Megan's Miracle Diet Protocol

For Morgellons Disease

Megan's Miracle Diet consists of following & maintaining a gluten-free and low mold lifestyle. In addition to increasing your consumption of MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides), probiotic foods/beverages, omegas, & natural AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids).

You can read more about gluten-free foods here

& the low mold food list here

Megan’s Miracle Diet is best utilized when following Megan’s Miracle Protocol and using Megan’s Miracle Soap & products

Following the recommended food guidelines below will speed recovery time and help prevent reinfection from organisms in the environment. In addition, it lowers symptoms of Morgellons Disease and helps you maintain a lifestyle to prevent re-infection in the future.

It's important to note, As Morgellons begins leave your body you will most likely experience detox symptoms as a direct result of your daily diet. With the exception of probiotics which have the ability to aid in the removal of Morgs and combat symptoms too.

Gluten-Free Diet

Maintain a gluten-free diet and Lifestyle. Avoid wheat & wheat flour. 

To learn about what foods are and are not gluten-free visit this site here: The Celiac Foundation for information from a source you can trust.

Gluten is the primary source and best option to provide nutrients for the larvae stage in the life cycle of Morgellons. Adult Morgs prefer to lay their eggs in wheat flour and gluten-containing items whenever possible. Plus, majority of foods containing wheat are processed and very high in GMOs.

Before & after the eggs hatch, the Morgs are capable of re-infecting you. Sticking to the outer layer of your digestive tract after swallowing. And, will infect the external body by jumping out of your food and mouth, and onto you as you eat. 

I suggest maintaining a 100% gluten-free home throughout the duration of recovery too. Including: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, & Stage 5 of Megan’s Miracle Protocol. 

If you are unfamiliar with what gluten is or which types of foods contain gluten… Get started reading about it here: The Celiac Foundation

Pro Tip: A gluten-free lifestyle does not mean you can’t eat bread or pasta. You just can’t eat wheat bread & wheat pasta.

Try rice noodles or make your own gluten-free banana pancakes.

For more gluten-free carbohydrates and ideas see: Gluten Free Food List here


MCTs & Caprylic Acid 

Increase your intake of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) & Caprylic acid in your daily diet.

Caprylic Acid possesses antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial effects in the digestive system and in the skin! It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory. It aids in the removal of mucous-type biofilm from the digestive lining too. 

Foods high in MCTs:

  1. Coconut oil
  2. MCT Oil
  3. Palm Fruit Oil

Use the oils above as cooking oils. Add them to oatmeal, pudding, salad dressing, and more. You can also consume them with a spoon.

Pro Tip: MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) are one of the best, natural forms of energy available today and are proven effective in fighting fatigue and brain fog

Pro Tip: MCTs are the only known source of fat that does not get stored in the body or cause weight gain. It also does not cause plaque build up in the arteries unlike other types of unhealthy fat.

Foods high in caprylic Acid:

  1. Coconut- Add coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut yogurt, and coconut chips into your diet.
  2. Peanut Butter
  3. Animal Milk: Goat milk is highest in caprylic acid but cow's milk is great too.
Pro Tip: Try A2 milk if you have any sensitivities to milk.

     4. Non-dairy milk: add almond milk, rice milk, banana milk, and more into your daily routine.



Increase your intake of Monolaurin (Lauric Acid) in your daily consumption of foods.

As we age, it becomes harder and harder for the body to maintain a healthy hormone balance. Hormone imbalances lead to body cramps, acne, and bloating. And ultimately results in higher attraction levels associated with Morgellons Organisms.

Monolaurin is a great natural way to naturally balance your hormones out and help lower physical & superficial signs of aging. It also has fat-burning, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral effects too.

Pro Tip: Monolaurin is not found naturally in foods/beverages or in the environment. It is a byproduct of lauric acid which is found in the foods below and is produced by the body during digestion.

Foods high in MonoLaurin

  1. Coconut Oil & Coconuts
  2. Palm Kernel Oil
  3. Butter
  4. Egg Yolks


Linoleic Acid

Increase your intake of foods high in linoleic acid & oleic acid (omegas). Foods high in linoleic acid are needed to maintain a healthy metabolism.

Foods high in omega-6 often include a high amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants play a vital role in fighting off pathogens & fighting free radicals. 

Omegas prevent and reduce the severity of auto-immune-related complications and boost immune function.

Pro Tip: Bone loss is one of the most detrimental effects of long term Morgellons Disease. Omegas are crucial in preventing this and aid in maintaining bone density.

Foods high in Linoleic Acid

  1. Grape seed Extract: available in powdered or liquid form & can be added to just about anything!
  2. Grape Leaves
  3. Sunflower Seeds
  4. Pine Nuts
  5. Pecans

Pro Tip: Linoleic acid is one of the most important fatty acids for maintaining healthy, hydrated skin. And is found in abundance in Megan’s Miracle Soap & products too.

In fact, low levels of Linoleic acid are key factors involved in flakey & itchy dry skin, non-healing sores/lesions/wounds, and severe inflammation.

Do you have issues regulating blood sugar levels? Do you get really sick when you are hungry?

Increase your intake of foods that convert linoleic acid into conjugated linoleic acid or CLA to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Foods that convert linoleic acid into CLA include:

  1. Grass-fed meat products
  2. Grass-fed dairy products
  3. Grass-fed eggs



Foods high in Omega-6 

  1. Fish Oil: also found in capsule form as a supplement
  2. Grapeseed Oil: also found in capsule form as a supplement
  3. Safflower Oil (high linoleic)
  4. Sunflower Oil (high linoleic): high in omega-6 & Omega-9

Use these oils to cook with, add to salads, or take them straight.

Maybe you have heard that omega-6 fatty acids can lead to health problems? This is false. In fact, omega-6 is essential and our bodies can not produce it on its own. Check out this article on Omega-6 by Dr.Axe. Daily recommended intake of omegas can be found in this article too.


Boosts brain function, increases energy levels, and decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Foods high in Omega-9:

  1. Hazelnuts
  2. Macadamia Nuts
  3. Olive Oil

Pro Tip: Omega 9 is found in abundance in castor oil too. An all-natural, strong antifungal agent.  A key ingredient that's crucial in the fight against Morgellons Disease. It's a vital ingredient in Megan’s Miracle Soap & products too.



Increase consumption of probiotics. Especially lactobacillus acidophilus. As this is the most beneficial probiotic bacteria in the fight against Morgellons.

As most of you are probably aware, probiotics boost beneficial bacteria in the skin and gut that are necessary for maintaining healthy digestion and a healthy skin microbiome.

Probiotics are critical in the absorption of nutrients, aid in the synthesis of key neurotransmitters, and boost immune function. 

By increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut and in your skin, bad bacteria and microbes are crowded out. Leaving little to no room in the body for build-up of pathogens and other unhealthy organisms & microbes. Live probiotics destroy unhealthy microbes too. 

Good bacteria is responsible for producing Vitamin B12. Which most of us are often deficient in. And, they produce enzymes that fight off unhealthy microbes.

Probiotic Foods:

  1. Kefir
  2. Yogurt
  3. Kombucha 
  4. Sauerkraut
  5. Miso
  6. Cheese

Pro Tip: Soft cheeses have more probiotic bacteria than hard cheeses.

Probiotics are proven to decrease mood disorders including depression. You can learn more about probiotics & depression here

Probiotics help manage inflammatory bowel disease and related symptoms. They also combat non-alcoholic fatty liver and related symptoms. And, significantly improve vaginal health. In fact, probiotic inserts can get rid of yeast infections in as quickly as 3 days.

Today, because of refrigeration and agricultural practices, like soaking our foods with chlorine, much of our food contains little to no probiotics in the name of sanitation. Actually, many foods contain dangerous antibiotics that kill off the good bacteria in our bodies. This is why eating a diet high in probiotics helps to fight antibiotic resistance(one of the key factors involved in why medications & antibiotic treatments are not helpful in fighting off Morgellons)


Natural AHAs 

Increase intake of foods high in natural forms of AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids).

Alpha hydroxy acids help break down and remove plaques and hardened debris stuck to the lining of the digestive tract and various other body structures. AHAs help speed cell regeneration… allowing old layers to sloth off. And, new layers to form. Boosting functioning of the digestive barrier and skin barrier.

AHAs promote collagen production- essential in the fight against Morgellons and another thing that decreases as we age. They also improve blood flow and promote healing of the skin and lining of the tissues.

The AHAs effective against Morgellons are:

  1. Lactic acid is known to be gentler than other AHAs. It’s made from the lactose in milk and is touted for its anti-aging effects.
  2. Citric acid is derived from citrus fruits. It helps neutralize the skin’s pH levels, which is why it’s often used in serums and toners too.
  3. Tartaric acid is made from grape extracts, and it’s often used to improve acne and signs of photoaging.
  4. Malic acid comes from apple acids, and it’s actually a crossover of AHA and BHA acids.

Foods high in natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids

  1. Fermented dairy & soured milk 
  2. Milk
  3. Yogurt
  4. Fruits: especially highly acidic fruit like lemons, apples high in malic acid, and grapes high in tartaric acid
  5. Vegetables high in citric acid like tomatoes


Morgellons & Sugar

Why I am not against sugar

Is it true that Morgellons are attracted to sugar? Absolutely. Morgellons organisms can get a lot of vital nutrients they need to survive from sugar cane and often bind to particles similar in size to sugar grains… because that is the easiest sized particle for them to grip onto.

Eating sugar brings out organisms from within the Morgellons cocoon and out into your environment. Eg. they will leave your skin to jump into and on the sugar particles in your nearby environment. Then, bind to the sugar for safekeeping and storage of the nutrient. Some of the organisms attempt to jump back into your skin after attaching to the sugar too. 

This is what causes the symptoms associated with sugary foods with Morgellons Disease like itching, biting, crawling, and movement-type sensations. And sometimes, bloating, digestive upset, and more.

However, after analyzing data across a variety of people I have coached with Morgellons, my conclusions are not what you might expect. The benefits of eating sugar outweigh the bad. The end result is fewer organisms in/on the body after the consumption of sugar. And, over time can significantly lower symptoms associated with Morgellons due to the decrease in the number of organisms in the cocoon.

Of course, its important to eat sugar in moderation and always stick to all-natural sources when it comes to the sweeteners you choose. 

After consumption, sugar pulls Morgellons through and out of the digestive lining too. Because they are more attracted to the sugar particles than they are to you. 

Plus, sugar is a natural exfoliant and great for debriding sticky debris off the surface of internal and external body structures. A prime example is seen in:

Glycolic acid: is the type that’s used most often in anti-aging products because it’s able to penetrate the outer layers of skin. It comes from sugar cane and is an excellent exfoliant. It also has antimicrobial properties that help fight acne. And, helps cell regeneration and cell renewal. 

Pro Tip: Lactic Acid & other natural AHAs (Alpha hydroxy acids) break down the sticky, mucous biofilm produced by Morgellons that keeps them attached to body structures.


A Low Mold Lifestyle is crucial in the fight against Morgellons Disease. See: Low Mold Diet for more information. 


<3 As always, be sure to remember:

I understand. I am in this fight with you. I am here to help you. You are not alone. Don't give up. Stay strong. I am proud of you for each & every day. If I can do it, you can too.   

Love, Megan Marie