • Dehydration 
  • Unusual smells
  • Color/texture changes of bodily fluids, body waste, and body secretions 
  • New/worsening skin lesions, bumps, rashes, and sores
  • Skin changes & abnormalities: including changes in color, texture, and appearance. 
  • Bruising 
  • Hair changes & abnormalities: including changes in color, texture, and appearance. 
  • Ear aches & pain
  • Hearing changes
  • Popping noises in the ear
  • Changes in sensation of touch
  • Hot/cold flashes 
  • Inflammation/swelling 
  • Difficulty swallowing 
  • Voice changes & abnormalities 
  • Excessive yawning 
  • Loss of eyelashes and/or eyebrows 
  • Fatigue
    • Blackouts
    • Inability to understand space and time 
    • Memory loss (short/long term)
    • Speech changes or difficulty with speech 
    • Inhability to put thoughts into words
    • Inhability to make decisions 
    • Inhability to follow through/complete simple tasks
    • Changes in sleep patterns
    • Insomnia 
    • Congestion
    • Sticky/slimy skin
    • Unable to pick things up without dropping them
    • Runny/Stuffy Nose
    • Loss of balance/coordination 
    • Dizziness 
    • Out of body experience 
    • Confusion 
    • Brain fog 
    • Mood swings
    • Changes in color/texture of nails 
    • Sore/tender areas on/in various parts of the body
    • Personality changes
    • Overwhelming sensation of doom or feeling like your going to die
    • Anxiety 
    • Racing heart
    • Light sensitivity
    • Water stuck inside ears
    • Excessive yawning
    • Extended or bloated abdomen
    • Changes in face & body shape

All of these symptoms are a normal part of the process and pose no threat in your ability to recover.

These symptoms are no reason to worry and generally, subside pretty quickly. Over time, these symptoms will decrease in intensity and happen less often. Your detox symptoms will become less severe as you progress in protocol too.


Tips to lower severity of detox symptoms

Itching head to toe:

  • Complete a Behind the Ears Session
  • Take a shower, rinse well
  • Shave your itchy spots away with your electric razor

Difficulty breathing or stuffy sinuses:

  • Gargle Mouthwash with royal jelly
  • Complete oral care session with royal jelly
  • Shave any "heavy" area on the body that feels like it's weighing you down & could be the cause of your difficulty breathing e.g the chest with your electric razor for several minutes

Severe skin rashes: painful, oozing, non-healing, etc.

  • Use Megan's Miracle Castor Rinse or Megan's Miracle Soaps and rinse well

If you have concerns or questions about your detox symptoms, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us anytime or email us at

We understand this can seem pretty scary if you have had an allergic type reaction to bee stings in the past. However, most people whom experience symptoms from a bee sting are generally NOT allergic to bee venom or the bees themselves. Many people often mistake a normal immune response to bee venom, for an allergic reaction. 

Bee venom works by activating and exercising the immune system- causing localized swelling/inflammation, pain at the sting site, skin discoloration like redness and/or unusual skin rashes that often results in itchy skin. Occasionally, some people may experience  hive-like lesions and/or numbness or tingling in the extremities where the venom was administered. However, this is NOT an allergic reaction.

In fact, these types of reactions are all to be expected and is a normal bodily response to bee venom. This is all a good sign that the venom is doing it's job and is no reason to be concerned or alarmed. 

Bee venom is composed of 2% Histamine (the enzyme responsible for immune symptoms in the body) which is another reason for the "allergy symptoms" following a bee sting. This is the main reason why some people experience extreme and untolerable reactions following exposure to venom. This is better termed as a "histamine intolerance" and is NOT a sign of anaphylaxis or a deadly allergic reaction.

Histamine intolerance is not comparable to anaphylaxis and they are not the same thing. 

When it comes to Histamine:

Did you know that high histamine levels contribute to a stronger, more resilient immune system? It’s true. Histamine has a lot of haters. It’s a well known mediator of our immune response and is often labeled as the cause of allergies.

But what nobody IS talking about is how low histamine levels can significantly impact your ability to fight off disease. Histamine is a MAJOR contributor to our overall health and the immune system functions better in individuals with HIGH histamine levels. Without Histamine, we can’t survive and the immune system cannot function to protect our body from foreign invaders.

As we age, our histamine levels naturally decrease, contributing to the decline of our organs and weakening the immune system over time.

When it comes to autoimmune diseases and allergies- the problem is NOT high histamine levels. The problem is likely one of the following:

a) you are not breaking down histamine properly

b) the histamine in your body is binding to the wrong receptor sites

Guess what? The components in bee venom are combined at just the right percentages to reverse all of the above.

You can learn more about the science behind Histamine and how bee venom works to reverse autoimmune responses on our blog post here: Understanding the Importance of Histamine in Honeybee Venom

We suggest reading the above blog post first, before moving forward with your venom injections. In addition to the following articles:

  1. Bee venom Allergies: Debunking the Myths
  2. A Practical Guide: Bee Venom Injections
  3. Detox Symptoms that indicate the bee venom is working
  4. How to decrease pain & immune responses from bee venom

If you think you may have a histamine intolerance or extensive reactions to histamine, visit our page here: How to get Started Safely with Bee Venom Injections when you have a Histamine Intolerance.


When it comes to true bee venom allergies,

Individuals who are allergic to honeybees and their venom will always test positive via skin and/or blood IGE Blood Serum Allergy Tests. So, if you are concerned about this, we recommend getting tested by your Allergist and/or immunologist for the bee venom IGE antigen. If you do not test positive for the bee IGE antigen, you are NOT allergic to the venom of honeybees.

If you have concerns about a false negative result, we suggest asking your doctor for both a skin allergy test that includes the bee venom antigen and a blood serum allergy test for the honeybee antigen. Additionally, if you have had previous exposure to bees, you can ask for a third test, known as an IGE Mediated Blood Serum Test. This will provide you with the necessary means to assess if your present symptoms are directly correlated with exposure to allergens within your environment and/or foods from your diet.

From here, if you are allergic to bee venom, your doctor can assist you further and get you started with venom immunotherapy. This way, you can begin bee venom injections 3 times a week under the supervision of your doctor until you no longer experience severe allergic reactions. This is usually covered by health insurance without any issues.

Once you no longer experience reactions to your venom treatments (usually a few weeks or so of 3X weekly injections with your doctor) you may resume your treatments at home and jump on our protocol, as soon as you are ready. Just be sure to follow all instructions that come with our bee venom therapy kits carefully. Monitor for any unusual signs/symptoms that you may experience following your injections. As an added layer of precaution, we also recommend keeping an epipen nearby. In addition to a bottle of antihistamines like Allegra. This way, you do not need to worry and you have a plan to prevent any complications, ahead of time.

If for any reason you do not want to visit a doctor or go through your healthcare provider to get test for a bee venom allergy, you can purchase an allergy test online and go to a walk in lab at your leisure, to complete your test. We suggest getting started with the following online allergy test here.


If you do not test positive for a bee venom allergy and/or your insurance will not cover your treatments, the next option is to get an epipen prescribed by your doctor. This way, you have a back up incase anything does occur during or following your injections. You can also, keep antihistamines nearby like Allegra instant dissolve tablets to reverse any excessive response that you experience during a venom treatment.

Another important step worth mentioning is that you should not administer your injections without someone nearby who can help monitor your response to the venom for a minimum of 30 minutes following your treatments, until your body stops over-reacting to your treatments.

Pro Tip: it is important to note that you should not take antihistamines prior to your bee venom therapy injections or take antihistamines often, throughout your healing journey. If you regularly take antihistamines, this will hinder the bee venom less effective and prevent it from working. The same is true for anti-inflammatory medications, both prescription and over the counter, like Ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Occasional use of these types of medications (less than 1 to 2 times a month) is okay and will not decrease the overal effects of the bee venom.


It is important to note, that true anaphylactic symptoms from bee venom will happen immediately following your injections and it can not happen later on in the day or even, hours after exposure. A true allergic response only happens immediately (within 30 minutes of your injection). A real allergy to venom results in a sudden, extreme drop in blood pressure below 80/40 BPH that does not return back to normal- this will absolutely result in you fainting within a few minutes following exposure to the venom.

A true allergy to bee venom is estimated to occur in 1 out of 40,000 individuals. To date, nobody who has used our bee venom for skin injections has experienced an anaphylactic reaction or anaphylaxis from our bee venom.

With that said, if you still have concerns, we recommend you make sure you do not administer your first one to three venom injections without someone who can help monitor you for up to 1 hour following your injections. This way, they can administer an antihistamine to you in the event anything occurs and call for help if necessary. 

Many people mistake a normal immune response to bee venom for an allergic reaction. With that said, it is vital that you take the time to learn more about what you can expect as you embark on your journey with bee venom. This way you understand what a normal response looks like. You can learn more about bee venom allergies in our blog post here.


Get started with our Bee Venom Cleansers first,

We recommend you first get started with our bee venom cleansers to help your body slowly adjust to our natural grade bee venom and various other ingredients in our formulas, prior to getting started with your skin injections. We recommend getting started with our level 1X cleansers. From here, you can work your way up as tolerable, and monitor your body's reactions as necessary.

Our level 1X apitherapy cleansers contain a much lower percentage of bee venom compared to our higher levels. The amount of bee venom is gradually increased in every level to help your body adjust safely and so it can begin to respond more normally to the venom components.

While some bodily responses are normal and just a sign that the apitherapy cleanser is beginning to work, there are a few symptoms/signs to watch out for that could be a sign of a potential venom allergy. The symptoms to watch out for include: 

  1. Sudden drop in blood pressure that results in fainting or passing out (again, a true allergic response to bee venom can ONLY occur within 30 minutes or less following exposure)
  2. Severe stinging, burning, or pain on or around the application site that is not tolerable.
  3. Severe inflammation or swelling localized to the application site that does not go away 30 minutes+ after rinse off.
  4. A rapid onset of dizziness, loss of conciousness, and/or loss of balance/coordination that begins immediatly following application of the cleanser to the forearm and does not subside following rinse off.

If any of these signs/symptoms occur while testing your cleanser(s), rinse the soap off thoroughly and try again with a lower level soap, next time. If for any reason, you experience complications while testing our level 1X products, please do not move forward with your cleanser in the shower and contact us for further instructions. If necessary, we can make a custom formula with even less venom, to help your body acclimate safely.

To request a custom formula or for help understanding any symptoms/reactions that occur from the bee venom, you can Contact us anytime here. We have years of experience teaching others how to safely and gradually reverse bee venom allergies so protocol can be followed safely. And, we are happy to help!


When you get started with your venom injections,

Be sure to follow the recommended dose of venom and injections frequency on the stage 2 injection schedule, for beginners. This injection schedule uses the same dose of venom and the same schedule that most Allergists use, to treat patients with venom allergies. It's important to gradually increase your dose as the schedule suggests. If you do experience any intolerable reactions to your venom injections, do not increase your dose the following week. You can go as slow as you need to. Or, vice versa, as fast as your body allows you to. Everyones tolerance levels are different and this is aboslutely okay. You should go at your own pace and increase your dose and the frequency of your venom injections, as you see fit. 

Its worth mentioning that you should also, make sure you continue using your level 5X cleansers as you move forward with your bee venom therapy injections. This aids in preventing reactions and helps acclamate the immune system to consistent bee venom exposure.

The cool thing is, by the time you are through with protocol… you will no longer be allergic to bees or bee venom! So, that’s an added plus. In fact, most of our clients with various environmental and/or food allergies report that by the end of their bee venom therapy protocol, they no longer experience any allergy symptoms to these allergens. Most allergies begin to subside within 90 to 120 days of regular bee venom injections with our natural grade bee venom. And, most common allergies and related symptoms are usually reversed within 6 months or less.

Click here to schedule a phone call with Megan now.

Please schedule your calls a minimum of 12 hours in advance to guarantee we are able to meet with you during your selected time frame. 

Please come prepared with all of your questions ahead of time. 

You may schedule as many phone calls as you need- I am happy to help however I can. 

I ask that all of my clients who schedule a call take the time to call my phone at the scheduled time.

Thank you.


For out of country calls, you will need to contact me via email or use our messenger here on the website to ask for my whats app phone number. Then, add me via whats app prior to our scheduled call. 

Although some reactions like localized pain, inflammation, skin rashes, etc. is a normal part of the healing process, there are ways to make this process more tolerable. Here are a few things that have worked for us and our clients in the past:

For histamine reactions

If you have histamine intolerance, bee venom treatments can sometimes cause more intense herxheimer response and detox symptoms can reach intolerable levels. Most of the time, this can be counteracted with a few simple changes to your daily routine. Below is a list of things you can do to combat reactions to the histamine content in bee venom without hindering your treatments less effective.

1. Add more vitamin C rich foods into your diet.

Vitamin C acts as a modulator for histamine release in the body and in controlled amounts, can help lower histamine reactions. However, It is important not to exceed the recomended daily dose of vitamin C as this may hinder the venom less effective.

2. Eat small meals frequently throughout the day. 

This helps to regulate histamine production in the body and helps the body maintain adequate sugar levels.

3. Add more copper into your daily food/supplement regimen

Copper deficiency is a known cause of histamine intolerance because this decreases DAO activity (the breakdown of histamine in the body). If your body isn't efficiently breaking down histamine, this can result in excessive build up.

4. Discontinue medications that contribute to a decrease in DAO activity or inhibit DAO activity.

Many medications can temporarily block or prevent the production of Diamine Oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that can contribute to histamine intolerance (HIT): 
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, and naproxen can affect how the body metabolizes histamine.
  • Antidepressants: Some antidepressants, like amitriptyline, can temporarily block DAO functions.
  • Blood pressure medications: Some blood pressure medications, like dihyrdalazine and verapamil, can inhibit DAO activity.
  • Other medications: Other medications that can block DAO activity include: 
    • Acetylcysteine, a phlegm reducer
    • Cimetidine
    • Clavulanic acid
    • Isoniazid
    • Metoclopramide, an antiemetic
    • Propafenone, an antiarrhythmic
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Such as ibuprofen and naproxen, these drugs are often used to treat pain and inflammation, but can also cause GI side effects
    • Acetylsalicylic acid: Also known as aspirin, this drug is available over the counter
    • Chloroquine: This drug has shown to inhibit DAO activity by more than 90%
    • Clavulanic acid: This drug has also shown to inhibit DAO activity by more than 90%
    • Cimetidine: This drug has shown to inhibit DAO activity by about 50%
    • Verapamil: This drug has also shown to inhibit DAO activity by about 50% 
Other drugs that may inhibit DAO activity include: morphine, acetylcysteine, isoniazid, amitriptyline, antidepressants, antiarrhythmics, antihistamines, mucolytics, and radio-contrast agents.
It's important to note that this is not an extensive or complete list of all the medications that can inhibit or decrease DAO activity. We recommend researching any medications or supplements you are currently taking and it's effects on DAO activity if you think it may be decreasing the efficacy of your bee venom treatments or causing severe reactions. 

There are many things you can do to boost the effectiveness of bee venom injections including:


Copper peptides are a natural component found in honeybee venom. Higher copper levels contribute to an increase in dao activity (the body's natural process of breaking down histamine so it can be used to fuel the immune system).

Phosphorus is a natural component found in honeybee venom. Phosphorus is involved in the regulation of pH levels within the body. Maintaining an optimal pH balance as this ensures that enzymes and other proteins function correctly. This leads to better absorption and utilization of the bioactive compounds in bee venom. Phosphorus can also, help improve the metabolic processes that are stimulated by bee venom therapy, thereby enhancing its overall effectiveness.

  • Take probiotics daily 

Probiotics boost dao activity and contribute to the break down of histamine in the body. 

  • Soak in epsom salts (magnesium) for 30 minutes, biweekly or more often.

Epsom salt or magnesium, is a natural component found in honeybee venom. Magnesium can help to stabilize cell membranes and reduce the excitability of nerve cells, thereby potentially amplifying the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects of bee venom. Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels, improving blood flow and allowing for better distribution of the bioactive compounds in bee venom throughout the body. Magnesium plays a role in the synthesis of proteins and the production of energy at the cellular level. This can aid in the repair and regeneration of tissues

  • Eat a diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids, saturated fats, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and/or vitamin B12. 

These types of supplements help boost dao activity and the break down of histamine levels. 



  • Avoid taking any medications known to decrease dao activity.
Some medications that can inhibit the activity of the diamine oxidase (DAO) enzyme. Some examples include: 
  • Acetylsalicylic acid: Also known as aspirin  
  • Naproxen: A well-known DAO inhibitor  
  • Cimetidine: Inhibits DAO by about 50%  
  • Verapamil: Inhibits DAO by about 50%

If you are not sure about the specific medications you are taking and it's effects on dao activity, we recommend researching everything you are taking.  Pharmaceutical medications can significantly impact dao activity and make your bee venom treatments less effective. 

  • Avoid supplements that decrease dao activity.






Bee Venom Soap

This is an extensive question that requires a bit of background and understanding when it comes to how bee venom effects the immune system and how surface tension directly effects the venom's ability to penetrate deep into the tissues. 

Our blog post here explains why a bee venom soap is recommended for individuals with Lyme: Bee Venom Soap

If after using your bee venom soap, you experience old sores/lesions surfacing on the skin, this is absolutely no reason to worry or be concerned.

The soaps work by pulling all of the toxins, MD nests (sores & lesions), and fibers up to the surface, so they can dry up and your skin can heal. Our apitherapy cleansers also break down layers of biofilm and/or synthetic debris that do not belong in the body, very quickly. You can expect your skin cell turnover rate to speed up tremendously, resulting in some ununusual skin responses that you may/may not be familiar with.

All of this is okay and is to be expected during your healing journey- especially in the beginning of your recovery. It will take time for you and your body to adapt to the new routines and immune changes.

Sores/lesions that you had in the past, may resurface a few times during recovery. This is a good sign that your cleanser is working to remove Morgellons from the body. It is not a sign that you are getting more sick or infected by more parasites. 

For more information on detox reactions and/or herxheimer responses you may experience once you and your skin begin to heal, visit our detox symptom list on our website here:


As you continue to use your cleanser, your skin will absolutely heal and a clearer, more radiant complexion will be revealed after the toxins finish clearing out.

If you want to speed up the healing process, there are a few things you can do. Start by moving up to a higher level cleanser. Spending more time on your protocol tasks and/or completing protocol tasks more frequently more (ear sessions, ear soaping sessions, using your electric shower brush on problem areas, etc), and moving forward with bee venom injections will help get rid of any stubborn, skin problems like this, even faster.


However, it is important to note that this detoxification process should not cause severe pain or stinging during or after soaping sessions. If any of your old sores/lesions that surface cause untolerable pain or do not dry out after a few more soaping sessions, you may have a copper deficiency. Or, you may not be getting enough phosphoros from your diet. 

Another common reason this occurs is due to a histamine sensitivity. If any sores or lesions persist for several weeks while you are using your bee venom cleansers on a regular basis, you may be sensitive to the histamine content in the bee venom. This is generally caused by low copper levels. When copper levels are low, DAO activity (the body's natural process of breaking down histamine) is decreased, leading to an excessive build up of histamine e.g histamine intolerance.

If this is the case, get started taking a liquid copper supplement like the one we suggest here:

Take 10 drops of copper under the tongue, 2 to 3 times a week until the problem no longer persists. We do not recommend taking more than this amount as too much copper can inhibit the effects of your your venom treatments.

We also, suggest switching over to our Foaming Copper Butter Cleanser to help heal. your skin faster here:


Also, get started with a liquid phosphoros supplement like the one we suggest here:

Take 20 drops of phosphorus under the tongue daily until it is no longer needed. Just be sure not to exceed the recommend DV% as too much phosphorus can decrease the efficacy of your venom treatments.

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To do this, locate the purple bar at the bottom of your screen that says “Megan’s Miracle Rewards ^” as shown in the photo below. 

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Your discount code will be sent via text message if you are subscribed to receive texts from Megan. And, discounts will also also be sent to your email if you are subscribed to receive our emails. 

1. First, you’ll need to login to your customer rewards account. 

To do this, locate the purple bar at the bottom of your screen that says “Megan’s Miracle Rewards ^” as shown in the photo below. 

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After the rewards bar is expanded, you will see a few discounts that are currently available to redeem.

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Here, you’ll see the rewards/discounts on the left and a link that says “Get Reward” to the right of each discount. 

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After exchanging your points for a discount. you will be provided with a code to use at checkout, as shown in the photo below. 

Your discount code will be sent via text message if you are subscribed to receive texts from Megan. And, discounts will also also be sent to your email if you are subscribed to receive our emails. 

Copy your discount code to use at checkout. 

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To apply your discount at checkout, just type or copy/paste the discount code that you redeemed, into the “discount box” at the bottom of the checkout page. 

The checkout page looks like this: 

1. Scroll to the bottom of this checkout screen until you see the discount box as shown in the photo below. 

2. Paste your discount code into the box shown in the photo above. 

If you forgot to copy or write down your discount code, that’s okay. Check your text messages and/or email inbox for a message from Megan’s Miracle. We send copies of every discount code you redeem via email/text.

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After your discount is applied to your total, you’ll see it applied to your total and you can see how much you saved on your order here: 

4. From here, just tap the pay now button to complete your purchase. 

Once you are on our website,, navigate to the product page you'd like to leave a review about. e.g Honeybee Foaming Bath Butter

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And, thats it. You did it! It may take a up to a few hours before your review can be seen on the website. 

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Megan's Miracle Protocol

Do I have to shave my head for protocol to be successful?

The short answer to this question is no, you don't have to. You will see results from your ear therapies regardless and your symptoms will improve if you are able to break the ears open. So, is it possible that you can beat MD without shaving your hair off? Sure, it is possible.

Personally, we don't think it is likely this will come easy for you. It's important to note that if you do wait to shave your head until the end of protocol (when deemed most likely necessary) we can tell you that you will experience excessive detox reactions- meaning you will get very sick from your protocol tasks and are likely to feel a lot more uncomfortable & itchy, compared to others.

Additionally, if a full recovery is possible without physically removing the layers of biofilm skin from the scalp, you can expect this stuff to get stuck in your hair. The Morgellons film is super sticky like super glue and it will get tangled in your hair at some point. From what our clients have told us, it is very difficult to get this stuff out of your hair. 

If you do intend to try to beat MD without shaving the hair off of the scalp, you can certainly expect it to take significantly longer for your behind the ear sessions to become successful, and for your ear sessions to produce long lasting results. 


Here is what we can tell you about those who have succeeded in ridding the body entirely of Morgellons without re-occurrence or re-infection:

  • all of them have shaved their head at least once or many times throughout protocol to help break connections beyond the ears, that were stuck onto the scalp. 


So if you are on the fence about protocol because of this our recommendation to you is this: 

Take it one day at a time. Keep your hair until it is necessary to remove it or you decide not to go further down the road in recovery. Most people begin to see incredible results from their protocol tasks and apitherapy routines and eventually, want to shave their head as they approach the end stages of protocol. Once you understand how much better you can feel with the ear connections broken, you are likely to change your mind.

 Download a printable copy of this information here


How to decrease pain & detox from venom injections

The following article covers how to decrease the following reactions to your venom injections:

  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Itching
  • Discoloration like bruising & redness

And more.   

Materials Needed

  1. Level 5X Apitherapy Soap with royal jellybee propolisbee pollenhoney, and venom.
  2. Electric Shower Brush
  3. Apitherapy Supplements like our royal jellybee propolisbee pollenhoney, and/or Apitherapy Capsules.
  4. Apitherapy Moisturizer or Toner 
  5. Anti-inflammatory medicine e.g ibuprofen
  6. Bee Venom Therapy Accessory Kit 

Additional Materials Needed for Morgellons

  1. One Blade Electric Razor - for frequent **behind the ear sessions


How to decrease the pain from bee venom injections 

  • **Use an apitherapy cleanser a minimum of 2 times weekly, head to toe, and on your ears. E.g Megan’s Miracle Apitherapy Cleansers with buckwheat honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen, and 0.5%+ honeybee venom or more. 
  • **Use an electric shower brush with your apitherapy cleanser on the backside of each ear, for 5 to 10 minutes a minimum of 1 time a week. If you can spend  more time doing this, you should. 

Pro Tip: It is not necessary to press down or apply any pressure to the back of the ear when using your shower brush. The bristles should lightly brush over the skin on the back of the ear. 

You should not feel any pain while doing your ear soaping sessions. If irritation occurs from the friction, try moving the brush so it is angled differently or resting on a different area of the ear. And, keep the brush super wet with lots of soap to decrease friction. 

  • **Decrease the potency of your venom solution and filter it a second time using our accessory kit here 
  • Apply apitherapy moisturizers, serums, and/or conditioners to problem areas of the skin with warm water, at the injection site immediately following your injections. E.g Megan’s Miracle Apitherapy Moisturizers with buckwheat honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen, and bee venom
  • Take daily apitherapy supplements with propolis, royal jelly, bee pollen, and buckwheat honey. E.g Megan’s Miracle Apitherapy Supplements
  • Use raw royal jelly to brush your teeth 1 to 3 times a week or more often.
  • Irrigate your ears to clean debris and ear wax out of the inside of your ears up to 1 time a week. 

Interesting Fact: Lidocaine and various other anesthetics or numbing agents do not help with pain or help numb the areas where venom is administered into the skin.

  • Use an ice pack to numb the area for 5 to 10 minutes before administering the venom into the skin. 
  • Apply an ice pack to the injection site immediately following your treatment. 
  • **Immediately following your injections, make sure you are up and moving around for a minimum of 10 minutes before sitting down. 
  • Practice regular stretching exercises for a minimum of 10 minutes before your injections. 
  • Insert the needle at a 45 degree angle
  • Rotate injection sites frequently
  • Exercise often
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet 
  • Monitor & maintain optimal hormone levels
  • Take notes on which injection site locations cause more pain and stay clear of these areas until the body has time to adjust to regular venom treatments.
  • **Do not take antihistamines (unless absolutely necessary)  as these types of medications may hinder your venom treatments less effective, causing more pain in the long run.
  • Relax the muscles and do not tense up before inserting the needle into the skin.
  • **Do not take any steroid medication (unless absolutely necessary) as these types of medications may hinder your venom treatments less effective, causing more pain in the long run.
  • Take anti-inflammatory over the counter or natural remedies like motrin to decrease pain & swelling
  • Follow a low mold diet (anti-inflammatory)
  • Use a vibration and/or frequency device for 5 to 10 minutes like a tens unit before and after administering your injections
  • **Practice regular skin exfoliation and body hair removal using an electric razor
  • Always use the right size needle to administer your subcutaneous injections: 31 Gauge needle with a 3CC to 10CC syringe like these syringes on amazon here

Pro tip: If 31G syringes are unavailable in your area, you may use 30G needles as necessary. The higher the gauge, the smaller the needle.

It’s important to note that all of the steps listed above will help decrease the detox reactions and pain associated with your venom injections, regardless of which health conditions or symptoms you are currently dealing with. Additionally, following the steps listed above will also boost the efficacy of each venom injection significantly, regardless of which health condition or symptoms you are presently looking to eradicate.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist you with anything you need. 

Visit or our blog for more information on bee venom therapy, more apitherapy products, and informational articles about venom. 

For online education courses to defeat Morgellons disease visit

For a quick list of detox symptoms and what you can expect from your venom injections visit


How to Reduce Subcutaneous Injection Pain

Let's face it: Nobody likes getting injections and doing it yourself can be even tougher. The fear of pain and the sight of a needle, no matter how small, can be intimidating for many people. If you are undergoing treatment for Morgellons, you will likely have to give yourself daily injections, eventually. With some prior knowledge and practice, your injections can be made a lot easier.

This article offers a few tips to reduce the pain associated with subcutaneous injections.

Numb the Injection Site

Ice cubes

If you are prone to bruising and pain, you can use an ice pack to numb the skin prior to injecting yourself. Limit the ice application to no longer than 15 minutes to avoid frostbite.

We suggest you do not use a numbing agent without first speaking with your doctor.


You can numb the injection site by applying an ice pack to the skin for no longer than 15 minutes. If that's not enough, ask your doctor about other options. Or, you may need to decrease the strength of your venom solution.

Avoid lean areas 

Subcutaneous injections are those delivered in the fatty tissue that lies between the skin and the underlying muscle. Choose a site that has a little extra fat rather than extra-lean parts of the body.

The best sites for subcutaneous injections are those that provide an ample injection site and are well away from joints, nerves, and large blood vessels. These include:

  • The upper outer area of the arm
  • The front and outer sides of the thighs
  • The abdomen (except around the navel)
  • The upper outer area of the buttocks
  • The upper hip

You need to be able to pinch the skin for an ample injections site. If you can't, select another body part.

As with intramuscular injections, try rotating your injection site if you experience pain or bruising.

The best subcutaneous injection sites are in places where the skin is not too lean and are well away from joints, nerves, and large blood vessels (such as the outer arm, thigh, abdomen, upper hip, and upper outer buttocks).

Keep the Goal in Mind

If your daily injections get difficult or tiresome, think about why you are taking the medication. If it is because you are trying to get pregnant or fight a disease (like diabetes or pernicious anemia), keeping the goal in mind may help ease any fear or anxiety you may be experiencing.

Remembering the reason can also help you keep any discomfort you feel in perspective. When it comes to bee venom treatments, remind yourself that the injections are not forever.

By reminding yourself why you need regular injections, you can keep your eye on the goal and reduce stress and anxiety.

Know When to Ask for Help

If you can't inject yourself or are having difficulties with certain injection sites, have someone else administer the shot for you. This can be a partner, spouse, family member, or friend.

Certainly, with intramuscular injections, it is sometimes easier for a partner to inject you, say, in the hip or buttock than for you to do it yourself.

Ensure that you or the person who is administering the shot gets appropriate training from your healthcare provider or another healthcare professional. Learning the correct way to inject yourself can make a big difference between a painful and possibly unsafe injection and a safe, pain-free injection.

It is also important to remember that self-injection is not possible for all people. Don’t beat yourself up about if you can't; many people aren’t able to inject themselves.

If you have a hard time injecting yourself, have a friend or family member do it for you. You can also request a tutorial from your healthcare provider to ensure you are doing the injection correctly.


To reduce the pain and fear associated with regular injections, try numbing the injection site with ice and/or a numbing cream. Talk with your healthcare provider about the best sites for intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, and rotate the injection site if there is any pain or bruising.

If you have problems injecting yourself, have a friend or family member do it for you.



  • How do you give an injection without pain?

    There are some tips that can make giving an injection less painful:

    • Allow the medicine to come to room temperature (but do not heat it).
    • Always use a new needle. Used ones are not only unsterile but can be blunt.
    • Position the needle at 90 degrees to the injection site.
    • Stick the needle in quickly.
  • How do you relieve pain after an injection?

    You can relieve pain after an injection by applying a cold compress to the injection site. If the injection is in the arm or leg, keep it moving throughout the day. If the pain is significant, you can take an over-the-counter pain killer like Tylenol (acetaminophen). 

During recovery you will most likely experience many side effects as a direct result of the healing process, Megan’s Miracle products like your bee venom cleansers, dietary changes, internal remedies like your venom injections, protocol tasks like your behind the ear sessions, and your apitherapy supplements. Most of the symptoms you experience will come and go, throughout the duration of your recovery.

All of the side effects can vary from minor too severe. The symptoms you experience may change over time too. Each individuals experience will vary. This is all a normal part of recovery.

During your recovery you will experience a lot of the same symptoms, sensations, changes, thoughts, and feelings that you did while you were getting infected and throughout the infection. Except, you will experience these things in reverse and for short periods of time. 

In time, all of these symptoms/side effects will all subside for good. And, pose no threat in your ability to recover. You may also experience side effects not listed below, that are unique to you.

This is okay too and is absolutely no reason for you to worry. Just make sure you use Megan’s Miracle Soap every day- and we can guarantee you will not loose any of your progress or go backwards. 

The most common side effects you may notice on/off throughout stage 1,2,3,4 & 5 of recovery are: 

  • Shedding from the body of hair, fibers, silk cocoons, dead skin, living organisms, dead organisms, lint, dust, and various other debris. 
  • Itching spells
  • Crawling/movement sensations on the skin
  • Excess mucus, phlegm, and/or other body fluids in/coming out of body openings
  • Sweating” from pores/holes in skin 
  • Leaking clear & yellowish fluids from skin & body folds
  • Dry mouth 
  • Drooling 
  • Heavy eye lids
  • Drooping/sagging/loose skin
  • Wrinkly/water-logged skin
  • Bubbles in body fluids 
  • “Cracking or popping” joints
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing or taking a deep breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Neck/shoulder/back pain
  • Stomach pain, discomfort and/or cramping 
  • Incontinence or excessive urination 
  • Burning/stinging sensations before, during, or after urination/bowel movements
  • Organ pain/discomfort 
  • Changes in color/texture/amount of urine or stool
  • Vomiting/nausea 
  • Shaking
  • Twitching
  • "Goosebumps” 
  • Hair loss and/or hair growth
  • Numb/tingling limbs 
  • Muscle cramps
  • Joint, muscle, bone pain or discomfort 
  • Vision changes: cloudy vision, double vision, wavy vision
  • Eye pain 
  • Headaches/migraines 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Changes in appetite
  • Musty smell 
  • Dehydration 
  • Unusual smells
  • Color/texture changes of bodily fluids, body waste, and body secretions 
  • New/worsening skin lesions, bumps, rashes, and sores
  • Skin changes & abnormalities: including changes in color, texture, and appearance. 
  • Bruising 
  • Hair changes & abnormalities: including changes in color, texture, and appearance. 
  • Ear aches & pain
  • Hearing changes
  • Popping noises in the ear
  • Changes in sensation of touch
  • Hot/cold flashes 
  • Inflammation/swelling 
  • Difficulty swallowing 
  • Voice changes & abnormalities 
  • Excessive yawning 
  • Loss of eyelashes and/or eyebrows 
  • Fatigue
    • Blackouts
    • Inability to understand space and time 
    • Memory loss (short/long term)
    • Speech changes or difficulty with speech 
    • Inhability to put thoughts into words
    • Inhability to make decisions 
    • Inhability to follow through/complete simple tasks
    • Changes in sleep patterns
    • Insomnia 
    • Congestion
    • Sticky/slimy skin
    • Unable to pick things up without dropping them
    • Runny/Stuffy Nose
    • Loss of balance/coordination 
    • Dizziness 
    • Out of body experience 
    • Confusion 
    • Brain fog 
    • Mood swings
    • Changes in color/texture of nails 
    • Sore/tender areas on/in various parts of the body
    • Personality changes
    • Overwhelming sensation of doom or feeling like your going to die
    • Anxiety 
    • Racing heart
    • Light sensitivity
    • Water stuck inside ears
    • Excessive yawning
    • Extended or bloated abdomen
    • Changes in face & body shape

All of these symptoms are a normal part of the process and pose no threat in your ability to recover.

These symptoms are no reason to worry and generally, subside pretty quickly. Over time, these symptoms will decrease in intensity and happen less often. Your detox symptoms will become less severe as you progress in protocol too.


Tips to lower severity of detox symptoms

Itching head to toe:

  • Complete a Behind the Ears Session
  • Take a shower, rinse well
  • Shave your itchy spots away with your electric razor

Difficulty breathing or stuffy sinuses:

  • Gargle Mouthwash with royal jelly
  • Complete oral care session with royal jelly
  • Shave any "heavy" area on the body that feels like it's weighing you down & could be the cause of your difficulty breathing e.g the chest with your electric razor for several minutes

Severe skin rashes: painful, oozing, non-healing, etc.

  • Use Megan's Miracle Castor Rinse or Megan's Miracle Soaps and rinse well

If you have concerns or questions about your detox symptoms, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us anytime or email us at

Get started by taking our soap level quiz here: Soap Level Quiz

This quiz will use the ansers you provide to analyze which level is best for you to get started with- to decrease the risk of detox reactions during or afyer application.

Learn more about the different levels or strength/potency we offer for our topical products below.


Megan's Miracle makes custom soaps, moisturizersConditioners, and more in levels 00X up to 10X for Morgellons Disease. When you first get started with Megan's Miracle products on Megan's Miracle Protocol, you will start out with level 1X and level up as tolerable, as you progress in your recovery. 

Level 00X is best utilized as a last resort or if you run out of/cant afford your treatment soap for a period of time. And, makes an ideal soap for after recovery to help prevent re-infection. It's a good idea to purchase a few soaps in level 00X at the beginning of protocol to set aside, incase you run out of treatment soap for any reason later in recovery. It will also, help prevent you from going backwards and losing your progress.

In the event you need something stronger than level 10x soap for any reason, bee venom powder is available for purchase at Megan's Miracle.

Which level soap you need to get in order to get back to feeling and looking 100% normal again, will depend on several factors. How long you have been using Megan's Miracle products, the severity of your detox symptoms, how long you have been infected, how difficult your connection sites are to break apart, your ability to follow instructions and complete all required tasks in Megan's Miracle Protocol, and how severe the infection are key aspects.

The most important parts of protocol that have the biggest impact on your ability to recover are, your Soaping Sessions with Megan's Miracle Soap, your Shaving Sessions, and your 3x weekly Apitherapy Injections. If you are not doing all the tasks on protocol, using all the recommended tools, or not following full protocol, it is very likely that you will need a more potent soap than most.

Every product offered in various levels contains the Honeybee 5 active ingredients at different percentages. To learn more about the Honeybee 5 and all the benefits that Apitherapy has to offer see: About Apitherapy

Level 00x contains the lowest percentage of buckwheat honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and bee venom. Whereas 10X has the highest percentage of these 5 ingredients.


Level Pricing

The amount of bee venom added is reflected in the price. The higher the level, the higher the cost of the soap per ounce. So, if you think you are going to need a more potent soap to fully recover, you should plan for this ahead of time and budget as necessary.

In the event you can not afford one of your treatment soaps when you need it, you can use Affirm to pay at checkout. Affirm accepts everyone and your credit history & score will not affect the final decision for approval. No interest rate will be added to the amount of money that you owe and you do not have to pay for anything to join with Affirm. You will need to pay for approximately 25% of your order up front and then you will need to pay your remaining balance in 4 installments or less. As long as you are able to pay off the rest of the money that you owe within 6 weeks, no additional charges will apply. However, if you cannot pay back the full amount within 6 weeks, you will owe late fees.

To use Affirm to pay, just go to your cart when you are ready to checkout and tap the pay button. The next screen will allow you to choose your payment method. Options include check, money order, Zelle transfer, Paypal (allows you to make a payment using any of your debit/credit cards if you don't have money in your Paypal account), or Affirm. Just select Affirm using the tabs located near the top of the page. Follow sign up instructions from Affirm and complete steps required to open an account. And, pay your down payment amount. 

In the event that you need smaller installments or more time to pay for one of your treatment soaps, you will need to contact me and let me know about your current situation. I am happy to help whenever I can. I also, have a list of people who need help affording soap. And, I set aside a large portion of my profits to help those in need, every month. If you need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

If you are able to donate towards this cause please contact me! I will provide before/after photos with a personal story of the person who was able to recover thanks to your funding (if they will give me permission to share with you). So you are able to see the life(s) you changed forever with your donation.

It is important to note that you should be mindful when using your soap if you are on a budget. Follow all of the tips provided on your Soaping Tips Care Card that comes with your purchase and on the Soaping Tips article page. These tips are designed to help you get the most out of every use with your soap. And, it will help you save a lot of soap.

Moisturizers & Conditioners

Megans Miracle Moisturizers & Conditioners are only available in levels 00X to 5X because only the soap is required for a full recovery of Morgellons. And, leave on products are less potent to help prevent any/all severe detox symptoms because they are not rinsed away.

Lotions, creams, toners, Conditioners, etc. are wonderful to help heal wounds, lesions, sores, and problem areas even faster than with your soap alone. And can help get rid of other skin problems like acne, bumps, discoloration, wrinkles, etc. much faster than with your soap alone. You will also find moisturizers made for cleaning out the ears, inside the nose, inside the mouth and oral care, body flushes, and more to help get rid of anything that is bothersome.

Moisturizers & Conditioners level should correspond with the level your using with your soaps. Using a high level product that you and your body have not been previously exposed to can increase your detox symptoms, cause adverse reactions and skin problems, and more. So, be sure to level up slowly when it comes to choosing your level with your leave on products, as well.


If you are still uncertain which level you need to purchase for any of the products available at Megan's Miracle because of other health complications or severity of detox, please contact me. I can help you decide which level is best and chances are I probably have previous experience dealing with your current problem with some of my other clients. And, I will be able to give you some additional tips if needed.

<3 As always, be sure to remember:

I understand. I am in this fight with you. I am here to help you. You are not alone. Don't give up. Stay strong. I am proud of you for each & every day. If I can do it, you can too.   

Love, Megan Marie


As far as the shaving goes.. it’s going to start a chain reaction of detox symptoms. This is likely what you are experiencing.

You’ll find a list of detox symptoms that can occur from healing on my website here.

Your soap will help take care of this. So depending on how long before your soap arrives.. you may want to wait.

Ear sessions and shaving can also be quite painful before you are using soap. I generally tell newbies to start with wet sessions and soap only, at first.

Without your soap, the shaving is also less likely to be very effective. The soap is the reason why shaving helps.

However, it is absolutely okay to get started early. As long as it is tolerable.

If you can afford most of everything you need to get through protocol but you may need a bit of assistance, we suggest joining our reward program. This way you can earn reward points for completing tasks & referring others to our shop.

We offer a variety of tasks that you can complete to earn rewards to pay for your purchases including, referring others to our shop, leaving product reviews, completing surveys in our courses, writing blog posts, sending in before/after photos from using our products, sending in video testimonials, completing our online classes and submitting your assignments, etc.

You will need to contact us if you are in need of financial assistance to get through protocol.

We collect “tips” during checkout from those who can afford to help and use it to fund individuals soaps and necessities as we are able. Some of our profits also go to this purpose.

To be eligible for help you must meet the following criteria as we only fund individuals who show initiative and are willing to do everything it takes to get through protocol & completely eradicate MD. Here is what we look for in potential candidates:

  • you have completed all of Megan’s miracle free online master courses for defeating MD including good scores on your quizzes and assignments
  • You have a thorough understanding of protocol tasks and how to complete them. (Successful behind the ear sessions photos are evidence of this)
  • You are willing to follow all of the guidelines in protocol like shaving the body and the scalp as stated in protocol.
  • You are using the right devices or plan to purchase the correct tools suggested in protocol to complete your tasks like the one blade electric razor, electric toothbrush, and a powerful showerhead with pressure. You must also have access to a shower with hot water, a minimum of 3 times a week.
  • You have taken any/all steps necessary to get government funding for help with food and housing as necessary. (If you currently have help or are waiting on a response- this is fine)

Please contact us if you are not sure how to get government funding so we can help if you need it.

Please note that we may ask to see your application status or approved monthly amount if funding you currently receive.

  • You have taken the time to learn all of the things you can do to earn reward points to help pay for your purchases, and you have taken the time to complete some of these tasks. E.g leaving a product review, submitting survey responses, submit before/after photos during protocol etc.
  • You are willing to send progress updates and photos of your results throughout protocol approximately biweekly or more often, to megan.
  • You are ready and have the drive necessary to see protocol all the way through.
  • You have taken the time to get a recent physical & blood work done with you primary care doctor to make sure your hormone levels and other body functions are working as they should. Please note, we may ask to see recent copies of your last check up and blood work results from your doctor.
  • You have informed us of any/all secondary health conditions and allergies that you have had in the past and/or are currently experiencing.
  • You have provided us with basic information about yourself including age, gender, who you live with, if you have pets, if you are currently taking any medications or supplements, current diet regimen, etc.

Overall, we want to know that you have what it takes to succeed.

If you are not chosen from our list for protocol funding within 90 days of joining our list, you may re-submit your information to us again or you may be deleted from our list.

To get started in protocol, we suggest first getting started with one of our Apitherapy cleansers so the body has time to adjust to regular exposure to bee venom.

Our best soap for beginners is our honeybee foaming bath butter here.

To figure out which level is best for you, take this quiz now: Soap Level Quiz

Yes, you absolutely need to complete ear sessions and learn how to break the ear connection if you want to eradicate MD entirely. There is no other way to get rid of Morgellons. 

Learn more about the ear connections in our blog post here

Learn more about breaking the ear connection for Morgellons Disease in our blog post here.

Most people get the hang of their ear sessions relatively quick. It is intuitive and something you will be able to feel. When it is working you may notice things like popping noises or you may feel your razor jolt back from the ear or head when a connection breaks. 

By the end of protocol, you will need to make sure that all of the fibers inside the crevice (between the ear and the head) are all removed. 

Yes, you absolutely need to do body shaving biweekly or more often as this is going to aid in breaking connections deep below the surface that keep you sick. Without shaving the body you will likely experience extreme itching spells all over the body as the organisms wiggle on your skin. 

We suggest that our clients following protocol check in with us biweekly or more often with progress updates and health changes so that we can help you understand and help track your progress. Photos can be sent during updates and anything else you think may help us understand where you are at in terms of progress. 

If we notice anything unsual or if we think your progress is slowing or you are not where you should be, we will let you know. And, help you get back on the right track. 

You can contact us via email, text, phone, or via our messenger on our website- whichever works best for you.

Another thing you can do to help track your progress is dry ear sessions. Doing a dry ear shaving sessions over the sink or counter can show you where you are at in terms of progress with your ear sessions. See our blog post on ear sessions to learn more here.

Yes, protocol is absolutely safe for everyone. With the exception of infants as bee products may not be safe for those with an underdeveloped immune system.

At the present time, there have been no studies or trials conducted utilizing bee venom treatments for babies. 

It is important to note, that infants under the age of 1, with an underdeveloped immune system may not respond well to bee venom.

Therefore, we suggest that women who are breast feeding infants under the age of 1 or women who are pregnant, may want to wait before getting started with bee venom therapy. Or, consider maintaining a minimal dose of 4 bee stings daily or less until your baby is more than 1 year old. For reference, 0.2 ml of our venom solution is equivalent to 4 bee stings.  

Yes, I do have downloadable material lists and task lists that you can print out now and get started on. Below are the material lists, injection schedules, & protocol task lists you can use to get going. 

Without previous experience utilizing apitherapy, bee products, or bee venom, we recommend first getting started in stage 1 with our apitherapy cleansers. You will level up slowly with our cleansers as you are able to tolerate, until you are able to use our level 5X apitherapy cleansers without experiencing any extreme detox reactions that you are unable to tolerate. 

Once you are able to use our level 5X without any problems, you can go ahead and move forward to our stage 2 protocol with bee venom injections. 


To figure out which level cleanser is best for you to get started with, take our soap level quiz here.

If you are concerned about an allergic reaction or if you have had extreme reactions to bee stings in the past, you may choose to get started with our level 1X cleansers, as this will be the level with the smallest amount of venom in the formula. We recommend getting started with our Stage 1 Starter Kit here.


Download the protocol lists using the links below:


Protocol Task List (Recommended but not necessary)


Stage 1

Material List

Protocol Task List


Stage 2

Material List

Protocol Task List

Injection Schedule


Stage 3

Material List

Protocol Task List

Injection Schedule


Stage 4

Material List

Protocol Task List

Injection Schedule


Stage 5

Material List

Protocol Task List

Injection Schedule

We offer free online education master courses to help you learn how to defeat Morgellons using behind the ear sessions, soaping sessions, and bee venom injections. 

Learn more about our online master courses here

Get started with course 1: Is Megan's Miracle Protocol Right for You here.

Next, you can move forward to course 2: The basics for defeating MD & course 3: The advanced techniques for defeating Morgellons


Additionally, the following blog posts and website pages are designed to teach you everything you need to know about protocol to succeed: 

Page: Megan's Miracle Protocol: An Overview

Page: Pre Protocol Preparations

Page: Stage 1 Overview

Page: Stage 2 Overview

Page: Stage 3 Overview

Page: Stage 4 Overview

Page: Stage 5 Overview

Page: Detox Symptoms


Blog: Understanding Behind the Ear Sessions

Blog: Understanding Bee Venom Allergies

Blog: Megan's Miracle Protocol

Blog: Understanding Histamine in Bee Venom

Blog: Practical Guide: Bee Venom Injections

Blog: Bees are What Cause Morgellons Disease

Blog: The Pest of the Beehive: Albino Moths

Blog: Symptoms of Morgellons Disease


Megan's Miracle Protocol will absolutely still work for you if you do not have active sores, lesions, or wounds on the body. Our protocol will still work for you if you have never experienced symptoms associated with the Morgellons sores.  

In fact, many people with MD go many years and sometimes never, report having any unusual sores or lesions at any given time during their illness. 

So, if you have never experienced this symptom.... it does not mean that you do not have MD.

It's important to remember, when you have any health condition(s), it is very unlikely you will EVER experience all of the symptoms commonly associated with the disease. It is even more likely you will experience all of the symptoms of Morgellons all at the same time, at any given timeframe during your illness. 

You can review all of the symptoms associated with MD in our blog post here: Understanding the symptoms of Morgellons Disease

Morgellons Disease

Ingredients that work in the fight against Morgellons Disease and CONTINUE to work for the long haul, have a few things in common. The best ingredients can be placed in specific categories in terms of what they do. Some types of CIs(cure ingredients) that are effective include Chelators, Anti-fungal or Mold Prevention, Anti-Caking, Softeners, Vitamins, Minerals, Salts, Deep Moisturizers & Humectants, and more. 

It’s best to aim for ingredients and devices that produce a high frequency. And, to maintain a high-frequency body and home. The higher the vibration, the better.  Some helpful high-frequency devices that help in the fight against Morgellons include most tens unit devices, vibration machines, and electric massagers.

The ingredients you choose should always be all-natural versus synthetic, whenever possible. Morgs are immune to most chemically made ingredients and results may be the opposite of what you want. Synthetic, man-made ingredients stop working or will never be enough to get you far enough.

Choose your delivery systems wisely. When it comes to Morgellons everything works best when it's encapsulated inside a liposome or is available in nanoparticle sizes. This includes topical & internal treatments. A liposome delivery system to carry the active ingredients will double the potency and allow for safe transportation of your treatments to the target cell.

Real tinctures made with high-proof alcohol are always better than water or glycerin extracts.

Pro Tip: The best MD treatments do not cause any burning, stinging, or painful rashes during or after use. If it causes pain: use the ingredient at a lower percentage in your mixture. Add a second cure ingredient to make your project stronger instead.

Topical treatments are always the most important and should be your focus. The main connection(s) that hold everything in place are all external. You can learn more about the main foundation of Morgellons here: Behind the Ears  

Below is a list of ingredients proven to work best in the fight against Morgellons Disease when used internally and externally. Most ingredients on the lists below can be easily found at local grocery stores and are ideal for use at home to help you recover.

Helpful Ingredients

Probiotics & Prebiotics

  • #1 probiotic bacteria is Lactobacillus acidophilus

The Best Prebiotics include:

  • Agave
  • Banana
  • Dandelion Greens
  • Raw Garlic
  • Raw Onion
  • Raw Asparagus
  • Soybeans 
  • Artichokes
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Chicory Root
  • Burdock


remove metal ions from water

  • Citric Acid/Citrus: Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange
  • Tea: Black, green, Chai 
  • Tetrasodium EDTA(chemical)
  • Turmeric
  • Fulvic Acid
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Vitamin B12
  • Chlorophyll
  • Zinc
  • Amino Acids
  • Bananas or Banana Powder


for water, skin, hair, and/or clothing are all effective.

  • Ammonium Chloride(chemical)
  • Oats
  • Polyquats(Conditioners)
  • Buckwheat

Hydrators & Moisturizers

  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Lactic acid: best sources come from natural fruits and 100% real and full fat milk products
  • Glycerin or propandiol
  • sodium lactate

Fatty Acids & Proteins

Conjugated Linoleic Acid:

includes oils like cherry kernel oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, and more. Linoleic fatty acids are considered more moisturizing than others.

Oleic Acid:

includes oils like Hemp Seed Oil, Fish Oil, Castor Oil, and more. And, Omega 3, 6, & 9 fatty acids.

Lauric Acid: 

includes oils like coconut oil

Palmitic Acid

includes oils like Palm 

Caprylic Acid 

includes MCT oil

Milk fat & Milk Proteins:

Includes dairy products like milk & heavy cream. 


Includes Hydrolyzed proteins and amino acids derived from wheat, fruits, dairy, starches, and vegetables. Hydrolyzed proteins are like super moisturizers for the skin. 

A powerful protein includes whey protein.


prevent mold & bacterial growth 

  • Probiotic bacteria: #1 is lactobacillus 
Pro Tip: Probiotics are great for fungal & yeast infections. For yeast infections, use a lactobacillus capsule as an insert 1x nightly, before bed for 3 days or longer as desired.
  • Sodium Citrate 
  • Potassium Sorbate 
  • Fermented foods/beverages like yogurt, kimchi, etc. 



Some of the best CIs often fall into all of the categories above. And, can be combined with other potent CIs for an even more powerful effect. 


Some other things you may notice are: 

  1. CIs often treat eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, Alzheimers disease, rosacea, arthritis, severe allergies, and various other auto-immune + other health conditions.
  2. CIs often aid in removing or preventing mold, bacteria, rust, grime, and build-up on various surfaces & environments. 
  3. CIs are often anti-caking or anti-stick
  4. CIs are often anti-histamines that lower the severity of allergic reactions


Some More Cure Ingredients you can incorporate into your daily routine at home:


  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Nutmeg
  • Chamomile
  • Chai
  • Milk Thistle

Essential Oils

  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon
  • Lavender
  • Orange
  • Citrus
  • Tea Tree Oil

Vitamins, Minerals, Salts

  • Iodized Salt
  • Sea Salt
  • Epsom Salt
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, 


  • Almonds
  • Boric Acid
  • Baking Soda
  • CBD (Cannabis)
  • White Oak 
  • Bilberry
  • Black Cherry
  • Black Walnut
  • Guava
  • Immunoglobulins
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Peanuts
  • Strawberries
  • Skullcap
  • Sulfur
  • Sea Moss
  • Seaweed

This is a complex question that requires a lot of background information. We suggest getting started with the articles and blog posts on our website below.

You can read about my story with Morgellons and how I managed to find the answers that everyone else had been missing here on our blog post: Megan's Miracle

Click here to schedule a phone call with Megan now.

Please schedule your calls a minimum of 12 hours in advance to guarantee we are able to meet with you during your selected time frame. 

Please come prepared with all of your questions ahead of time. 

You may schedule as many phone calls as you need- I am happy to help however I can. 

I ask that all of my clients who schedule a call take the time to call my phone at the scheduled time.

Thank you.


For out of country calls, you will need to contact me via email or use our messenger here on the website to ask for my whats app phone number. Then, add me via whats app prior to our scheduled call. 


We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Paypal. Please note that the available payment methods may change depending on your region. We do not accept cash on delivery.

We currently do not offer cash on delivery when you purchase online.


Megan's Miracle makes custom soaps, moisturizersConditioners, and more in levels 00X up to 10X for Morgellons Disease. When you first get started with Megan's Miracle products on Megan's Miracle Protocol, you will start out with level 1X and level up as tolerable, as you progress in your recovery. 

Level 00X is best utilized as a last resort or if you run out of/cant afford your treatment soap for a period of time. And, makes an ideal soap for after recovery to help prevent re-infection. It's a good idea to purchase a few soaps in level 00X at the beginning of protocol to set aside, incase you run out of treatment soap for any reason later in recovery. It will also, help prevent you from going backwards and losing your progress.

In the event you need something stronger than level 10x soap for any reason, bee venom powder is available for purchase at Megan's Miracle.

Which level soap you need to get in order to get back to feeling and looking 100% normal again, will depend on several factors. How long you have been using Megan's Miracle products, the severity of your detox symptoms, how long you have been infected, how difficult your connection sites are to break apart, your ability to follow instructions and complete all required tasks in Megan's Miracle Protocol, and how severe the infection are key aspects.

The most important parts of protocol that have the biggest impact on your ability to recover are, your Soaping Sessions with Megan's Miracle Soap, your Shaving Sessions, and your 3x weekly Apitherapy Injections. If you are not doing all the tasks on protocol, using all the recommended tools, or not following full protocol, it is very likely that you will need a more potent soap than most.

Every product offered in various levels contains the Honeybee 5 active ingredients at different percentages. To learn more about the Honeybee 5 and all the benefits that Apitherapy has to offer see: About Apitherapy

Level 00x contains the lowest percentage of buckwheat honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and bee venom. Whereas 10X has the highest percentage of these 5 ingredients.

Level Pricing

The amount of bee venom added is reflected in the price. The higher the level, the higher the cost of the soap per ounce. So, if you think you are going to need a more potent soap to fully recover, you should plan for this ahead of time and budget as necessary.

In the event you can not afford one of your treatment soaps when you need it, you can use Affirm to pay at checkout. Affirm accepts everyone and your credit history & score will not affect the final decision for approval. No interest rate will be added to the amount of money that you owe and you do not have to pay for anything to join with Affirm. You will need to pay for approximately 25% of your order up front and then you will need to pay your remaining balance in 4 installments or less. As long as you are able to pay off the rest of the money that you owe within 6 weeks, no additional charges will apply. However, if you cannot pay back the full amount within 6 weeks, you will owe late fees.

To use Affirm to pay, just go to your cart when you are ready to checkout and tap the pay button. The next screen will allow you to choose your payment method. Options include check, money order, Zelle transfer, Paypal (allows you to make a payment using any of your debit/credit cards if you don't have money in your Paypal account), or Affirm. Just select Affirm using the tabs located near the top of the page. Follow sign up instructions from Affirm and complete steps required to open an account. And, pay your down payment amount. 

In the event that you need smaller installments or more time to pay for one of your treatment soaps, you will need to contact me and let me know about your current situation. I am happy to help whenever I can. I also, have a list of people who need help affording soap. And, I set aside a large portion of my profits to help those in need, every month. If you need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

If you are able to donate towards this cause please contact me! I will provide before/after photos with a personal story of the person who was able to recover thanks to your funding (if they will give me permission to share with you). So you are able to see the life(s) you changed forever with your donation.

It is important to note that you should be mindful when using your soap if you are on a budget. Follow all of the tips provided on your Soaping Tips Care Card that comes with your purchase and on the Soaping Tips article page. These tips are designed to help you get the most out of every use with your soap. And, it will help you save a lot of soap.

Moisturizers & Conditioners

Megans Miracle Moisturizers & Conditioners are only available in levels 00X to 5X because only the soap is required for a full recovery of Morgellons. And, leave on products are less potent to help prevent any/all severe detox symptoms because they are not rinsed away.

Lotions, creams, toners, Conditioners, etc. are wonderful to help heal wounds, lesions, sores, and problem areas even faster than with your soap alone. And can help get rid of other skin problems like acne, bumps, discoloration, wrinkles, etc. much faster than with your soap alone. You will also find moisturizers made for cleaning out the ears, inside the nose, inside the mouth and oral care, body flushes, and more to help get rid of anything that is bothersome.

Moisturizers & Conditioners level should correspond with the level your using with your soaps. Using a high level product that you and your body have not been previously exposed to can increase your detox symptoms, cause adverse reactions and skin problems, and more. So, be sure to level up slowly when it comes to choosing your level with your leave on products, as well.

If you are still uncertain which level you need to purchase for any of the products available at Megan's Miracle because of other health complications or severity of detox, please contact me. I can help you decide which level is best and chances are I probably have previous experience dealing with your current problem with some of my other clients. And, I will be able to give you some additional tips if needed.

<3 As always, be sure to remember:

I understand. I am in this fight with you. I am here to help you. You are not alone. Don't give up. Stay strong. I am proud of you for each & every day. If I can do it, you can too.   

Love, Megan Marie


Yes, we also offer cleansers in custom order levels, all the way up to level 10X. You can learn more about our custom order cleansers here:

Absolutely! The only exception is for infants under the age of 1 years old as bee products may not be safe for infants with an underdeveloped immune system.

Bee venom is very hard to source to begin with so this is why. Amongst the other raw expensive ingredients I use. Bee ingredients without added preservatives that come straight from the beehive are difficult to source and take a lot of time to collect.

Especially since we do not offer any products which harm or kill the bees- making labor costs even more extensive.

Our bee venom also goes through rigorous purification & testing procedures to make sure our venom is both safe and of top quality, at the lab. This helps ensure consistent results and allows us to offer venom for injections that is free of allergens like dust or dirt that may not be safe for injection purposes.

Additionally, none of our products are massed produced in a factory. Everything we offer is handmade with careful detail. This way we can always offer custom orders as needed and adjust recipes to better meets the needs of our clients as necessary.

Our Honeybee Foaming Bath Butter Cleanser is best for getting rid of non-healing lesions and sores.

Our bee venom therapy kits for bee venom injections are the best product we offer for joint pain and inflammation. 

Our bee venom therapy kits for bee venom injections is the best product we offer for neuropathy pain.

The most important product you need to make sure you use a minimum of 3X a week head to toe, is your apitherapy soap. Without our level 5X cleanser, it is not possible to defeat Morgellons disease or related conditions. 

It is not possible because without the soap, you will certainly not be able to break the ear connection. Not using your level 5X cleanser will result in severely painful ear sessions that worsen over time, eventually making the ears too painful to touch. So, you certainly won't be able to remove the fibers in the crevice behind the ear like this. Which absolutely prevents a full recovery and successful bee venom therapy cycles down the road.

Additionally, a soap (instead of a moisturizer or leave on product) is vital to your success because it lowers the surface tension of water on the skin. This allows the key active ingredients in your soap like the buckwheat honey, royal jelly, bee propolis, bee venom, and bee pollen to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, where leave on products cannot go.

Our cleansers trick the immune system into thinking your skin is consistently being lightly stung by bees, exercising the immune system, up to 72 hours after rinse off. This aids in retraining the immune system to recognize and help remove morgellons from within/on the body, the way it was originally intended too.

Our cleansers also lower the surface tension on the sphericles of adult insects. Sphericles are like projections that encase the insects and prevent liquids & powders with a high surface tension, from breaching through the protective barrier. This protects the insects from most external stressors and harm by forming a protective barrier around their body that prevents harmful ingredients from absorbing into the body of the insect.

And yes, your soap is even more important than your bee venom injections when it comes to being able to make a full recovery. 


Due to the nature of our products at Megan's Miracle, we cannot accept returns on our bee venom products at this time. If something is wrong with your purchase or you have a deffective item, please contact us so we can make it right. 

All major credit card providers generally take 5-7 business days to process your refund before it appears in your bank account.

The best way to change your order is to contact our support as soon as possible or simply give us a call during our business hours. If an order is shipped, we won't be able to make any changes to your order and you would need to place a new order.


Orders are processed in the order we receive them unless you've chosen expedited shipping. You can track your order status on a tracking page & also signup for alerts on a courier website.

Processing time is currently 2 to 3 business days after the day you make your purchase. Weekends and holidays are not included in business days.

You’ll be able to choose from a few shipping options available for your location, during check out. We offer over night options and economy money saving options that take longer too.

Carrier tracking would provide you with up-to-date information about your package. If it gets stuck or never gets delivered to you, please contact our support and we can assist you with the next steps.

Chances of receiving defective item is very rare but it could happen. Please take pictures of a product which shows defect clearly & contact our support to check if it's eligible for replacement.