Megan's Miracle Protocol for Morgellons Disease Treatment

Megan's Miracle Protocol for Morgellons Disease Treatment


If you've been grappling with the pervasive symptoms and relentless discomfort of Morgellons Disease, then you know how truly daunting the search for effective remedies can be. You're not alone in this struggle. We are here to discuss a promising solution, unraveled by Megan's sustained efforts and relentless quest towards holistic healing. We present to you, an in-depth exploration of Megan's Miracle Protocol - an alternative, multifaceted approach to managing and potentially treating Morgellons Disease. We aim not simply to tell you about this protocol, but to empower you with the knowledge and understanding to be active players in your care regime. 

Remember, knowledge is the first step towards change and empowerment. Shedding light on the intricacies of Megan's Miracle Protocol is our mission, giving you the tools and insights to navigate this path is our aim. May this guide serve as your beacon in the often foggy journey towards wellness and relief.

Whether you're already familiar with Megan's Miracle Protocol, or this is your first dive into its potential benefits, we're sure you'll find valuable insights in this comprehensive guide. We've done the research, sifted through the studies, and distilled the collective wisdom and experiences of those who've implemented this protocol into practical, easy-to-understand steps. With our help, you're not simply reading about an alternative treatment option; you're taking an informed step towards regaining control of your health.

before photo with a girl who has lesions and sores on her swollen discolored dry face and an after photo with the girl with long hair and pretty skin

Throughout your journey of recovery, my assistance is at your service. I am more than willing to observe how well you are doing. It's quite usual for individuals to send me updates every 2-3 weeks, including pictures of their faces and the outcome of their Behind the Ears Sessions collected in the sink. These photos allow me to track your progress and offer guidance if necessary. 

If you have any inquiries or concerns, feel free to reach out to me via the Chat with Us messenger located at the bottom-right of your screen, via the contact page, or emailing me directly at:

I encourage you to take full advantage of the designated online learning center and Master Courses, on our education website here: Here, you'll find a wealth of resources and additional information that can further guide you through the Megan's Miracle Protocol process. This includes helpful videos, FAQs, instructional guides, and more. To ensure that you're getting the most out of the program, make sure to check back regularly — we're continuously updating our content to provide you with the latest insights and developments. 

Learn more about everything included in our online courses for defeating Morgellons here: Defeating Morgellons  Morgellons disease treatment.

In addition to that, you may also subscribe to our Newsletter to be on top of all upcoming events, the most recent updates, and other healing success stories from individuals who have used Megan's Miracle Protocol. This serves as an excellent way to stay motivated and inspired throughout your own recovery journey. Sign up using the form below by entering in your best e-mail address in the space provided.

Lastly, remember that you are not alone in this. Our inclusive, compassionate community is here to support you in every step of your journey. Consider joining a support group (either online or in-person) to gather valuable information and resources from others who have walked this health journey longer than you. Feel free to explore our Community forum, where you can share your own experiences, ask questions, or simply learn from the shared wisdom of others who are also battling Morgellons Disease. - Coming Soon!

Taking the step towards healing can be challenging, but with Megan's Miracle Protocol and our network of support, you'll be well-equipped to navigate your personal health journey successfully. Morgellons disease treatment.


Who is Ms. Megan and what inspired her to develop this MD protocol?

Her inspiration to develop this protocol came from her desire to provide hope and practical solutions for individuals suffering from Morgellons Disease. She wanted to empower others with the knowledge and tools to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Megan's Miracle Protocol is a testament to her determination and resilience in the face of a challenging health condition.

Read the full story on our blog here: Megan's Story with Morgellons Disease

Megan's Miracle Protocol incorporates everything she learned and applied to reclaim her life from Morgellons disease. This knowledge was acquired not only from her personal battle, but also from her time as a Morgellons Life Coach, overseeing numerous case studies & medical reports, and learning from hundreds of other sufferers' experiences. She has guided numerous individuals on how to safely and effectively remove biofilms, organisms, and other debris from within & on their bodies using unique soaps and techniques, for years. Megan's Miracle Protocol is the culmination of everything she's learned, experienced and conquered in her triumph over this challenging illness.

This protocol offers a holistic approach to defeating Morgellons Disease, aiming to address not just symptoms, but also underlying contributory factors, secondary health complications, and expanding your understanding of this condition to prevent re-infection down the road. Morgellons disease treatment.


How does Megans Miracle Protocol compare to traditional treatments for Morgellons Disease?

Megan's Miracle Protocol for Morgellons Disease is an alternative treatment approach that differs significantly from traditional treatments. Traditional treatments for Morgellons often focus on managing symptoms, as the cause of the disease is still a topic of debate among medical professionals. These treatments may include antipsychotic medications, cognitive behavioral therapy, and antibiotics.

Megan's Miracle Protocol, on the other hand, is a holistic approach that aims to address the root cause of the disease rather than just managing the symptoms. It includes a combination of ear therapies, exfoliating techniques, apitherapy supplements, detoxification methods, and lifestyle adjustments inclusive of honeybee venom. This protocol is based on the belief that Morgellons is a physical illness that can be eliminated through natural remedies and specific techniques. Morgellons disease treatment.

Another key difference lies in the patient's involvement in their treatment. Traditional treatments are often prescribed by a doctor and the patient's role is typically passive. In contrast, Megan's Miracle Protocol requires active participation from the patient. They must commit to significant changes in their day-to-day lives for 6 months or sometimes longer, including a strict regimen and regular bee venom skin injections.

Finally, Megan's Miracle Protocol emphasizes the importance of a supportive community in managing Morgellons Disease. This is a unique aspect of the protocol that is not typically found in traditional treatment approaches. The protocol encourages individuals to connect with others who are also dealing with the disease, providing a sense of understanding and shared experience that can be therapeutic in its own right. If you would like to be hooked up with a buddy who is also on our protocol- contact us


What are some of the most common Morgellons disease symptoms? other than itching and hypothyroidism?

Morgellons Disease is a complex and much-debated condition manifesting in an array of discomforting symptoms, including the belief that parasites or fibers are emerging from the skin. People with this condition often report feeling as if something is crawling on or stinging their skin. The intense itching and sores associated with Morgellons disease can severely interfere with a person's quality of life. Unusual or mysterious skin problems, such as sores that never seem to heal, or strange, fiber-like material emerging from these sores, are the main symptoms of this unexplained skin condition.

However, it is important to note that not everyone who suffers with MD experiences non-healing lesions, sores, wounds, and/or fibers emerging from the skin. At some point during an active affliction, most individuals are likely to develop sores at some point. However, this could happen only once- and sometimes, it never happens. These patients tend to have itty bitty microscopical non-healing lesions deep in the layers of the skin, instead, which is often un-detectable. Morgellons disease treatment.

Many Morgellons patients complain of persistent skin itching or crawling sensations, as if insects were moving under their skin. They may also feel stinging or biting sensations. The severity of these sensations can vary from mildly uncomfortable to extremely disruptive, interfering with daily activities. 

Many patients suffer from neurocognitive problems, including difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss, and difficulty performing daily tasks. Furthermore, depression and severe fatigue are common symptoms. 

Morgellons disease symptoms are similar to that of chronic fatigue syndrome, mental health issues, skin infections, and various other chronic health conditions and auto-immune diseases.

Despite the range of symptoms, Morgellons is often dismissed by mainstream medicine as a delusion. However, for those living with this condition, the symptoms are very much real. Understanding the main symptoms of Morgellons Disease can aid in figuring out the most effective coping strategies both during and after recovery. 

Morgellons Disease affects both men and women, with a slightly higher prevalence in women.

a notebook with symptoms of Morgellons written in cursive and open on a white table top

Read about all of the symptoms associated with Morgellons Disease in our Blog Post here: Symptoms of MD.

What are the key pillars to success with Megan's Miracle Protocol for Morgellons disease treatment?

Let's dive deep into Megan's Miracle Protocol. This breakthrough approach to conquering Morgellons Disease is built around three key pillars: Topical Apitherapy Treatments, Bee Venom Therapy & skin injections, and ear therapies.

  • Topical Apitherapy Treatments involve the application of bee products such as honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, and bee venom to the skin. -most importantly, the use of a powerful apitherapy soap to cleanse the skin.

care card for bee venom that lists the benefits of using venom for medicinal purposes with megans miracle logo at the bottom

  • Bee venom therapy leverages beneficial properties of bee venom such as anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial effects to help fight the symptoms of Morgellons disease.
  • Megan's Miracle Protocol often includes apitherapy supplements including: honey, propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen in raw, natural form- jam packed with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support overall skin health, immune function and aid in eliminating other chronic health symptoms.
  • Ear therapies can encompass a range of treatments from ear cleaning sessions, ear acupressure, to ear reflexology, all aimed at improving immune response and reducing Morgellons symptoms. - most important, your daily behind the ears sessions.
  • Regular skin cleaning and care sessions, including soaping and oral care sessions inclusive of adding royal jelly, form an integral part of this protocol.
  • The protocol also comprises the use of electronic massagers and vibration devices to stimulate blood flow and promote skin healing.
  • Protocol includes regular exfoliation of the skin and body hairs using an electronic razor to aid in busting layers of biofilm and connections on the body. Other helpful tools including a wide range of other exfoliating tools are used later in recovery.
  • Dedicated attention to pet care is also accounted for in the protocol, acknowledging that pets can potentially be vectors for Morgellons disease.


Topical Apitherapy Treatments 

At the heart of Megan's Miracle Protocol is the utilization of Topical Apitherapy treatments. In simpler terms, Apitherapy leverages medicinal products derived from bees for healing purposes. Key ingredients such as honey, propolis, royal jelly, bee pollen, and honeybee venom are applied topically to alleviate the distressing effects of Morgellons Disease. 

In order to find success in this protocol, your mainstay should be a cleanser rich in key active ingredients that will help combat Morgellons. You'll discover a variety of bee venom cleansers, moisturizers & conditioners in our online shop at These recipes are proven effective by hundreds of sufferers and are customized to cater to your specific needs. 

Our specially formulated cleansers don't just clean, they enhance the effectiveness of your behind-the-ear sessions, your venom injections, and overall recovery progress. Their role in your healing journey can't be taken lightly. 

It is essential to utilize Megan's Miracle Soaps at least three times a week, from your head to your toes. These potent cleansers also function as shampoos - a perfect two-in-one solution. Nevertheless, you can also purchase our Honeybee Conditioning Shampoo separately if you so choose. Our range of cleansers includes top favorites like Honeybee Foaming Bath Butter, reliable and natural Honeybee Soap Bars, exfoliating Honeybee Salt Bars, invigorating Whipped Foaming Salt Scrub, and our hydrating Conditioning Body Wash

legs covered in a red blotchy rash with shiny sores and lesions covering the surface of the skin in before photo and after photo is her legs without a rash and is normal color skin again

Our cleansers are not just cleaning agents; they serve your body by purging it of harmful toxins, breaking the structural links of the Morgellons Disease (MD) cocoon, washing away the Morgellons organisms, replenishing skin moisture, and plenty more. Your soaping sessions are the frontline strategy supporting your behind-the-ear sessions, shaving sessions, and your injections. Without the assistance of our apitherapy soap, you might find the increased venom doses challenging to endure due to the pain.


Bee Venom Therapy & Skin Injections 

Next, we have Bee Venom Therapy and skin injections. This aspect of the protocol involves a more in-depth form of apitherapy. Bee venom, rich in compounds that have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, is injected subcutaneously. This may sound a little daunting, but fear not. The potential benefits far outweigh the initial anxiety you might feel. Plus, you'll be guided and supported every step of the way! 

Learn more about our Honeybee venom at Megan's Miracle here.

before and after photo of close up of dry scaley skin and clear soft skin

When you purchase our bee venom therapy kits from Megan's Miracle, you'll get detailed instructions and extra information with videos, reading material, & tips that you can use to get the most out of your bee venom therapy cycles throughout protocol. Your instructions are inclusive of a manual for how & where to administer your venom injections, an injection schedule with steps to increase your dose safely, and more.

Additionally, you can take our online master course designed to teach you everything there is to know about bee venom skin injections and read our blog posts about bee venom allergies & our guide to bee venom injections.

Keep in mind that Bee Venom Therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It's tailored to your individual health situation and comfort level. Typically, the therapy starts off slowly – with minimal amounts of venom – allowing your body to familiarize itself with the new substance. Gradually, the dose is increased to maximize the therapeutic benefits without causing unnecessary discomfort. 

Besides the therapeutic effects of the bee venom itself, the injection also stimulates an immune response. This helps to enhance your body's natural healing processes, encouraging a faster recovery. 

Injections are administered 3 times a week in the beginning, and later moving forward with daily treatments with a more potent bee venom- using our natural grade bee venom therapy kit


Ear Therapies 

Last but not least, let's talk about the third pillar: ear therapies. This part of Megan's protocol often includes treatments such as the tens unit with ear clips, behind the ear sessions, electronic massagers, vibration devices, and exfoliating techniques. Eventually, near the end of protocol, you will utilize venom internally, behind the ears too. 

Most importantly- daily behind the ears sessions are used to break up the main connections that keep you sick with MD. Behind the ears is the key to unlocking success and so is the key to preventing immunity. So the organisms can no longer adapt to your treatments or the ingredients that work.

The objective? To break the main connection that holds the Morgellons Cocoon together and keeps you sick indefinatly.

Your safety is of utmost importance. If you decide to proceed with this part of Megan’s Miracle Protocol, you'll be provided with comprehensive instructions and precautions to minimize any potential risks and ensure the therapy is as safe and efficient as possible.


A positive review about megans miracle protocol with a 5 star review from someone who says they are free of morgellons in the mind and body.

The ultimate aim is for you to regain control over your health and start living a more fulfilling life. Fear might be part of the process, but remember that you're not alone. Megan’s Miracle Protocol is here not only to guide you on your path to recovery but also to instill hope and resilience every step of the way.

There you have it - a quick overview of Megan's Miracle Protocol. Remember, your health is your wealth. So, be patient, be positive, and have faith in your healing journey.

It's essential to remember that this protocol requires commitment and patience. It might take some time before you start noticing significant improvements. However, countless Morgellons sufferers who stuck with the program have reported remarkable transformations in their health and wellbeing. 

Support is a crucial aspect of Megan’s Miracle Protocol. It is a good idea to seek and find support from someone who is willing to help you administer your venom injections if/when it is necessary. 


Important guides

A guide to behind the ears sessions

Learn how to complete your ear sessions, why it's important, how it works, and everything you need to know by reading our blog post & guide to behind the ear sessions here. Additionally, you can learn detailed steps to conquering your ear sessions in our online master course here.

Don't make the mistake of skipping out on your ear sessions as you cannot defeat Morgellons without breaking these connections beyond each ear. 

Behind the ear sessions begin in Stage 1 of protocol, in the very beginning of your recovery and will be a apart of your daily routine until you have fully recovered from MD. So, you'll want to get started learning about your ear sessions asap.


Printable Material Lists

When it comes to the pursuit of healing from Morgellons disease, having the right tools and materials is essential. That's why we have created free printable material lists for each stage in your recovery journey.

These comprehensive lists not only outline the necessary items you'll need but also provide estimated monthly costs for each item. We understand that budgeting can be a concern, so we've included a total cost at the bottom of each list to help you prioritize your spending.

Stage 1 through Stage 5 material lists also have estimated money costs for necessary and non-necessary materials suggested on the list.

stage 1 material list screenshot for megans miracle protocol for morgellons disease

Download your material lists using the links below to get started.

Stage 1 Material List

Stage 2 Material List

Stage 3 Material List

Stage 4 Material List

Stage 5 Material List


Protocol Task Checklists

By following these task lists, you can stay organized and ensure that you are effectively managing your treatment. Use your protocol checklist to check off each daily & weekly task, as you complete them. This way you don't have to worry about brain fog or memory issues stopping you from getting through protocol or making progress. Morgellons disease treatment.

These lists are designed to help you complete all of your necessary protocol tasks and guide you through each step of your Morgellons disease treatment.

Our Daily protocol task checklists are available for each stage in protocol. To make sure you don't forget any of your daily or weekly tasks through Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, and Stage 5.

Download your protocol task list now to get started.


Download: Pre Protocol Task List

It is not necessary to complete everything on the pre-protocol task list before getting started in stage 1 of protocol. These tests are not a requirement of our protocol but, are designed to help give you piece of mind and guarantee a safe experience for you. Additionally, having a recent copy of your labs and test results is important in the event you run into any issues making progress during your recovery. It can make it easier for us to help you if you run into health complications during protocol if/when it is necessary.  Morgellons disease treatment.

You can get started in stage 1 with our apitherapy soaps as soon as you are ready. If you have any concerns about using bee venom or you think you may have had extreme reactions to bee products in the past, we recommend getting started with our Stage 1 Starter kit here. The stage 1 starter kit comes with level 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 soap so you can slowly work your way up. This way your body has time to slowly adjust to regular exposure of the apitherapy ingredients and helps you build a tolerance safely and effectively.

Or, if you are not concerned that you might have a sensitivity to bee products, go ahead and take our quiz: Which soap level is best for you? here.

This test is designed to analyze the chances that ou will experience detox symptoms during and after your soaping sessions. Once you complete your assessment, you will be provided with the level that is best suited to fit your personal needs. And, you can go ahead and purchase your soap now.

and get started with our apitherapy soaps, featuring honeybee venom now. This way you don't have to sit around and wait for test results. We understand you need relief now. Just be sure to get your tests done as soon as you can so that you can feel safe and confident when you begin administering your bee venom skin injections in stage 2 of protocol. Morgellons disease treatment.

For additional information about bee venom allergies- check out our blog post here: The Real Truth about Bee venom & adverse reactions.

To learn everything you can expect and what you will likely experience as you begin your first bee venom therapy cycle, read our blog post here: A Practical guide to bee venom injections.


Download: Stage 1 Protocol Task List

When you review your stage 1 protocol tasks you'll notice that your daily tasks consist of 5 minute, daily behind the ears sessions. Practicing your ear therapy will be your focus during stage 1 of protocol.

Additionally, you will use this time to get the body adjusted to regular exposure to our key apitherapy ingredients and work your way up from level 1X (or level suggested to you in our soap level quiz) to level 5X soap, as you can tolerate.

During stage 1, you will adapt and become acclimated to weekly body shaving sessions too. Morgellons disease treatment.

Stage 1 takes approximately 4 weeks to complete but will depend on how quickly you are able to level up with your soap and how well you can tolerate your new daily routines.

Once you are able to tolerate your daily ear sessions in conjunction with level 5x soap, without experiencing any severe detox symptoms or reactions, you can go ahead and get started in stage 2 of protocol.


Download: Stage 2 Protocol Task List

Upon reviewing your stage 2 checklist, you will notice that your daily ear sessions will be continued. In addition to your apitherapy soaping sessions which should be completed a minimum of 3 times a week. Your weekly body shaving sessions are also continued to help break apart connections below the surface through consistent exposure to the vibrations, and aid in exfoliating biofilm from the surface of the skin. Morgellons disease treatment.

In stage 2, you will get started with your first round of bee venom skin injections, using our medical grade venom therapy kit (regular strength). You will begin with a very minimal dose of our weakest strength venom and slowly increase your dose as you are able. Use your stage 2 injection schedule as a guide but be sure to tailor your venom injections to fit your specific needs. Do not increase your dose of venom per treatment, until you are ready and you can tolerate a stronger dose. You may also decrease your dose if necessary and work your way back up once you are ready.

Once all of the venom solution is gone in your injection vial, it's time to move forward and begin stage 3 of protocol. Stage 2 will last approximately 8 weeks if your injection schedule is followed exactly as written. However, depending on how fast you are able to increase your dose or how long it takes you to adjust to increased doses of venom.... your kit may last you less than 8 weeks or longer than 8 weeks. Morgellons disease treatment.


Download: Stage 3 Protocol Task List

After viewing the stage 3 task list, you will notice that everything you've practice in stage 2 and 1 of protocol is carried over into stage 3 as well. You will continue your daily ear sessions, 3 times weekly soaping sessions, and weekly body shaving sessions.

The focus of stage 3 is to get your body adjusted to a stronger venom solution by increasing your dose even more. And, completing a bee venom therapy cycle using our DOUBLE STRENGTH medical grade bee venom therapy kit.

Once you are able to tolerate a high dose of double strength, medical grade venom without experiencing severe pain or immune reactions to your injections, it is okay to move forward into stage 4 of protocol.


Download: Stage 4 Protocol Task List

Your stage 4 protocol tasks are self-explanatory as you will continue to utilize your behind the ear sessions, body shaving sessions, and apitherapy soaping sessions just like you have been. Morgellons disease treatment.

However, you will move up and begin using our natural grade bee venom therapy kits (regular potency, 10 ml kit) which are stronger than our medical grade venom kits. Beginning with our regular strength, natural venom, you will increase your dose of venom as you can tolerate. Continue to do this until all of the bee venom in your vial is gone. Then, move forward into stage 5.


Download: Stage 5 Protocol Task List

The stage 5 checklist also lists your daily ear sessions, weekly body shaving sessions, and 3 times a week apitherapy soaping sessions. Which, by now, should be very effective methods for eliminating and removing Morgellons from the body. Morgellons disease treatment.

The focus during stage 5 in recovery is to increase your dose of venom to 10 units of venom solution per every 10 pounds of body weight. e.g if you weigh 150 pounds, you will need to be able to administer 150 units or 15 ml of solution or more every day, without experiencing intense or un-tolerable detox, before moving forward to the final steps in your recovery journey.

Since you will begin utilizing much larger doses of venom every day, you will need to get started with out larger sized kit- our natural grade, 30 ml bee venom therapy kit. Your large sized kit will last approximately 6 to 8 weeks but will vary based on body weight and personal tolerance levels.

Once you are ready to seal the deal and break open the main connections behind the ears permanently, you will need to contact Megan for further instruction. So that she can guide you through the final process necessary for defeating this condition. Morgellons disease treatment.


Other helpful guides

Additional how-to articles and instruction pages to help you complete every task can be found on our website like: Reviews from Clients to help keep you motivated, Understanding Behind the Ears SessionsPre-Protocol Preparations to help you get the most out of your time and money, Soaping Tips for your Soaping SessionsHelpful Ingredients that you can use at home, and Common Questions to give you answers.

Our blog provides a lot of helpful posts to help answer your questions too. Check out all of our blog posts in our blog, Morgellons: The Truth Unraveled here.

You will find all the extra protocols and tips that you can use to tailor your protocol to fit your personal needs during recovery. Below, is the low mold diet that Megan used to completely eliminate mold toxicity and reverse her mold allergies. In addition to the diet that works best for our clients to decrease excess inflammation in the body. And, tips to help you eradicate environmental problems and effectively disinfect your surroundings. Morgellons disease treatment.

  1. Low Mold Diet

A diet low in mold serves as the perfect choice for those grappling with severe mold allergies, mold toxicity, heavy metal poisoning, or other such toxicities. A stringent adherence to this diet over a span of 90 to 180 days guarantees the complete eradication of mold toxicity. Moreover, any food sensitivities that you've developed due to MD will be considerably diminished, if not completely wiped out, with this diet. Morgellons disease treatment.

However, it's essential to remember that the Diet Protocol under Megan's Miracle Protocol doesn't impose itself as a mandatory aspect of recovery. Instead, it serves as an optional tool you can resort to if you feel the need.

2. Gluten Free Diet

On the other hand, if you're battling new or worsening allergies triggered by secondary complications, a gluten-free diet might be the best fit for you. It works wonders in reorienting your body towards eliminating food allergies. A span of 90 to 180 days following a rigorous gluten-free diet promises a substantial decrease in body-wide inflammation too. Morgellons disease treatment.

However, it's essential to remember that the Diet Protocol under Megan's Miracle Protocol doesn't impose itself as a mandatory aspect of recovery. Instead, it serves as an optional tool you can resort to if you feel the need.

3. Megan's Miracle Environment Protocol

Welcome to Megan's Miracle environment protocol, your trusted guide to purify your surroundings.

It’s essential that you first recuperate as much as possible before you dive into the tasks assigned in Megan's Environmental Protocol. The most crucial aspect during your recovery phase is to make sure you focus on YOUR wellbeing, which will expedite your healing process. For the management of replication within your space, you can set up pantry moth pheromone traps that work by attracting and eliminating the male organisms, thus curbing propagation. Morgellons disease treatment.

This helps prevent Morgellons from effecting loved ones in the home and environment infestations. Just keep in mind that it is unlikely you will be able to catch anything on your pheremone traps until after your ears begin to break open- as this is where all the adult MD organisms are hanging out.

However, it's essential to remember that the environment protocol under Megan's Miracle Protocol doesn't impose itself as a mandatory aspect of recovery. Instead, it serves as an optional tool you can resort to if you feel the need.


If you've previously experienced adverse reactions or if you have any allergies to the bee products commonly used in Apitherapy, I implore you to reach out to me. It's my priority to guide you through the protocol in a way that's safe for you. Allow me to show you how to correctly apply your products and effectively navigate the process of skin injections through allergy desensitization. Read more about bee venom allergies and immune responses in our blog post here: The facts about bee venom allergic reactions.


What to Expect

Megan's Miracle Protocol is the latest healing regimen tailored explicitly for Morgellons Disease. My method aims to eradicate Morgellons and alleviate all associated symptoms, using Apitherapy both internally and externally. Our protocol is the newest Morgellons disease treatment- and the only one capable of eliminating the condition entirely.

When you incorporate the guidelines of this protocol into your daily routine, you can see a significant improvement in your Morgellons symptoms. Specifically, unnerving feelings such as itching, crawling or pricking - whether on or under the skin - could be terminated. Other symptoms like brain fog, physical discomfort, difficulty in balancing, joint, bone, or muscle issues, swelling, and irregularities in your hair, skin or nails can also be history. Moreover, oral and gastrointestinal problems, vision impairments, insomnia, and more, can potentially be alleviated thanks to the protocol. Morgellons disease treatment.

Please keep in mind that irreversible damages such as loss of teeth, decline in bone density, skin scarring, tissue necrosis, organ damages - which are consequential to the illness - may not necessarily be restored. However, this should not deter you from believing in the beneficial impacts of bee venom therapies on such ailments... 

Usually, it takes around 6 months for most people to start experiencing noticeable recovery and rediscovering their optimum state. Nevertheless, this is susceptible to differences based on individuals and their unique situation, which doesn't imply it's a universally applicable timeline. Your pace of recovery from Morgellons primarily hinges on how diligently you adhere to your daily tasks and follow each step outlined in the protocol.

Above all, the recovery duration is influenced by how proficiently and consistently you conduct your Behind the Ears Sessions, Soaping Sessions, and Morgellons disease treatments. Morgellons disease treatment.

A crucial addendum: 6 months is merely an average timeframe, which is derived from a small cohort of less than 100 individuals who have successfully incorporated my protocol. It is, by no means, intended to provide you with a fixed timeline, but rather a general estimate based on the available data. 

You are advised not to be fixated on a specific timeline or deadline, since everyone's path towards complete recovery differs, and setting a premature endpoint might hinder your progress. It's quite normal to encounter unforeseen hiccups when striving towards a full recovery. This is anticipated and nothing to fret about. I am always here to assist you if and when needed. It's highly likely that I've previously helped a client navigate through whatever issue you're currently facing and can provide the solution you need. So, don't hesitate to get in touch! More than anything, remember to stay resilient and never give up on your journey to recovery. 


"He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything."

- Thomas Carlyle


Your Focus

The focus throughout the duration of the protocol continuously revolves around Behind the EarsMorgellons disease treatment.

Regardless of the task at hand or the next step in the process: Your primary point of focus should be the areas behind each ear. This is where the principal connection is formed, and it is pivotal in keeping everything in its place, both inside and out. If this connection stays intact, it becomes impossible to entirely eradicate Morgellons Disease. 

To gain a deeper understanding of the key role that Behind the Ears plays in inhibiting the elimination of Morgellons, evolve your Ear Sessions after delving into: Grasping Your Behind the Ears Sessions.


Protocol Requirements 

Regular Body Shaving and Exfoliating

The Megan's Miracle Protocol may necessitate shaving your entire body using an electric razor. 

It's important to note that shaving your head and disposing of all your hair may not be an immediate requirement. However, in the course of your protocol, there's a high possibility that you may need to shed all your hair to sever residual connections Behind the Ears. Our recent Apitherapy Injections could overturn this need, but further observation is necessary for final conclusions. In the meantime, proceed day by day, and don't hesitate to reach out if you're uncertain or confused about the next step. I am more than willing to assist in decision-making or unravel any misconceptions. Morgellons disease treatment.

Dedicate significant attention to your Shaving Sessions throughout your recovery, with particular emphasis on the Behind the Ear Sessions is a requirement and is necessary for your success. It's essential to understand that a full recovery can't be achieved without persistently shaving behind your ears daily. I would recommend more prolonged and regular Behind the Ears Sessions whenever feasible. Behind the Ears Sessions are an integral aspect of the protocol from day one and remain so until recovery is complete.

For a comprehensive understanding, refer to: Navigating Your Behind the Ears Sessions. Do not skip this vital Morgellons disease treatment as it will absolutely hinder your routines inaffective.


Venom Injections

As you progress into the second stage, you will start working with Stage 2. This involves taking charge of Apitherapy Subcutaneous Injections. Albeit approved by the FDA for cosmetic use and allergy desensitization, Apitherapy injections are not within the doctor's range of professional services. However, this shouldn't worry you. The process of self-administering the bee venom skin injections is usually straightforward. 

Many have found themselves handling this procedure seamlessly. To make this more comfortable for you, a comprehensive step-by-step manual, care cards, and instructional videos will be provided. This way, you are fully equipped! 

The injections taken sub-dermally are typically on areas with more fat, like your lower belly or inner thighs. Reports from some show minimal discomfort and no pain, making it a compelling choice for treatment. Want to know more about the advantages of Apitherapy? Click here. For more on the health benefits of bee venom, click here: About Our Bee Venom

Remember, these subcutaneous injections are for your skin only and not meant for the muscle or bloodstream. For eight weeks, you will start off with the Medical Grade Venom Kit, administered three times per week. This kit's potency level is lower, making it ideal for first-timers. This process will help your body acclimatize to frequent venom exposure, mitigating any serious detox reactions or pain.

After you use up the entire medical grade venom from your kit, you will proceed to finish a bee venom therapy cycle with our double-strength, medical-grade venom kit, with the same frequency of application. 

After this stage, you will transition to the more potent natural grade venom kit, which retains all natural venom components. Application for this is daily, with a gradual increase of venom per injection.


Electronic massage & vibration devices

In your quest for recovery, consider incorporating massage & vibration devices. This can help expedite the breakage of deep-seated connections which have been causing your sickness. Instruments like electric massage pillows and handheld massagers can play a significant part throughout your entire healing journey.


Megan's Miracle Soap

Each soap blend at Megan's Miracle incorporates precise measures of every active ingredient, categorized into five potency levels. Level 1X signifies the mildest strength, whilst Level 5X embodies the highest concentration. You'll commence with Level 1X, escalating gradually towards Level 5X, based on your tolerance. 

Should you require a soap more potent than 5X, we provide bespoke soaps up to 10X strength within our Custom Order Collection

It's critical to understand the inevitable need for significant exposure to Apitherapy ingredients to effect genuine recovery. Concerned individuals have reached out to me following unsuccessful attempts at my protocol without incorporating my soap or products, expressing regret over wasted time and painstaking attempts to make progress without my soap. Comparatively, their progression was markedly slower and required considerably more sustained effort. Moreover, the act of shaving becomes incredibly painful, and in some cases, almost unbearable. 

Therefore, it's essential to strategize properly and ensure a constant supply of soap. Morgellons disease treatment.

In instances where you deplete your stock of Megan's Miracle Soap, certain ingredients can be combined to stave off regression or halt progress. However, it's important to note that these ingredients are intended for short-term use and could potentially instigate complications that inhibit your progress if used long-term. As detailed in the article "Helpful Ingredients", these items should ideally be used for emergency relief only. Whenever feasible, your treatment soaps should incorporate the Apitherapy formulas from Megan's Miracle.


Oral Care Sessions

An electric toothbrush is imperative for your daily dental hygiene routine. You should devote a minimum of 5 minutes per day to brushing your teeth, making use of the device's vibrations within your mouth to disrupt any unsuitable connections within your oral space. Moreover, spare a couple of minutes for flossing using a floss pick, and round off with a mouth rinse mixed with raw royal jellyMorgellons disease treatment.


Antibiotics & Other Treatments

For a successful and complete recovery, I strongly advise you to abstain from consuming any type of antibiotics. It's worth noting that antibiotics have a destructive effect on the probiotic bacteria, both within and on your body, and not just harmful bacteria alone. Such an imbalance in your microbial flora can hamper your fight against Morgellons, considering how critical the helpful bacteria are in fighting pathogens. Additionally, long-term use of antibiotics hinders the full performance of your immune system, which is absolutely critical if you aim to overcome Morgellons.

Beyond that, let me emphasize that the intake of antibiotics when not required (that is, when you're not testing positive for any infection) contributes to the rising issue of Antibiotic Resistance. This is part of the reason why many organisms develop immunity against our medical treatments, making them increasingly harder to exterminate. 

So, please do not contribute to this global issue. It is important to understand that antibiotics do not aid in combating Morgellons Disease, and thus, should not be used to treat the 'secondary infections' which are a result of the primary infection of Morgellons. You can't treat these co-infections effectively while the primary infection (Morgellons Disease) persists. Morgellons disease treatment.

Only consider antibiotics when you have positive test results from a culture, skin scraping or blood serum medical tests. If you have any doubts about your test results, I advise getting a second or third opinion from another healthcare provider. 

Furthermore, I strongly suggest that you stay away from both topical and internal treatments that are not completely natural. Any product you use on your skin, including soaps, moisturizers and conditioners, should preferably be from Megan's Miracle. Chemical or synthetically made content might impede your recovery or even prevent it altogether. Same holds true for the consumption of ingestibles containing synthetic ingredients. This includes anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal products not recommended within the protocol pages. Doing otherwise may only lead to irritation of the Morgellons, allowing them to eventually adapt to your medication. Morgellons disease treatment.


For Pets

Should you be a pet parent to cat(s) or dog(s), I've devised a unique Honeybee Pet Shampoo and wash to support their healing process. Plus, a mini size, Pet Bee Venom Therapy Kit with a smaller amount of venom and a mini size injection vial, perfect for your pets to get started with bee venom therapy.

However, I recommend reaching a significant stage in your own recovery before addressing your pets' needs. To shampoo and care for them requires energy that you'll need for your own healing. Furthermore, once the Morgellons Cocoon is separated from your ears, it becomes significantly tougher for your pets to spread the infection to you. If your pets trigger extreme allergies or exacerbate your symptoms, it might be wise to arrange a pet-sitter until you've progressed adequately through the protocol. Prolonged exposure to infected pets could potentially delay or hinder your complete recovery.

Getting Started

Embarking on Megan's Miracle Protocol calls for an important first step, which involves acclimating yourself to Megan's Miracle Soap. This entails determining your ideal starting level. With Megan's Miracle, there is a selection of apitherapy products, scaled into five distinct levels, each representing the quantity of bee venom in the blend. Naturally, an upper-level means a higher concentration of the active ingredient. 

Figuring out where to start can be tricky, that's why we provide a helpful level quiz. This straightforward assessment identifies your likelihood of facing any unexpected reactions during your soaping sessions. Your quiz results inform you on the most fitting level for your initial soap product. Morgellons disease treatment.

Once you have some of Megan's Miracle Soap on the way, begin reviewing all of the protocol information using the links below. 

Start with the Pre-Protocol Preparations to prepare your body to heal. It's important you take the time to complete these steps if you want to guarantee results down the road. Follow through with necessary appointments and get the test results suggested now. 

Next, begin reviewing Stage 1 protocol and get your printouts ready if needed. Familiarize yourself with all of your daily & weekly tasks for Stage 1. Purchase any/all materials on the Material List that you need. And get started!

After completing Stage 1, you will move forward into Stage 2 of your recovery. Then, Stage 3, 4, & 5. 


What is Morgellons Disease? How is it diagnosed?

Morgellons Disease is a rare and somewhat controversial condition characterized by the presence of fibers or other particles emerging from skin lesions and sores. People diagnosed with this medical condition report feeling as though something is crawling on or stinging their skin. MD is often accompanied by joint pain, inflammation, mental illness like depression or anxiety, and is rarely accompanied by the onset of chronic Lyme DiseaseMorgellons disease treatment.

Morgellons Disease is reported in all 50 states in the U.S., with the highest concentration in California, Texas, and Florida.

As for diagnosing Morgellons, it's a challenging task due to an ongoing debate within the medical and scientific communities. As there's no universally accepted diagnostic criteria, many patients often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with a delusional disorder or delusional infestation like Delusions of Parasitosis, despite studies proving that less than 24% of Morgellons patients have a history of drug abuse. Morgellons disease treatment.

However, doctors, including dermatologists, mostly rely on your clinical manifestation to make a diagnosis so if you do not have skin sores, a tick bite, or other infectious causes detectable at the time of examination, diagnosis of Morgellons disease can be impossible. If any debris are found in the skin, the doctor will thoroughly check your skin to determine the debris' source, whether it's from the external environment or your skin. A biopsy may also be carried out to rule out other potential medical conditions.

It's important to keep in mind that obtaining a diagnosis doesn’t automatically mean citing a cure, especially when it comes to the term Morgellons. Though the symptoms can be persistent and debilitating, there’s a frustrating lack of understanding in the medical world, leading to ineffective treatments in recent years like antipsychotic drugs which leads to poor treatment outcomes.

This is where alternative therapies like Megan's Miracle Protocol steps in to offer relief and a positive outcome.

What are the potential side effects of Megan's Miracle Protocol?

The side effects associated with Megan's Miracle Protocol are inclusive to the list of detox symptoms here. The duration and severity of each detox symptoms largely varies per each individual. The most noticeable symptoms that can interfere with your daily activities is itchy, flaking, skin and excessive shedding of debris from the body. These side effects are a necessary part of the process and is a good sign the body is eliminating MD.

Megan's Miracle Protocol offers a unique approach to treating Morgellons disease, focusing on natural and alternative therapies. While traditional medical treatments have been largely ineffective, Megan's Miracle Protocol aims to provide relief and positive outcomes for those suffering from this misunderstood condition. Morgellons disease treatment.

The venom injections also introduce a new range of detox reactions that are likely to occur once the immune system is activated. Including localized injection site reactions like redness, inflammation, warmth, and pain following your treatments. You can learn more about what to expect from your venom injections in our online course, The Advanced Techniques for Defeating MD here. And you can read more about the normal immune responses you can expect after each injection in our blog post here: A Guide to Bee Venom Injections


A Word Before You Proceed, 

Post-recovery, some of us might need to engage in light maintenance routines to ensure a Morgellons-free existence. This is particularly crucial if you are in frequent contact with heavily Morgellons infested individuals or places. The care needed might include sporadic use of the tens unit device, regular body exfoliation, intermittent use of Megan’s Miracle Soaps & Products, upholding a high-frequency environment, along with other uniquely personalized steps. A wider timeframe and more data are needed for detailed conclusions.


Feel free to refer back to this page at your leisure and go over the supporting articles as frequently as you require. Also, don't forget to utilize the "Protocol" tab in the main menu, located at the top of each page on, for easy access to protocol details. Below, you'll find a helpful list of links to help you learn more about everything included in our free protocol information. 

Morgellons disease treatment.

Still have questions? Schedule a phone call with Megan today. 

Reviews from Clients

Understanding Bee Venom Allergies

Understanding the Levels

Which level is best for you: quiz

Pre-Protocol Preparations Overview

Megan’s Miracle Diet Protocol: Gluten-Free Food List, Low Mold Food List

Megan's Miracle Environment Protocol

Pre Protocol Checklist

Stage 1 Overview: Material List, Daily Checklist

Stage 2 Overview: Material List, Daily ChecklistInjection Schedule

Stage 3 Overview: Material List, Daily ChecklistInjection Schedule

Stage 4 Overview: Material List, Daily ChecklistInjection Schedule

Stage 5 Overview: Material List, Daily ChecklistInjection Schedule

Understanding Behind the Ears Sessions

Soaping Tips

Detox Symptoms

Combatting Detox Symptoms

Helpful Ingredients

About our Bee Venom





a photo of a young women smiling leaning up against a loving message written by megan

Morgellons disease treatment.

Megan's Miracle Protocol By Megan Marie

Megan's Miracle LLC



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